Winged Lightning~

Of all The Holler’s,

flying folks,

Hummer’s are the fastest of the fast.

They pause, only seconds, to sip,

and then flash by,

like winged-lightning.

Cheers to you from the The Holler’s fastest flying folks~

274 thoughts on “Winged Lightning~

  1. Hummers are wondrous and beautiful at the same time. Great photos, Cindy; it’s no mean fate to capture them in such detail given how fast they move, and the unbelievable frequency of their wing beats! Oh to have so many in the yard at one time! We’re luck to see one occasionally!

  2. Winged Lighting, a very appropriate name for these birds! This year I’ve been neglecting ours, but after reading this post, I will put the hummingbird feeder out.

  3. Lovely photos! Humming birds are so very interesting. The necessity of the torpor state, the amount of heartbeats per minute, why the feathers look iridescent in certain light, and many other facts make them a unique member of the bird family.

    1. Yes they are fascinating creatures, the only birds that can fly backwards, the smallest birds in the world, and they migrate 1000’s of miles. They flash their colors at will, as signals, and they nag me to no end when the feeders are empty!

  4. Aren’t they gorgeous little creatures? Thanks for sharing the pictures, Cindy.
    We have some, too, but our hummingbird-feeders are not in such a bright sunlight. So their colours don’t show up that nicely. But we love top watch them, whirring around.
    Have a wonderfule weekend,

    1. I don’t which makes me really strange I know. I like to focus each shot and get in sort of a rhythm with the birds natural movements so I know when to click. If I am off rhythm, it won’t work.

    1. The hummingbird moth! I look forward to seeing it. I had a heck of a time once trying to convince a person who didn’t live in hummingbird habitat, that what they were seeing was a moth and not a bird. I don’t think they believed me!

    1. They are not in the least least intimidated by human beings, which is pretty remarkable since they are the smallest birds in the world! So happy you appreciate them as I do & cheers to you~

    1. Yes. Everything about them defies logic. They can migrate non-stop across The Gulf of Mexico, and they weigh less than a dime! Thank you for appreciating my buddies Teagan & cheers to you my friend <3

  5. Pingback: Winged Lightning~ — | Rethinking Life

          1. I have a Sony Cybershot but struggle to get any sort of decent quality with moving objects, and birds such as these would seem an impossibility, as the electronic lens cannot focus quick enough.
            How do you manage such excellent clarity?

            1. The RX 10 IV is an incredibly fast camera, but funnily, I use it for landscapes, and not birds in motion. I don’t like using photo bursts for birds. I basically have observed birds my whole life and was obsessed with them as a child. I get into the rhythm of their movement. When it is working, I am ready for where they are going before they get there, and it is like we are in perfect synch. When I am a nano-second off, it is like a dance partner who can’t anticipate your next move, everything just slightly off. When this happens, I pause, and get back into the rhythm, before I take the next shot. It is like a one… and a two,,,, and let’s dance!
              Here’s what you might try. Watch the birds you want to photograph through your lens for awhile, your eye will naturally start to track them, when you get a sense of their movement and rhythm, anticipate where they will go, and there you will be, perfect shot! It takes practice, but is tons of fun, and is Zen like in it’s effect on you. You are utterly in the moment with the birds. Best of luck!

                    1. It is getting used to the functions of the camera. Normally I just set everything on auto and click away, especially if I am doing Street photography.
                      But this won’t cut it with the Cybershot when photographing birds or animals in motion.

                      I’ll figure it out eventually.

    1. Don’t you love it when they levitate at hyper-sonic speeds about a hundred feet up, and then dove bomb an opponent with pinpoint accuracy! They are remarkable.

  6. Namaste Cindy 🙂

    Your photographs of these astonishing aviators are superb: so rich in colour, so detailed, and so descriptive. I like them all of course, but the little dude in the 6th photo is my favourite: he looks like he can’t make up mind whether to sit or fly. Your photographs seem to get better and better each time I visit. Thank you 🙂

    I put your lyrical text together to form first stanza in a short poem.

