
We have the best neighbors at The Holler,

the kind with feathers.

They are the most populous of all The Hollerites,

and they make the most congenial neighbors.

At the first sign of conflict,

they just fly away,

and land somewhere quieter.

I try and emulate them,

leaving crowds behind,

and seeking my own quiet spaces.

The only problem is I can’t fly! 

Cheers to you from the feathered Hollerites~

(Note: I did this post with the new Gutenberg editor which was kind of fun. Can you detect any differences?)

208 thoughts on “Hollerites~

  1. You actually have a lake and water birds within “The Holler”. Wow! What great company! And perfectly photographed, as always!
    No, I can’t see what the new editor allows… but I am not nearly as observant as you are!

    1. I have only used the editor this once, so I will keep using it and keep learning. I know it offers a better way to showcase photos, so I am motivated to figure it out.

  2. Love the series, Cindy.
    The light, reflections and colour look a wee bit different to me, slightly more….uhmmm antique tones, but that could merely be the light on the day and the series themselves, not necessarily the editing.

  3. Oh, yes, you have the best kind of neighbors! Love the white pelicans – they have arrived on the coast for fall and will be here until spring. I call them my buddies. No, I can’t tell any difference with the new editor and have not been brave enough to try it. May give it a try since you said it was fun. Great photos as always no matter the editor!

    1. Just play with the editor and you’ll find it is relatively easy to use, although I have much more to learn about it. Pelicans are so awesome. I can see why they are your buddies.

      1. I have a neighbor who have one. He loves it. He flies it around and watch where it goes around quite far away from his living room/back yard/in car. I saw two guys flew with birds that circled up above too. Fun!

    1. Thanks for noticing. It’s funny isn’t it. The herons and egrets freeze when they are scared, ie., when a person, or predator, is near. When they are not scared, they scratch, they yawn, they look at their reflections. They crack me up. They are just like us, with longer legs.

    1. No, they do not do that. Laughing…… or many other annoying human things. They sleep all night, and only really make any noise you can hear, if you talk back to them.

  4. Stunning and definitely the best of neighbours! 😀😀 You’re brave trying the new editor, I looked at Gutenberg and shied away from it. Your post looks terrific as usual … the photos if anything even sharper and more dazzling!

        1. They have white pelicans in St. James Park. Big beautiful ones. The original ones were a gift to some monarch eons ago. I was surprised by the birds in the park a few years ago as I stopped in London enroute from Africa. I was momentarily confused, wondering, “Why are there are all these African waterfowl in St James Park??”
          Birds do tend to get around. There is now a Mandarin Duck surprising New Yorkers in Central Park.

          1. Wow, St James Park, London? Wow. I never knew that. I just looked it up and saw some incredible pictures of a pelican on a London park bench. Made me laugh! I know that there are various flocks of parakeets in Kew Gardens.

  5. I love your photo essay on your Hollerite neighbors! It’s hard to pick a favorite, but I’d have to go with fellow coming in for a landing after successfully avoiding some unpleasantness.

    1. It is. I learn best by doing, so if you are comfortable, just create a sample post, and play with it and it will all fall together. That’s what happened to me and I posted the sample!

    1. Travel becomes a way of life. Even when you have seen so much, you just want to keep moving. But I do hear and appreciate what you say. They have moved the free range cattle off the land next to us in preparation for it becoming a nature reserve, and for the first time we are free to explore all 2000 acres of it with no fear of bulls and Ankole Watusies. The reserve is simply amazing, especially for Southern California. It is like a time capsule transporting you back to an unspoiled California, 75 or so years ago.

  6. As to your question about any differences in appearance, I don’t see any.

    O/T: I’ll be leaving a lot less *likes*. A coding change by WP has disabled the like button that use a custom domain. Support indicated it’s a result of a change of a security setting inside the browser. I can change browser, but I’ll have to change a browser setting to make it work. Instead, I’ll be leaving comments … path of least resistance. 🙂

  7. Thank you, Cindy, for your fabulous posts that take me vicariously to so many beautiful places to see so many beautiful animals, architecture and other wonderful treats; all photographed so impeccably! Thank you for the experiences I will never have first-hand, but can easily visualize through your mastery!

  8. Bonjour ou Bonsoir BELLE CINDY
    après le silence de la nuit
    chaque jour renaît
    avec le chant d’un oiseau joyeux
    pour que nos réveils soient gais
    la rosée pour rafraîchir nos pas
    et le soleil au rendez-vous
    moi je te souhaite une très belle journée ou soirée
    Et tout ce que tu désires

    Bisous, BERNARD


  9. Gorgeous photos, Cindy!!!! You always do such a wonderful job of catching the best shots. I agree with the birds. Leave the grumpy crowd and go somewhere peaceful. I love the mirrored look. I don’t think there is anything so beautiful in my neighborhood. Have a great Thanksgiving,

  10. Catching up on your gorgeous posts, Cindy. Your Holler is very beautiful and the wildlife abundant, love every single one of your neighbors 🐤😘

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