259 thoughts on “Holler Orchids~

  1. Beautiful pictures and what wonderful words to go with them! I love the sentiment— bloom always… wherever you find yourself.

  2. These orchids are amazing and very pretty. The colours are so bright and vibrant. Thank you Cindy for sharing these gorgeous flowers. 🙂

  3. There is a growing quietness in these difficult days – as though there is nothing more to say; simply endure, stay strong, do what is right, enjoy beauty where you can, be patient. Your orchid images say the unsayable well! Blessings on you and yours in this hazardous phase; you’re where we in March… prayers for safety all around.

  4. Those are stunning!! We only have one orchid in the house. My oldest kid rescued it from the greenhouse of the biology dept where he was an undergrad (they were tossing it out). It didn’t do anything for a couple of years and then it finally bloomed just last week…but it’s totally boring (plain white flowers and no scent) compared to yours. 😀

  5. ‘Beauty blooms from fire.’ Love that, Cindy — thank you for reminding us that it’s the difficulties we face that make us strong enough to go on. Such stunning flowers — and you’ve captured them beautifully!

  6. Cindy these are gorgeous! Did you grow these? How did you get the black background? Wow, these are so beautiful. I am in awe. Thank you so much for posting these photos. They really filled me with joy to see. *hugs* ♥.

    1. I hang a black bath towel from a closed window and voila’. Your kind comment made my day Niki and yes I do grow orchids. They thrive in sunny windows and make great gifts. Take good care my friend დ

      1. Oh wow. I’d never guess that you used a black towel. Thank you for sharing that. So you grow these. So amazing. I know these are hard to grow. A friend’s dad used to grow orchids. These are just gorgeous. =) Thank you again! *hugs* ♥.

  7. Cindy the orchids are gorgeous… but your words are even more beautiful. “Beauty blooms from fire.” I’m reminded of a scene from David Copperfield, the young woman telling him “Only the good steel makes it through the fire.”
    Wow, just look at the number of your followers. Visual and statistical proof that you’re brilliant. Hugs on the wing!

  8. A beautiful collection! I have orchids in my house (not as beautiful as these though) and I try to add one or two every year when they become available. It’s so rewarding when they bloom again after taking a break. I’m always happy to see the new buds. Wonderful photos, Cindy.

  9. Those are stunning!!! My son does the best job of growing them. My daughter tries but I just gave it up. They like volcanic rock?? Wow! I’ll have to hunt some down. 😉

  10. My mom used to grow orchids. She said it’s much easier than you would expect – once a week watering, maybe fertilize every three months, divide when necessary. It helps when you don’t have a certain pair of cats as “helpers.” 🙂

  11. SO gorgeous <3
    I have 6 orchids now – picked the last 3 up at the local supermarket where they looked almost dead, so cost peanuts. A little nurturing and they now look magnificent! I have one that has been in flower now for nearly a year.

      1. I just moved them to my new house in Scotland. The window in the kitchen is sunny, like in the old house, but also has direct sunlight, which the old one did not. They suffered a bit of sunburn before we put up a net curtain to shade them from direct light. Now they are happy!

  12. Just serene. “Beauty blooms from fire” just an amazing line. The lines accentuate the orchids so well. Orchids have always been mysterious to me, but they are gorgeous. Lovely work here

    1. Thank you. Do you mean,”the rich will disappear like flowers in the field.” The whole quote which is so powerful, “Let the believer who is lowly boast in being raised up, and the rich in being brought low, because the rich will disappear like a flower in the field.” დ

  13. Orchids are my favourite flower Cindy. I was born in Singapore and there is a wonderful Orchid Botanic garden there. Last time I visited my birth place with my daughters and mum, my youngest daughter was nine she is now twenty! Too long ago…

  14. oh wow! Your photos alone bring such peace and beauty. I love Orchids but they do not love me. No matter what I do, they do not thrive. So I can gaze at these and dream!

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