New Sony RX 10- IV~

Yesterday my new camera arrived and I have been practising with it, taking first photos around The Holler. (Click to enlarge the bees to see the details).

It is getting detail and is super fast, but will require more practice.

I was planning to use the camera mostly for landscapes, so I was pleasantly surprised with these first-attempt macros.

You can see some of the detail capability in this Datura or Moonflower. Moonflowers are night-blooming and belong to the nightshade family. They are poisonous and are pollinated at night by Sphinx and Hawk Moths. Native Americans used Moonflowers in sacred ceremonies as a hallucinogen.

These Night Blooming Cereus flowers were taken with my older, trusty HX400, which is still my go to bird and wildlife camera. The flowers grow on the tallest cactus in the world, Cereus Peruvians. Ours is over 30 feet tall! It’s flowers are as big as plates and open only at night. The tree generates tons of fruit called Peruvian Apples that are crunchy, sweet, and delicious!

Cheers to you from Sony’s views~

312 thoughts on “New Sony RX 10- IV~

  1. Timothy Price

    Nice clear shots. Really long zoom range, and it has a 1″ sensor, which is a real plus for an all in one camera. You will have a lot of fun with your new RX 10.

  2. oh wow – how exciting to get a new baby!! These shots are marvellous as usual, Cindy – bravo and keep up the good work! cheers to you for a great weekend x

  3. Proof that Sony and Cindy take great pictures! I grew up with film long ago, in an age when the name Sony was unknown to me, even for radios and television sets. I used many good cameras, now all gone, two favorites being (having been?) a Rolleiflex TLR and a simple 35 mm Canon QL 17. I think I got that model number right, both fixed lenses, single length.

        1. Only once, on our last trip, did I talk about where we going next, and a family emergency ensued compelling us to cancel, so now I am staying quiet which is what I usually should do anyway!!!

  4. Looking good! <3
    Sony with the Zeiss lens thrown in cannot really be bad 😉
    I have a small brother of yours, the DSC RX100 – my "you-never-know" camera that's always with me, in the side pocket of my bag or in my pocket or hanging on to my belt. And though it looks a lot like a point-an'-shooter, it even does RAW with its 20MP. You really have to enlarge extensively to see the difference with the Nikon… So, happy hunting with your new 'toy' <3

    1. It is smart of you to have such a compact camera you can carry around like, well……a compact! You are never without a camera. My first camera about five years ago when I started getting serious was a compact Sony. They make amazing cameras!

  5. Cindy, first of all your photos are already brilliant, but now your new camera is just taking you to a whole new level. Awesome “practice shots! Have fun with your new camera and look forward to more jaw-dropping images!

    1. I was happy to see the details of the hairs on the bee’s legs. I think some of the pixels are lost when WP posts them, but at least they can be seen. I’m going to take the camera to the Wild Animal Park and just shoot my head off! This should really help me get familiar fast.

  6. When my son gets here next week I’m going to show him your photos. I think I’ve mentioned them to him before. Those are so crisp and clear, even this blind woman can see the detail. Wow!

    1. I am still a neophyte with the camera, but I do have some idea now what it is capable of and it is pretty exciting. It is just a question of the human catching up to the technology! Thank you for your very kind words & Happy Weekend!

  7. ‘Pleasantly surprised’!! Cindy, I hope that is your understatement, these are stunning; the moon flower could be part of a fantasty novel…wondrous. Congratulations on your new camera and Happy Clicking!!😃

      1. Cindy, for sure Sony is a good brand and its cameras are sophisticated, intelligent and have a lot of capabilities, but as many professionals said, the most important thing who is behind of the camera. You have a really sharp photographer eyes and flair. Looking forward to see your new projects.

  8. Pingback: Each photo is incredible…from the wonderful blog of: Cindy Knoke | Rethinking Life

    1. I love moonflowers. They bloom at night which is when you can catch the most purple. They grow like weeds in patches and people hate them, but I love them. So glad you do too! 🏵️

  9. I am so very very excited for you. But I’m even more excited for the rest of us who will be able to see the beauty that you see through the lens of your new camera. You continue to inspire me….

  10. Cindy, it looks like you’re doing an outstanding job learning your new camera — best wishes for much success with it! I’ve seen moonflowers but had no idea they were used in sacred ceremonies. The ones I’ve seen are just kind of growing!