    Of all The Holler’s flying folks
    Hummer’s are the fastest of the fast.
    They pause only seconds to sip,
    Then flash like lightening passed.
    This flying flock of fast folk,
    Whose sequined feathers hum the air,
    These dashing darting denizens,
    Display such iridescent flare.
    Jackets of green scintillating,
    Prominent against deep blue,
    Where there for you: your camera too,
    Hovering supping nectar-dew.
    Until dizzy, giddy, altogether unsteady,
    When then upon a spindling stem:
    Perching poaching beneath hot sun,
    Merrily singing the Hummer’s Hum.

    Hoping all is well. Have a great weekend.

    Take care. Namaste 🙂


      1. Thank you for your sense of wonder: for photographing the wonderful so wonderfully and sharing it here…it’s a delight to view your work. Thank you.

        Take care. Namaste <3


          1. Your warm sentiment is entirely reciprocated, thank you Cindy, Namaste 🙂 Connections are always important.

            I wonder if you’ve considered publishing your photographs and lyrical commentary in book form?

            Namaste 🙂


              1. Namaste Cindy 🙂

                I imagine there are many possibilities and permutations when considering publishing and all dependant on how you wish to present your work: its style, layout and content. For example, a large format coffee-table style book would give your photographs presence and allow detail to be explored and appreciated whereas something smaller might allow more intimacy defined by your singularly unique perspective and concentrate more on text or associated commentary. The content could be tailored to reflect your immediate interests and passions – perhaps an unusual take on the wild-life and bird-life at the Holler – or maybe it might offer a broader appreciation of the natural world arising in the area in which you live: you have a passion for birds yet also a passion for the environment and its habitants as well. Since you also have a keen interest in travel and exploration your tome might offer illumed reflection on areas you’ve visited – or plan to visit – and be supported by examples from your photographic library. You may decide your volume should be created alone and be wholly representative of yourself or be produced in collaboration with others who share your interests and passion: individuals knowledgeable of the area you live in, or other writers, artists, poets whose work reflect the landscape in some way etc. You might even decide to accept submissions for inclusion from elsewhere – from others with whom you connect – or perhaps work on a collaborative project with another. The possibilities are endless and the world is your oyster in how you approach design and shape your publication: you are a creative person and I’ve no doubt your ideas would flow unabated if you chose to proceed with a book. I also imagine you’d make a fantastic job of it as well 🙂

                It’s certainly something to consider as you enjoy Sunday and the week ahead 🙂

                Take care. Namaste 🙂


                1. Oh, yes, thank you for such creative and great ideas, and for taking the time to suggest them. I do have an idea of what would be fun to put together, but have not thought about publishers or publishing, who to contact etc., the business side of it is all a fog to me. Thank you Dewin for being such a helpful and generous friend <3

                  1. Always a pleasure Cindy, thank you. Have fun with your choices and decisions – good luck with your endeavours! Publish yourself or through an agent, there is always possibility and opportunity to choose.

                    Have fun!

                    Namaste good friend <3


    1. They are indeed the best neighbors possible! Today it was Mama Roadrunner and her chick. Mama just ambles over and pecks baby bunny on the butt, and bunny looks at her with this, “I ain’t moving look,” and wins! The Holler is a trip and I am glad you travel here regularly Rebecca <3

  7. Pingback: I’ll see your Hummingbirds, and raise you… | John's Space …..

  8. So amazing that you were able to capture these little gems. They are so fast. I do like to watch them eat. We use to have a feeder out front, but it became such a chore and they would be at the window when the feeder would empty looking in like “hello” “Where’s the food” The feeder broke and we didn’t get a new one. They are so cute though.

    1. Yes, it can be a chore at times. They definitely love to nag you if the feeder is empty. They will hover directly at eye level until I get up to go refill it.

