Woody, Beep & Feathered Friends~

Woody Woodpecker is so shy!
He sits on the roof and watches the wild birds on the feeders but will never eat, so I have bought a special woodpecker nut mix in hopes of drawing him in. For now though, he just watches from afar.
Beep-Beep spends much of his days snooping at us through windows. Here he is watching me at my desk as I blog. This was shot through the window so there is some distortion. He was about a foot from my face.
The baby house finches are still caging meals from their parents.
Grosbeaks are new Holler residents.
Hawks always watch over everything, and have never yet gone after any of the birds.
Although they certainly like to watch them closely!
Cheers to you from The Holler’s Audubon garden.

215 thoughts on “Woody, Beep & Feathered Friends~

  1. Awesome pictures, as always! The Hawks are magnificent! But my love goes to Beep-Beep. He probably wants to learn how to blog ๐Ÿ™‚

      1. I just watched a TED talk yesterday how dinos didn’t really go extinct they evolved and spread all over the continent as birds. Interesting for the dino features to be so prominent in your beep beep.

      1. Laughing, no they make this whirring sound that is exactly what it used to sound like if you ever stuck playing cards in your bicycle spokes with clothespins and rode around.

  2. Yeah, don’t you love how birds observe us with as much curiosity as we observe them? Amazing that Beep-Beep came up so close to your window! What a beauty!

    Adorable picture of the baby finch being fed and stunning close-up of the hawk. I just love that I can see the sheen on the feathers in such great detail. Thanks again Cindy for bringing us such amazing sights! <3 ~Lynn

    1. I have seen him with a snake hanging halfway out of his beak. Apparently it stays like that until he can digest the rest! I have also seen him in hot pursuit of a 6 foot rat snake. The snake was flying away in terror with Beep-Beep in hot pursuit. I guess he might be able to kill even such a huge snake. He is a feathered velociraptor!

    1. Wonderful to hear from you Wally. How are things with you? Actually it has been a mild summer so far, but of course we are still in major drought which is a serious problem.

    1. I answered this quickly and then thought about it, and removed my comment. The last hawk is a melanistic red tail. He is a red tail with extra melanin making him dark, but you really got me thinking about hawk number two. I thought he was a red tail. Is he a ferruginous possibly? His coloring is different, so light. I am so impressed you guys picked this up. I did struggle over the lighter one a bit, making sure he wasn’t a red shoulder and fussing about the coloration. I am impressed with you guys. You would be so fun to go bird watching with!

      1. My older son and hubby are much better birders than I am. I can only tell a Red-tailed if I see the red in the tail in flight. :} My son can spot the different morphs. We did pull out the Kaufman bird guide and compared the shape of the beak and the color of the eyes and didn’t think that very red one was a red-tailed due to the upturn at the edge of the gape. ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. The woodpeckers adore peanuts, and a cylindrical raw peanut feeder will get them every time. Well, at least they’ve worked for me. And, since only the clinging birds can get at them, the peanuts last longer. They’re all gorgeous!

    1. Hmmmm, the cylindrical feeder sounds like a great idea and I have one I’m not using. I will try this! I would like to stay year round. They are good bug eaters!

    1. I love you for being happy to see the hawks again! I just cannot get enough of the hawks and hummers and since you’ve known me for more than three years, you know this very well. Thank you for liking them. And I do think you are right, I should help the beeper reach his potential as a blogger, he must have such an interesting and unusual perspective on the people he watches!

    1. Oh un bel commento del genere! <3 I like that you like the birds. They speak an international language, and are citizens of the world. If only we could learn from them.
      Mi piace che ti piace gli uccelli parlano un linguaggio internazionale, e sono cittadini del mondo. Se solo potessimo imparare da loro . <3 <3

      1. Great I have from my childhood a book (printed in the ’50) where birds are painted in such a manner that I were delighted to copy by crayons … and I am just a little good painter (as many other people) … In my bookshelf I have this book … my fav bird is anyway the raven … when were in mountains I were charmed by the beauty black feathers and raucous voice … Thanks a lot for your great beautiful pictures โ˜บ . Fraternity by Rinaldo.