  11. All of them awesome, as always. I can’t tell a real difference between pics with the older camera verses your new one, but am sure it takes a more trained, experienced eye and photographer to tell the exact difference which you have. If you were wanting to sell or market your photos, enlarged and framed and advertised you would have a lot of customers, and make a handsome profit. 🙂

  12. STUNNIING!!! You keep outdoing yourself!
    Sphinx Moths…… echk. We had a Pandora Spinx Moth caterpillar in our yard. I looked it up to see what it would turn into. Yikes! Looks like the air force used its image to design stealth planes. Anyway, thanks for the tip that it is a night pollinator. There is no way I’m going out to the garden at night.
    Although, if I had your beauteous night blooming flowers, I would probably venture out in a hazmat suit. LOL!

    1. Cracking up! Scared of moths….. I know why, they might eat your dresses! Eeeeek! I had a sphinx moth and a ceonothus moth here, each as big as my hand. I took lots of photos! I am even used to black widows now, but I don’t like them, I got photos of a big one on a web in the guest room shower, and a couple nights ago I got photos of a really BIG scorpion, at least 5 inches. The Holler is Hellstrom Chronicle heaven (insect heaven).

      1. LOL! (strained laughter) A moth as big as a hand, sounds like a job for a hardhat and safety goggles. A Black Widow in the guest room shower? Hmm, well that will cut back on visitors, or get rid of them altogether! 😀

        1. Nope, laughing, people love The Holler and always say we should have a B & B, which there is no way I would ever do. We do bug reconnaissance before guests occupy the guest rooms though. I just read that 100 different species of bugs live in the “average” home, cluttered homes have more. I don’t like clutter, but homes with lots of windows and doors have more bugs. We have lots of windows and doors. Check out the article:

    1. No not mirrorless. I have to go with the ease of not changing lenses, both my cameras have built in zoom from 24 to 1200mm equivalent. This way I carry two cameras, one on each shoulder, each ready to adapt to every shooting condition. I lose the DSLR quality though, but gain not using a camera because the lenses are too much of a pain to lug around. Sony mirrorless with lenses are also very pricey especially when you factor in the lenses, but mirrorless cameras are incredible and I can see why your friend loved them.

      1. Ah yes, I wondered how people find the money for all of the DSLR lenses. It always made more sense to me to have one camera with a wider zoom range…but I honestly know very little about cameras or photography. Do DSLRs typically produce better images than fixed-lens cameras?

        1. I am no camera expert either. For me it comes down to ease of use and cost. I don’t want to be stuck behind a tripod or lug around super cumbersome lenses. The type of image people prefer is subjective, as it should be. I love DSLR and mirrorless images, but I am not a huge fan of hyper-artistic-realism that makes things look quite different than what they are. I don’t much like feathered water for instance, although I very much respect people who do. It is just up to individual preference.

    1. I can’t advise you. My camera before the Sony’s was a Canon and I loved it. But I am now Sony loyal. Thankfully there are a lot of people who will do comparisons for you online to help you make your decision and it is a fun decision to make, so enjoy!

  13. What a treat for my eyes Cindy! It’s amazing how detailed the pictures are getting. The first two pictures…the shine in the bees eyes…you captured that! Amazing. Thank you!

      1. Thank you sweetie! I’m working my day off tomorrow making extra money! I want to buy a new tv! I will be thinking of all the wonderful memories of my life with hubby!

  14. Wonderful photos Cindy. Your new toy looks like a winner. Love all the bees, and the datura, and the cerius. Oh heck I guess I just love all of them. Looking forward to seeing some landscapes from the Sony. My dream camera is a Panasonic mirrorless – coming soon I hope.

  15. Anonymous

    Don’t you think it’s slightly demoralizing for the rest of us when you call these “practice photos”, Cindy?! 🙂

    1. I hope not! I am not a professional photographer. It is just a hobby I picked up a few years after I retired, I think about 5 years ago now. I started blogging about the same time I started taking photos. What I don’t know, is much greater than what I do, and I am not arrogant, just amazed and happy with this awesome new hobby. My hubby was always the photographer. When we were in The Amazon, I was frustrated because I was seeing things he wasn’t photographing, so I asked to borrow his camera. He was the life-long photographer. He saw my photos, said they “special,” and gave me his camera, showing me how some of the functions worked. He left all future trip photography to me. His confidence more than anything encouraged me, and that is the extent of my expertise. So, grab a camera and click what draws your eye. Have fun and don’t compare yourself to anyone else. There is only one you! <3