  9. Ms.. Knoke, we only have one resident hummingbird at our backyard….. that one hummingbird doesn’t want to share the food , and shoos away any hummingbird that tries to drink from the feeder. ~_~

    1. Yes, this definitely happens when you have one bird that has a chance to become super territorial. He will give up feeding, spend all his time driving other birds away, and hog huge feeders for himself. There are two things to do, one is move the feeder to another side of your house, but if he is the first to find it, you are out of luck. The sure fire method is to hang another feeder on another side of your house and tint it with a few drops of red food coloring to start, which will attract birds. He cannot defend two feeders. Once you have an established group at the second feeder, you can shut down the other, or keep two going if you have a big enough n to support both feeders. If hummers are in your area, and it sounds like they are, they will come to the feeders, especially as heat waves are now moving in. Good luck!

  10. Amazing images, Cindy.
    The second-last shot is particularly good. I really don’t know how you get them in focus when they’re moving so fast. You must have had a lot of practice over the years.

    1. Thank you more for appreciating them! I will be in gorgeous Tiburon in a few days, visiting my daughter who is expecting twins!!! Can’t wait to be on the other side of the bridge….

  11. Such petite and delicate little creatures. Dainty like, but I bet they could defend themselves with those pointy long beaks I imagine. 🙂

    1. They can inflict damage on each other, but most just bluff and bluster. They fly within an inch or so of my eyes with total precision. I tend to close my eyes when they do this! Laughing……

    1. Yikes!! No fun! There is severe heat warning for the whole region. We are about 1 1/2 hours drive from PS and it is very hot here. It may get into the 120’s where you are. Don’t sit directly on your car seats. It is hard to do anything in this type of heat and the hummingbird feeders will overheat. Be careful.

  12. Hi Cindy! Your photographs are beyond excellent, as usual, my friend. They’re just so breathtakingly clear even though the subjects in lightning fast motion. Such a wonder and pleasure to look at! 🙂

  13. Timelesslady

    Yesterday I saw a sweet hummer on my zinnias a few time, grabbed my camera, but never was able to capture a good shot. He/She is so fast…gone before I can get close.

    1. Wear a red something and sit in a chair and prepare to relax in your garden near the zinnias. If you don’t move much, they will eventually come closer, and may even get brave enough to investigate you, buy buzzing quite near your face, which is a thrill. If you get nervous, close your eyes, but don’t move, and they will fly off, but will still hang around the zinnias. They just have to get used to you being there.

      1. Timelesslady

        Good advice Cindy…thanks. I was able to get a photo yesterday, although it is not a close-up…I saw one…as you said around the zinnias, and it flew into the bare branches of the pines. I was able to photograph it from there, but most were blurry. I did get a couple and was thrilled to have those. I love the idea to wear red. I would have never thought of that. Thanks.

  14. Pingback: Winged Lightning – Timeless Wisdoms

    1. It does, and the differences are quite subtle. Anna’s hummingbirds have the green coloration on their backs and mf hummingbirds have green abdomens. I have never seen a mf hummer and would love too!

  15. Pingback: Rotto – Sarkology Travels

  16. Brilliant Cindy!! Favorite photo was the still hummingbird (next to last) — such beautiful subtle colors! We have hummingbirds too– and a next in our climbing rose for a while, but now she’s gone. Happy summer there! xox

    1. The fact that you look forward to seeing the creatures close-up means the world to me, because I love seeing them close-up than most any other thing. Thank you for sharing this with me. <3

    J’ai un jardin enchanté
    il n’est pas très grand
    c’est un petit coin mais ; il t’est destiné
    Tu peux t’y reposer, même cueillir quelques fleurs
    que j’ai fait pousser avec tout mon cœur
    Certaines sont très gaies, parfumées et très colorées
    D’autres sont petites, insignifiantes et peu odorantes,
    Dans mon jardin, tout est utile
    tu peux y trouver une source de réconfort.
    de l’amour , de l’amitié si désiré et surtout d’être écouté
    je te souhaite une belle journée ou bonne soirée
    Belle semaine et plein de bonnes choses pour toi
    je te fais de gros bisous.

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