Holler Hiking~

and picnicking,

are perfect during a pandemic.

No one here but us turkeys.

Well there are lots and lots of coyotes skulking about….

and cacti blooming everywhere.

The pasture below The Holler is happy due to all the rain,

and this is our peaceful morning view.

Cheers to you, from all of us, hunkered down at The Holler, with hopes you are staying safe and well~

207 thoughts on “Holler Hiking~

    1. Thank you. This capture was taken by my wild life cam. You can see how aware he is of the camera. Coyotes are so smart. This particular coyote is always jumping the fence and coming too close for comfort. The cam catches him at all times of the day and night, often in a place seconds after one of us leaves it. He is a pack reject, meaning he is a young loner, rejected by the pack, and has taken to hanging around The Holler.

    1. Yes, we have multiple packs of coyotes at The Holler, more than anywhere I have ever been. And yes, they sometimes come too close. The one photographed here keeps jumping our fence and I see him at odd times which worries me because we have 20 month old twin grandsons. He is a loner, not part of a pack, and he is always around. I catch him via wild life cam, seconds after I leave an area at all times of the day.

  1. Timothy Price

    It looks really green. I love wild turkeys. Coyotes seem to skulk about everywhere. There’s been sightings of a mountain lion in the bosque over the past several weeks. I about got T-boned by a coyote running for its life last year. It was probably running from the cougar.

    1. Wow! I would love to see a mountain lion from a safe distance. All I ever see are tracks and kills. I have talked to orchard workers who describe what you experienced, being basically run over by a coyote pack either in pursuit of, or escape from, something. It would be terrifying. Can you set up a wild life cam to capture the lion?

      1. Timothy Price

        The other day there was I group of people gathered by the gate to the bridge that crosses the ditches and allows access into the bosque. They warned me that one of them had just seen the mountain lion. I asked where, and I hurried off in search of it. I didn’t find it or tracks, either. When I came back they acted like I was crazy. I explained that it probably not attack me unless I really threatened it. I keep looking for Bobcats also. It’s amazing how these large animals can stay so well hidden.

  2. Just like you at the Holler, here in Worcestershire UK we’re happy due to all the rain of late. Glorious images, thank you, Cindy x

  3. Great picture of the coyote. When we lived in the country that was one critter I never got a picture of. We did see the effects of their presence – they took down a deer on our pond in the wintertime. Mother Nature! My hubby hauled it off to the “back 40” with his John Deere…

    1. Deer don’t venture here. The packs would mow them down in no time. My son and I did see some deer tracks a few days ago though, the first in many years, but my guess is they moved quickly through. დ

  4. You’ve given me a peaceful respite from a hectic day. We are traveling to Nashville but we’re stuck in a very long line of traffic due to road repair, we think. At any rate, your post is the first thing I looked at, and the tranquility was just what I needed!! Rusha

  5. Excellent and gorgeous hunkering out at The Holler!
    LOL! Coyotes really do skulk, don’t they? Wylie Coyote got his persona from reality!
    Enjoy your hunkering, Cindy!

    1. Yes they skulk! And that is why we have so many roadrunners living within our fences and snooping at us through windows!! We leave the garage door open for them when it rains because they hate getting wet! დ

          1. Okay, I give up!
            I’ve looked and looked, but can’t find that symbol in emojis. What is it? Do I keep not seeing it? ✍︎🎨⊅⚔︎

  6. Such a gorgeous place you live in! We have had a momma turkey leading her 4 poults by our house. It’s such a delight to see them get bigger and bigger each day. I love coyotes. They are misunderstood and maligned survivors. The only sounds I don’t mind being awakened by in the middle of the night are coyote howls (sadly, we don’t have wolves here) and owl calls. 🙂

  7. jei

    Although I’m color blind, I see that wonderful landscape as a paradise. Well, maybe some overflowing gaps are missing, but in return, there is silence to listen to the music of your words.

  8. I am so happy to hear you have rain. We have had more than expected this month and I’m delighted. We all need rain. How fun to see wild turkeys and even the coyote. I don’t hike except up the hill when I can and the scenery isn’t as lovely so thanks for sharing.

  9. This is a switch! The Holler is green, and New Hampshire is brown. We’re desperate for rain. We had a brief shower a little while ago, but not nearly enough. Your mountain vistas are so beautiful! I can never get enough of them. As soon as I caught sight of that coyote, the following Shakespeare quote popped into my head: “Yon Cassius has a lean and hungry look.”

    1. Cracking up….You wise woman you! I know don’t what to respond to first…. It is a first, NH brown (my parents lived in Dover) and Holler green. Even I don’t get it, but hey, I’m taking it… So now, thanks entirely to you, our involuntary pet coyote has a name, Cassius. He does have that dissatisfied glare that made Caesar nervous….

