Butchart Fall Fete~


Fall in the Butchart Gardens,

is a visual feast.
As tree leaves turn,
flowers burn,
in their in their fall finale.
An autumnal pageant,
before winter sleep.
Cheers to you from the Butchart Gardens in Victoria Canada~

274 thoughts on “Butchart Fall Fete~

  1. Wow! I can smell the flowers from here. And feel the carpet of green grass growing under my feet. 🙂 Beautiful. I think that is a place we visited too, one time when I was up there in Can. with my family. I was a child then, when on our vacation trip up in Victoria. I think I remember a lot of tulips in the garden, too. Canada is such a environmentally conscientious country, always with a lot of green foliage and beautifully kept grounds.

    1. I relate to everything you are saying. I first visited in the summer when I was 14. I have yet to see it in the spring. Memories of these gardens definitely stay with you! Cheers to you Joyce and thanks for stopping by~

  2. Anonymous

    These pictures are absolutely breathtaking, I can’t stop looking at them; they just fill my soul with happiness!

      1. Oh I know! They are so dry and the forests are so bad down there. We are expecting rain this week though! Unfortunately it may be during my tour of the Port of Oakland. Dave and I got some tix and they take you out on a boat and tour the port. Kinda cool!

  3. Thank you for your continuing obsession seeking what is valuable to the soul and beautuful, then skilfully photographing and sending it to us. Please don’t seek treatment.

    1. What a lovely and kind comment. I want to find the peace and beauty everyday and share it because we need all desperately need peace and beauty. Thank you for knowing this my friend~ <3

    1. The dahlias here were especially lovely. They had so many and they had the plate ones that are huge with many varied hues in one flower. Truly lovely. I grew dahlias for a couple of seasons but gave up. They are so beautiful, but quite labor intensive, as they must be continually dead-headed to keep them blooming. Your mother must have been an exceptional gardener~

  4. Ah, those are beautiful photos, and bring back some great memories for me – I visited there in 2007 and was blown away by the range of different garden styles within the once place. Thanks for sharing 😀

  5. I love the backstory of this garden. Lovely photos, Cindy. Autumn is a delightful time to visit Buchart. I hope you had high tea. Hugs and Happy Canadian Thanksgiving. Life is amazing.

  6. What stunning gardens, Cynthia. Must take a very large team to keep that landscaping in perfect condition.
    Your images are excellent and really show the details very well.

  7. Reblogged this on TINA FRISCO and commented:
    Cindy Knoke hails us from the Butchart Gardens in Victoria Canada with her exquisite photography. Flowers are so delicate and pure, offering brilliant beauty and asking nothing in return. Cindy has captured their divine essence. I hope you’ll visit her blog for the full experience ❤

    1. Blogging is such a major privelege because the community of bloggers worldwide are the most peaceful, thinking, creating, caring people that I have ever met in such concentrated and large numbers. I never would have thought it possible. It really never ceases to amaze me. We connect virtually from all over the world. We share whatever we want to and we are heard, seen, resonated with, and are equally dazzled by the creativity of each other, and the community.
      It is the most surprising gift.
      Thank you Tina for showing us why we are good.

    1. I thought of you when you mentioned the horticultural garden, so I thought of you again when I did this post. I wasn’t sure if this is what you meant. We are home now, but I always go here first, and have yet to visit in spring. I am glad you knew I should go here. Best to you dear Eliza~ 🌸🌸

  8. What a time to visit Butchart Gardens! The last time I visited was when I was in my early teens! Like others here, I have you to thank for this lovely trip down Memory Lane. I also have to mention that the contrasting colors of the flowers in the 4th image from the top make them seem to emanate a warm inner glow. Beautiful! <3

    1. I saw your name, hadn’t read your comment yet, when I thought, “Maybe Lynn has posted something….”
      So I went to see, I am smiling as I write this, “disagreeable Lynn.”
      You are a joy to me.
      Keep thinking, and feeling.
      I am going to go see what you mean about photo 4.
      Live long and prosper my dear friend Lynn.

  9. That’s a stunning fall garden, Cindy. My grandmother’s garden was designed to look pretty during each season; it’s an art and labor of love, I think. I’m afraid I didn’t inherit the talent and just get to marvel and enjoy the work of others. 🙂

    1. Yes those types of garden require careful planning and upkeep but the results are a joy to behold. My grandfather had one too. Our two grandparents probably would have gotten along well. People who share passions often do!

  10. One of my favorite travel destinations. Beautiful photos, Cindy. I’ve been once in late spring (in the rain) and twice on a hot summer day. I would love to go in the fall and winter too. Did you have tea?

  11. Pingback: Butchart Fall Fete~ | penpowersong

  12. I do love the Butchart gardens… any time of the year, Cindy, and you have captured the reason why! Of course I also love Victoria and the rest of Vancouver Island. 🙂 –Curt

  13. Bonjour ou bonsoir CINDY très joli ces jardins de fleurs

    Ce jour au soir deux étoiles

    Vont tomber du ciel

    Une sera remplit de sagesse

    L’autre sera chargé de tendresse

    Au loin dans le ciel une brille , celle de notre pacte d’amitié

    Je te souhaite une merveilleuse journée ou soirée

    Tiens au passage je te chante une mélodie , celle de mon cœur

    Bisous , Bernard


        1. And your beauty too of course, for recognizing and noting the positives in life. We are lucky aren’t we, to meet such amazing people here in blogdom. I feel extremely priveleged to be a part of this small-world international community because it allows me to meet people like you. <3

  14. thanks Cindy– loved the color and forms of the garden. I’ve seen photos of it over the years, but have never been. It’s on my travel list, and even more now! Hope all’s well with you blog-friend!! xo

  15. Beautiful photos. My son and daughter-in-law visited the gardens and the pictures they brought back with them were stunning. I’m not sure there is a more beautiful garden anywhere.

  16. While it is only a 1/2 hour drive and two-hour ferry ride away, I have to admit I haven’t been to Butchart since I was a kid and went with my family. I have to add that to my list of must-do’s! Thank you for showing why it is one of the most beautiful gardens in the world!

    1. It is incredibly lovely and so is the ferry ride as you know better than I! We all have a tendency to overlook places close to us. I have seen posts about places 1/2 hour from me photographed and described and thought, I should go there! Laughing……

  17. Butchart Gardens….., another fairyland place, Cindy. Was there several years ago. Good to see that it’s still as beautiful as I remember it. Thanks for bringing those visions back to me. 🙂 Hugs !

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