Bees & Blooms~

Where there are blooms,

there are bees.

Where there are lots of blooms,

there are lots of bees!

“The earth laughs in flowers,”

and lives because of bees.

Cheers to you from the bees and the blooms~

181 thoughts on “Bees & Blooms~

  1. Fun Fact – my first book report in third grade was titled “Flowers, Bees, Frogs, and Trees.” Don’t remember the report… just the A grade I got! 😀 😀 😀

    Enjoy your weekend, Cindy! 🙂

    1. Thank you Timothy. They are different now that African bees have joined the mix. I have been in the midst of a swarm here at The Holler. I was thrilled to no end. I heard this noise like a jet airplane approaching, stopped and saw the swarm. I didn’t move, which bees seem to appreciate, and they divided around me, like I was an obstacle they could fly around. It was like being in the middle of nature itself. დ

  2. Well said Cindy! We should all be taking care of bee’s! No pesticides to make our lawns look pretty, planting flowers and just being mindful of them. Of course eating honey never hurts….Winnie told me that!

  3. Dear Cindy,
    here the busy bees are flying again as well. Thanks for sharing your fine pictures.
    Do you know the novel of Maja Lunde “The History of Bees”? A book that teaches us how important the bees are.
    All the best
    The Fab Four of Cley
    🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

    1. Thank you for your thoughtful words. I know of the book which sounds interesting. We cannot live without bees, but they can live without us. There is something significant about this. Take good care, all four of you დ

  4. This was just the post I needed for my Sunday! We don’t see as many honey bees in our area, but luckily, there still seem to be plenty of native pollinators. Have a lovely Memorial Day weekend, Cindy! 💕🌻

    1. They were in transit. Not a hive. There are so many bees here at The Holler. But they are always coming from somewhere else. They is lots of natural empty space to hide their hives from us. დ

  5. So true , Cindy!
    Beautiful shots.
    I just love all of these flowers and bees. OMG, how wonderful to see so many bees in one place!

    1. We have an overload of bees here at The Holler. These photos are just the tip of iceberg. The twin grandbabies know the words for three types of insects they see here, Bumblebees, Beetles and Butterflies. დ

  6. Oh, those beautiful ranunculus fields that I was too early to see on my last visit, sigh…
    Are there flowers on that palm or are they doing something else?

    1. Well, the good thing is, there are other years, still to come. And you might return. The bees were attracted to the grape jelly that spilled as the orioles ate. Interestingly to me. There was another swarm, days earlier, but I had the wrong camera. We have so many bees here. They are not as docile as they used to be. But I get along with well them დ

  7. Fabulous flower close-ups, Cindy, and the bee shots are amazing. What a great documentation of them in a swarm. I see above they are Palm Bees. Cool!

  8. Oh my God, so beautiful, they all look like classical paintings! And the ones with the bees are so stunning and interesting. Amazing photography as always, Cindy. Cheers to you, my friend!

  9. Un petit bonjour CINDY du matin ou d’après midi ou du soir
    Pour te souhaiter une bonne semaine avec des mots d’amitié.
    Que ce jour ne soit que douceur et bonne humeur !
    Chaque journée qui nous est donnée à vivre est une nouvelle chance pour cultiver le bonheur !
    Alors concentre-toi sur ce qu’il y a de meilleur et mets tout le reste de côté.
    Trouver sur le net bise Bernard

  10. What fantastic photographs, How can anybody not see the beauty and realise how beneficial these flowers are both to our bees and our own well being and mental health.

    1. Thank you very much Erick. I couldn’t possibly agree with you more. Being immersed in the beauty of nature, which we all are a part, is necessary for our physical, mental and spiritual health. Thank you for knowing this დ

  11. Bon Week-End


    Voici la fin de semaine

    Fini le boulot ! Bonjour le repos

    Profite un maximum de ces 2 jours de repos

    Je te souhaite un bon samedi plein de surprises

    Et une bonne journée de dimanche reposante

    Lundi sera vite là

    Ainsi va la vie

    Je te souhaite déjà un bon lundi et un belle semaine

    à venir

    Et avoir un grand plaisir à te retrouver

    prochainement sur ton délicieux blog

    Bises d’un ami qui t’apprécie

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