    1. Green, green, green, is good exponentially. But here at The Holler, unlike BC, it is semi-desert, after horrid drought of years duration, it feels like a mirage on the horizon that is actually real. I love seeing the plants and animals revive and rejoice. Love to you Alison დ

    1. Sometime, in our hopefully improved future, you should come and pay a visit to The Holler. I will call off the coyotes, so they will be polite. Stay well and safe Brad დ

  10. Cheers to you, Cindy, in your beautiful holler – enjoy every moment of the summer solstice today with the turkeys, coyotes and gorgeous scenery! Celebrate life, my friend.

    1. I am doing so my friend, and I know you are too. We are both hanging out with the grandbabies. Nothing could put anything in clearer perspective. Babies tell us how we ought to behave. I wish we all would listen. Love to you Sheila დ

    1. Oh my gosh! Seeing a bear, a WEE BEAR, in particular! I am certain this means God loves both you, and bears! დ I know how awesome this feels and I am happy for you, and for me, reading this!! დ

    1. Thank you Audrey, and yes it is! Especially here. And now we are having cloudy day after day. Heaven for The Holler! My Sweet Peas are still blooming strong, the heat hasn’t hit them yet, which is remarkable. Stay safe my friend დ

      1. Thank you, Cindy.
        Your amazing views made me want to get out of isolation. Hehe!
        I’m asking the Doctor on Monday if I can get out again.
        I’m going to be busy when they say yes. Opticians, dentist, podiatrist. Diabetic lessons, and audio clinic ate all needed!
        Bless you, taketh care. ♥

  11. What a splendid view — no wonder you love the Holler so much, Cindy! That coyote has a wicked gleam in his eyes — perhaps he’s thinking turkey for lunch??

    1. Yes, maybe, they often live and survive in a state of semi-starvation in the most hostile environments possible, like Death Valley and New York City. They are super smart and adaptive.

  12. Oh, Cindy, if you added some vineyards to the landscape it would look much like my village paradise… of course, my photos don’t measure up. ❤

  13. The pics are wonderful, Cindy, especially the first frame, and the cactus rose. Wiley Coyote looks slightly miffed that you saw him slinking around.
    It’s been a little chaotic and crazy around here lately. First, Lilycat started having seizures and the vet, after tests, said she seems perfectly healthy. I’m not believing that at all – (getting another vet). In the middle of the cv-19 craziness, the kids/grandkids decide that they are coming to visit, then I got a leision on my arm that turned out to be a melanoma and the Dr wanted to remove it almost immediately. The bandages come off tomorrow and the stitches in 10 days. That’s how the past 2-3 weeks have gone. I need a break !!!!!!!
    I sure hope you aren’t having this much fun. Really, Cuz, I hope you’re having a really wonderful summer. Hugs – xo

    1. Oh, boy! So sorry about the melanoma but glad you caught it early. The same thing happened to my brother. Scary. I can relate to the grandkids too. I am going to be doing the nannying for my two 20 month old grandsons. They are adorable, but I am tired already! 😉 Hugs to you cuz and stay safe & well დ

  14. Gorgeous photos, as always Cindy. I have to smile when I see wild turkeys because my Dad referred to them as “Flying Suitcases.” I can’t get that picture out of my head. 🙂 ~Terri

    1. Laughing….Well, turkeys do carry more baggage than your average bird. Now I won’t be able to get this picture out of my mind either! Thank you & stay safe დ

  15. That coyote looks like he could have benefited from some of your picnic! Glad he kept his distance, though. I loved the depth you got in several of the landscape photos–beautiful foregrounds, middle grounds, and mountains in the background!

  16. Wow you don’t really see a lot of pictures of wild turkeys, so that’s very interesting (but then again one doesn’t often see such beautiful photos of flora and fauna such as those found on your blog!)

    Just curiosity from a city guy who doesn’t get out in nature much: do you have to take any special precautions when out walking. That coyote looks awfully hungry haha, I hope that was a long zoom lens you used haha 🙂

    1. Hi Halim. Yes we take precautions. We wear rattlesnake boots, carry bear spray and a golf club, wear long pants, and avoid hiking alone in wildlife areas. A boy nearby was recently bitten by a rattlesnake, he survived thank God, so we are careful. დ

      1. Yes, thank God he survived, poor boy! That’s interesting and impressive, the precautions. They sound like common sense actions especially the avoiding hiking alone, but sometimes they just don’t cross the mind, like if one is new to the area, I imagine. Cheers, Cindy!

  17. A true pleasure to take this hike with you Cindy, and all your wildlife visitors, too. Sanguine landscape, and luxuriously wild. Cheers to you, my friend.

  18. Pingback: Holler Hiking~ — – Surest News

    1. It’s a simple rural abode generally in the southern portion of the United States. The name seems to derive either from the word hollow meaning a lower portion of land usually with a spring nearby, and the ability to be able to holler from one holler to another! It was the first name I thought of when I moved here 12 years ago. I live in The Holler! My kids starting calling our home this too, for example, my daughter called me from The Holler in Southern California whilst I was hiking in The Grand Tetons, and told me, “The Holler just got struck by lightening.” At this point I realized the name had stuck.

        1. Laughing….hollering back and forth is only impressive without electricity in response to vast empty spaces. Plus you do need the spring, otherwise it would be intolerable. Lovely to meet you დ

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