  16. I’m convinced you could take stellar photos with ANY camera on the market, missy!!!! And these are just more convincing truth that I am right. Just face it, you have an extraordinary photo taking mojo working for you!!! It is a gift, a talent and extraordinary ones at that!!!! Love, N 🙂 <3

  17. Your new camera is so good, but I think the operator has a lot to do with the superb images including lots of patience. I have a smaller version of your cactus flower and it is flowering at the moment. Do you ever enter photographic competitions Cindy? your photos are certainly good enough

    1. Grazie Pauline. I love your photos too! So the regard is mutual. I haven’t entered competitions. I do post on nat’l geo your shot but don’t enter their contest because they charge per photo which I think is unsportsmanlike. I will be sending you the OZ dates soon and am looking forward to actually meeting you!

          1. I’m just keeping the new one going now I’m no longer travelling around so much. I had a long break with no blogging. I meant to just have a couple of months, but a year rushed by….

  18. Breathtaking! Regardless what cam, your eyes, the way you see things—it’s what brings the beauty in all these things. And we’re but privileged spectators.Enjoy your new cam, Cindy!

  19. I admit I love the last 2 images with the dark background as they really show the flower details, but the new Sony is really impressive with close-ups – those bee details really show up as very sharp.

  20. ok you got me with the bees but the two other pictures that really drew me, were the two before the end one.. the Datura, would you send it to me please, I’d like to use it for one of my blogs.. beautiful…thank you for sharing your wonderful gift. And thank you hubby for giving you his camera.. special…

  21. Superb photos, Cindy, and how wonderful to have two superb cameras to work with. The night flowering cactus looks exquisite. And I think I would like its fruit, the Peruvian apples.

    1. Thank you Mandy and yes you would like the apple. It tastes like a shaved ice with a crunch texture and you eat it with a spoon. I wish you could beam over and we could share some! <3

  22. paulandruss

    Wonderful Photos Cindy- new camera worth every penny! The one that especially stood out for me was the datura. I have grown these and its perennial cousin brugmansia. They are truly stunning flowers full of magic and you have caught it in those splendid first moments of opening- beautiful!

    1. Thank you. The Datura photo showed me what this camera can do and like you, I love Datura too. They are so unusual, so spontaneous in growth, and so indestructible. They are a metaphor for oddity and survival.

  23. The brilliance of those blooms, the depth of color, the photography seems to radiant true to life depictions. Awesome and incredible. You are most fantastic photographer, it’s a gift,an art, and great creative ability. Thank you so much for sharing all of your art photographer. 🙂

  24. What detailed pictures. That is one amazing camera. Wow, I can imagine even more fun to take pictures, and you have so many motives around you. Your pictures have always been super, now they are super dooper 🙂

  25. Liebe Cindy jetzt ist es schon 4 Monate und 2 Tage her wo Gislinde nicht mehr bei mit ist ,am Freitag kam der Grabstein und alles andere führt auch zum guten Ende jetzt kann ich wenigsten Nacht einiger maßen gut durchschlafen es war eine anstrengende Woche darum kam ich nicht zum schreiben sei ganz lieb gegrüßt Klaus in Freundschaft

    1. Es tut mir so leid. Eine sehr schwierige Zeit für dich. Ich bin froh, dass Sie endlich einen verdienten Schlaf haben. Bitte nehmen Sie mein tiefstes Mitgefühl und meine Freundschaft an. Gedanken und Gebete fliegen über das Meer ……. <3

  26. Breathtaking shots, Cindy. I almost missed this one, glad I clicked you gravatar. 🙂 Love the flower images, the Night Blooming Cereus flower was beautifully captured, and the clarity is incredible. 🙂

    1. I was just thinking about how I love photography because it allows us to see the world through other’s eyes which is why I said what I did about Raj’s suggestions about your photos. I love seeing the way you see the world through your photographs Amy.

      1. Thank you so much for your thoughtful comment, Cindy. I remember you liked my years old posts and photos which were taken with my cheap pocket camera and no straightening and cropping. 🙂 I appreciate your support, it means so much to me. <3

        1. Good. Because it’s true. The expense of the camera, all the blather about technique, all that really matters to me is showing me what you see, and you have always done this very well.