      2. Ravens are very smart and of course highly adaptive which is why populations are so dense in so many places. They have excellent memories and remember people’s faces. They are hard for me to photograph in flight though because they are monochrome. Your book sounds delightful!

    1. If the window had been open, as it often is for photographs, I wonder if he would have hopped in! A robin did this a few days ago. He landed on the top of my laptop screen!

      1. OMG! That could be dangerous. But on the other hand isnt it awesome and so exciting that you live in such a beautiful place.

  4. ยกPรกjaro loco! Parece el nombre adecuado por su mirada hipnotizada. Seguramente se deberรก a su timidez. ๐Ÿ™‚
    La escena de la alimentaciรณn del pinzรณn, es entraรฑable. ยกQuรฉ bonitas vistas se ven desde tu ventana!

  5. I think I lost track of your site in the Reader. Thanks to Robin’s link today, I have found your site again and now subscribed via email. Beautiful photos ๐Ÿ™‚

  6. Does your woodpecker call like woody? The pileated woodpeckers we have sound just like him. They are also tricksters. They fly just far enough in front of you or sneak around the back of trees so as to make a photoshoot quite a test of patience.

    1. Yes! They do seem to be the most photo averse birds I know of. I hope I am successful in drawing them to the feeder. I would love to have them here year round and hope they become more comfortable around us.

  7. The woodpecker at the top looks like he’s got the Jewish cap the Kippah on! That’s so cute. And the hawk is amazingly handsome and regal in the last photo. Gorgeous photos as always, my friend!

    1. That was exactly what I thought about the woodpecker! But than another blogger pointed out that he seemed to be wearing the pope’s hat. So now I am not sure what his religion is! ๐Ÿ˜‰ ๐Ÿ˜‰

  8. Cindy, your photography is amazing! I can’t believe the detail you’ve captured in these birds — their feathers, their expressions, etc. Why, one can almost hear them “talking”!

    1. Awwww, so kind and so appreciated Debbie. I too like to hear them speak. They all have their own distinct calls. The orioles are hard to understand though, since they all talk at once! ๐Ÿ˜‰ ๐Ÿ˜‰

  9. You have quite the variety of wildlife there. We had a woodpecker here who would peck at a metal street sign every morning for several months last spring. I have no idea if he just liked the sound or if he could get bugs out from behind the sign that way or something. At a different house we had one who pecked a metal downspout frequently so this one wasn’t the only metalpecker out there.

  10. I am definitely a hawk fan – due both to living in Seattle with the Seahawks, but mostly to my time in Eastern Oregon where hawks gliding, soaring and diving over the fields were a sight to enjoy. Your photos do them great justice, a fantastic series…and such a fun read. beep-beep…

    1. If you like birds and empty spaces you might like it. If you love towns, crowds, cities, and urban excitement you definitely would not like it. It suits me though.

      1. That, of course, is one of the things I love most about this day and age: mobility. The opportunity to live in one place and explore any number of quite different ones, or to live in a variety of places whenever the urge suits. ๐Ÿ˜€ I think you do that marvelously, and don’t think I’m not taking notes as I follow your adventures!!! xoxo

      2. It is great fun isn’t it? Sharing our virtual lives. It forms connections between people all over the world. I don’t see the internet/technology as alienating. In fact I see it in an opposite way, as an incredible tool to form friendships between people with common interests all over the world.

  11. Beautiful to see your birds. Ours still elude me in the woodland but have seen glimpses of the different families born this year. And the beeeaters are now resting on high wires! Your birds seem so different except for the hawk!

