Woody Woodpecker~

Loves grape jelly! (tap/click to enlarge)

He is curious,

about the human who puts jelly in palm trees.

The jelly is for orioles.

But forget acorns,

Acorn Woodpeckers,

want jelly,

in their belly!

Cheers to you from The Holler Woody~

178 thoughts on “Woody Woodpecker~

  1. Pingback: Woody Woodpecker~ — (Cindy’s back with more of her amazing photographs) | Rethinking Life

    1. Thank you Ashley and agreed, Oz has enough fascinating birdies, woodpeckers would be too much! 😉 They really are the most amazing birds. They can remember where they hide 2000+ acorns for years დ

  2. Aren’t you unexpectedly fascinating! Jelly in trees. If you ask me, adorable. Drawing outside the lines – a charming attribute. Beauty pictures too, of course.

    BTW no way to say thanks for likes, but don’t think I don’t notice you. Likes back. Although I’m hard to make shut up.

  3. How kind of you to leave some grape jelly out for the woodpecker! We have one in the orchard across the road, I love hearing him in the morning.

  4. the varieties of woodpeckers up here, are loving a bird product we have up here called butter icing*, I smear it on the bark.. they watch me, and as soon as I back away, they are dropping over to inspect and dine. (the other mfg. calls it nut butter) I do it only in the winter/late fall …

    1. The Jelly Tree is now hosting so many species at a time. It is incredible. I am having loads of fun taking photos of all them because you rarely see so many species together. Happy you enjoyed & thank you დ

    1. How interesting. I have never seen a woodpecker on the hummingbirds feeders. Interesting how bird behavior varies by locale. Happy you enjoyed & cheers to you დ

    1. Thank you Martha. They are wonderful aren’t they, although I read about a family that found thousands of acorns in their attic. That would not be so wonderful! Cheers to you and take good care დ

    1. Turns out blue-jays, grosbeaks, mocking birds, orioles, woodpeckers and myriads of other birdies love grape jelly too. I now have a Jelly Tree with so many species feasting at a time, it is incredible. I learn daily too, from the birdies! Cheers to you Marlene დ

  5. They sure can make some noise hammering away from 3 AM to 5:30 AM robbing you of those last precious hours of sleep before having to get up for work. They’re no friends of mine.

  6. He is so beautiful! We have a Red Headed Woodpecker in our neighborhood. He was in our front tree, right outside our window, on Sunday. He was a delight to watch!

  7. Pingback: Woody Woodpecker~ – charles french words reading and writing

  8. Your close-ups of this gorgeous woodpecker are wonderful, Cindy. How funny that they also enjoy the jelly you hid for the orioles. I have also learned that there are many birds with a sweet tooth (beak). 😊

  9. That brilliant red crest! It’s unmistakable. Your photos capture their remarkable look and personality.

    I’m always surprised to see how big woodpeckers are. For some reason, I tend to think they’re these little wee birds.

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