  27. Boy, you got right to work with that camera. I love the bees. They’re hard to capture as they never sit still. They earn their industrious reputation, don’t they? That moonflower! What an incredible flower.

    1. Yes, the bees. well, they are difficult, aren’t they? Who knew? Not me. I set my first task as photo taker with capturing them. To say it takes patience is a ridiculous understatement. I learned you have to watch closely and pick a lethargic bee. Laughing….but it’s true.
      Yes, sony showed her stuff with the moonflower and I was super grateful. I love the camera showing me all the things I cannot see.

      1. That’s a great way to put it, Cindy, “All the things we can’t see.” I’ve followed bees around my garden many a time. I think finding them on sunflowers is the best, as they have more things to collect at one time. I also learned that the buzzing happens immediately before and after they light. Somehow I never realized that. Another fun thing that happens behind a camera. Hurray for your Sony!

        1. Oh, I agree with everything you say, especially the sunflower! I hadn’t thought of it, but it is so true. Look for big flowers, if you want to capture bees! Photography allows one to be in the moment, as a matter of fact it most directly requires it, which is why it is so Zen for many of us. Hugs to you~ <3

  28. Oh my goodness, Cindy! Even more fabulous than any before this!
    I like bees and have some saved pictures of them.
    The moonflowers are amazing and thanks for the story of how they are pollinated at night by moths. The macros are amazing and hope someday to hear you are famous and doing cards or magazines, but my favorites would be from “in the Holler!” xo 💖

    1. I feel so released from the wish to be anything. Ambition has gone from me, which is so good. Now I can be like the kid I always was, and do what I always loved to do: Birds. Nature. Running around, watching it all.
      In my life, I did what I wanted as a clinical social worker.
      The only fame I want now is friends like you, and that is true. Be well sweet Robin.

  29. Oh boy, oh boy! You already knock it out of the park, Cindy. I’m fastening my seatbelt cause I can only imagine where your new camera will take us. Such impeccable detail. WOW!

  30. Absolutely great professional photographs Cindy, your new Camera really brings out the color and detail of your subject, both of which I don’t think could be achieved without your artistic eye for detail.
    Beautiful post.

        1. You and Resa are two examples of why the blogging community is so remarkable. Each from different parts of the world, each with so much talent and creativity, and kindness too. I am so lucky to be part of this and believe me I know it! I love your dress. I love you and Resa~ <3

  31. Cindy, just when we thought you couldn’t amaze us more than you usually do, you up your game! What many of us are waiting to hear is when do your photography books roll out? xx

    1. One of the better things about my getting older is losing ambition and being content with with where I am. Appreciation from people like you, who I admire is all the recognition I want. <3

      1. For many years, all too many, for some, the ambition was just to survive. However, I do understand and appreciate what you say. Someday, I shall get the chance to tell you just how much your encouragement has meant… When are you coming back? <3

  32. Absolutely stunning Cindy!! the fuzz, the wings of those bees– so beautiful and something we could never see with our eyes alone! You are an artist. Congrats on your new camera!! I know you’ll make good use of it! xox

  33. Truly a great camera but in the hands of an expert produces such quality images. I’ve been looking at a new camera and tried a friends too and it does take quite a time to get to know a new camera these days! I got bewildered by the 4 k mode.

      1. That’s a good idea. I was stuck trying to use a friends camera that was already on some settings for close ups for birds and I was really confused! Also on Spanish but we finally reset it!

  34. Congratulations on your new camera… The pictures are awesome. Specially the bees, they look outstanding.
    Ps. I never knew the Brahmkamal is known as Cereus Flower and that it’s apples can be eaten? Wow.. When I go back to my city I will surely visit that cactus again.

  35. Congratulations on your new camera, Cindy. Your photos look fabulous, the macros are stunning! Have fun and enjoy learning more, photography is a great adventure. Like Rebecca Budd said when we met; it’s like going down a rabbit hole! 🙂
    Best regards from the Cotswolds,
    The Fab Four of Cley xox

    1. Thank you! You are in the beautiful Cotswolds. I wonder if I told you I spent a summer there when I finished graduate school. We stayed in a 450 year old gardener’s cottage with massive overgrown bushes of ancient roses that I filled the cottage with. It had a Dutch door painted blue and a private chapel on the estate.

  36. Cindy, I didn’t think that your photos could get any more fabulous, but they have! That first photo was incredible!!! Cheers to your new camera and your talent!

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