    1. One of the things I do so love about blogging is seeing the different places people live, different climates, countries, plants, animals and especially birds. I am fascinated by the birds. When I travel and post bird photos, people will often mention how common this bird is where they live, magpies and myna birds for example. For me these are exotics! Don’t even get me going on Australian birds. Australia is bird paradise!

  12. Wonderful shots, Cindy! I can’t believe Beep Beep looks in your window like that. ๐Ÿ™‚ A few times, I’ve seen a woodpecker come to our feeder, but not very often. I like to watch them pecking away on the trees–and on our garage the other day. Love the hawk photos, too!

    1. We have a lot of French doors. They are the perfect height for him to observe us. I think he thinks we are his pets, and he keeps us in this glass box, to watch for his entertainment!

  13. Love your bird shots, Cindy! Wow. I do miss raptors, here in Hawaii where we only have the I’o (Hawaiian Hawk) and the Pu’eo (Hawaiian Owl). And for sure I miss the woodpecker. Aloha.

    1. Yes, I am a big raptor admirer too. Canada is just full of eagles. People are casual about them, “Oh yeah, the bald eagles, they’re everywhere….” I am glued outdoors with my camera! Laughing…..

    1. It is rather bird central here in Hollerdom. We have hundreds living here and I love them all! I just saw the mama roadrunner with her baby this morning for the first time! So glad you enjoyed the feathered ones my friend.

  14. I really enjoyed meeting your garden residents, Cindy. How funny to have the roadrunner so close (maybe looking at his reflection in the window?) — and how absolutely wonderful to have the newly arrived grosbeaks. Great post.

    1. The roadrunner is very curious about us. He perceives us as occupying his territory. He follows us around when we garden, making sure we don’t break any of his rules! ๐Ÿ˜‰

    1. Do they have a nest there? Hawks mate for life unless something happens and return each year to the same nest. I know the trees where the Holler hawks nest but they are too far for good photos. It would be incredible to get a good vantage point on a nest.

    1. I also am amazed at the variety of birds and the complexity of some identification. I do love it when I get a new species though. So far no luck drawing the woodpeckers to their nuts, the other birds are eating them! ๐Ÿ˜‰

  15. Beep beep certainly has his beady eye on you Cindy. I’m surprised the hawks never attack the smaller birds. A few years ago, during the drought times, crows moved into our area and now unfortunately they have chased all the rosellas, lorikeets, king parrots and small birds away, and they have found it is good living round here so have settled in to stay…

    1. Yes, crow and raven populations are out of balance in many places including The Holler. In Northern California, they are killing off endangered bird species. The more we mess up the natural order, the more out of order things get. The rosellas, and lorikeets are such wonderful birds and practically tame in Australia. I had a king parrot eat off my foot when I spilled some seed. What a thrill!

      1. Dozens of crows took up residence in a large gum tree 3 doors away. They are so raucous and aggressive That tree used to be home to a flock of lorikeets. They are noisy too but I can forgive them as they are so colourful

      2. I know exactly how you must be feeling. The raven population at The Holler is too large. They continuously harass the hawks. This is what we get for messing with the natural order of things. So sad……I emphathize.

      1. PS- Reminds me of Amy Shumer being told by some Hollywood dork that she needs to lose weight. They gave her a diet plan. Her response. “Impossible. I would be hungry!”

  16. Great post ๐Ÿ™‚ I wonder if are ever going to take the time and visit Haiti. It’s a really nice place when you get to know it is not really as bad as the media portraits it to be. You would need need to get a guide but after seeing the south side of the country, The beauty there will make it all worth it ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. I have been to Haiti and I loved it. I like it more than the glitzy, developed caribbean isles. I prefer the more natural ones, like Tortola and Haiti. I would like to go back. It has been a long time!

  17. Do you know the cartoons with Woody Woodpecker? When I was little my father use to show me those wonderful cartoons. Your photos reminded me of those days with pleasure ๐Ÿ™‚ Thanks, Cindy!

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