Nature’s Soul~

Some humans relax in natural places,
and are less content in human spaces.
While other’s thrive in the social whirl,
a nature’s soul will find depth of meaning,
far from the thrum of a human being.
Nature’s souls go to wild spaces,
for it is here they find their sacred places.
Cheers to you from a nature’s soul~

343 thoughts on “Nature’s Soul~

  1. Cheers right back to you, Cuz.
    There’s a peace in nature’s spaces
    that can’t be found in other places.
    The silence of nature quiets the soul and grants rest to a tired mind and heart, be it a desert, a mountainside, a forest, or stream or lake. In those places we find our peace. Hugs ! 🙂

    1. I love this comment. Nature is everywhere. We can find the solace of nature in the green spaces in our cities, and most importantly, we can carry nature’s beauty in our hearts and souls as you do my friend. <3

      1. I know. I know. I am a lifelong idol of the bard. We have The Old Globe but Ashland has the festival. There was an incredible log house there on 13 acres. I still think of it. It was basically family that kept me in California. Santa Fe and Ashland were the two top choices.

  2. Oh, several people have already said stunning. I was going to say stunning. They are stunning pictures anyway. The long distance canyons vista is my favorite.

    1. Ahh, thanks John. Those red rock canyons are amazing aren’t they. They line up geological time for us to see, and touch, and walk through. It sort of clarifies our unimportance in the scheme of things which is huge relief to me. I don’t like the responsibility of thinking I’m important.

  3. You are so poetic Cindy. This post, along with images of nature’s wonders, most definitely speaks to me! I love how the 5th image from the top conveys such incredible spaciousness and the close-up, intimate look at the cactus flower and bald eagle.

    1. The fifth is complicated and cerebral to figure out which is why it speaks to you my cerebral friend. All those layers of geological time spread out before you with no clear clarifiers or orienting points. It was disorienting to me, but interesting. The eagle and the flower are just incredible living things. We are part of a beautiful world. Hugs to you my dear Lynn~ <3

  4. ancora un saluto incantato dall’occhio ardito della tua superba aquila!
    La natura che ci circonda ci ricorda che la sua selvaggia bellezza va amata e rispettata! a te il grande onore di presentarcela in tutta la sua stupefacente maestosit°
    Come sempre un grazie dal profondo della mia anima

  5. Cindy, my friend, you’ve done it again. You’ve transported me to the sand and rock landscape dotted with cacti. Vast canyons, wind-worn rock formations, a bright flash of light as sun winks off a bottle or broken piece of glass. Thick-stemmed yellow and green grass, vibrant desert blooms after a desert rainfall send flash flooding cascading from the mountains and carve riverbed into the soil. The blue haze of the atmosphere and mountains is everywhere. And my favorite part, through your photos I hear the wind, howling, piping, tearing, weaving, winding, gusting and asking us to come closer to see the face of God and all he has blessed us with. Thank you, Cindy, for taking us there. With love. Sheri

  6. Whenever I come to your blog, I think of the quote by Raymond Myers: “If you seek creative ideas go walking. Angels whisper to a man when he goes for a walk.” Whenever I walk with you, I feel an angel nearby…

    1. You like the macros. It is amazing that the camera allows us to see the incredible fine details of such beautiful living things. Thank you Isabel for your thoughtful appreciation~

  7. Absolutely spectacular. Wow. Love the photos. The red rocks and ground are amazing although I believe we have a similar condition (except for the rock formation) in PEI (?) I’m not positive. Thank you for sharing. A real eye-opening post. <3 🙂

    1. I hope you do! I look at these formations and think, “No, they can’t be real. They look like statues!” The rocks balancing on top of the rocks are particularly amazing. They do look like sculptures~

  8. Bonsoir CINDY

    Prendre le temps d’aimer
    C’est l’éternelle jeunesse
    C’est du rire
    C’est la musique quand on se sens en pleine forme
    C’est pleurer quand on a l’émotion
    C’est du cœur à partager avec les siens ou avec ses amis
    C’est de lire pour s’instruire et avoir su savoir
    C’est écouter
    C’est l’intelligence
    De penser est la clé de la réussite
    De jouer nous rappelle notre enfance
    De rêver c’est un souffle de bonheur
    Il faut prendre le temps de vivre car les jours passent vite
    Passe une belle soirée
    Gros bisous Bernard

      1. Timely reminder that! Must get back to work on that…I’m sure you must be fascinated lol as to what will happen to you next!! 😉 I’ve just finished my Canine Psychology Course (2) with the exception of a “Special Study” to complete at my leisure, so should be able to focus on that subject a little more freely!

  9. I’m one of those people you talk about Cindy.I prefer Nature over a populated areas.
    I think because we all came from Nature originally,each of us can still feel that deeper energy calling us back to play.
    Lucky you to be able to play here!Great shots too!Do you ever do any panos? I’m always searching for expansive sweeping vistas!

    1. This is no surprise, your remarkable photos show your passion, each speaking 1000’s of unsaid words which makes them so powerful.
      “I think because we all came from Nature originally,each of us can still feel that deeper energy calling us back to play.”
      I think not everyone knows what you are saying here, but that really is their loss. Not everyone understands how much they are just another animal in nature. If they did, they would be kinder.
      Even more importantly you know that taking photos of nature is “playing.”
      It is the most fun a nature’s soul can ever have~

        1. In Utah, I would recommend Monument Valley which straddles two states and is in the Navajo Nation. Spend the night there so you see the light at sunset and dawn. It is ethereal. The View Hotel run by The Navajos is magical and has the best views in the park. You can self drive through the monuments now. Arches National Park would be next on my list and the arch focused hiking ops outside and around Moab. If you do the LaSal forest loop road out of Moab, you will have alpine lakes all to yourself in the off season, and views of Canyonlands National Park spread before you to the horizon. Incredible places. Zion & Bryce would be next. Zion is my personal favorite of the two. They are more crowded parks. When you hike there will be other people. If you can go off season the weather is cooler, and the crowds non-existant in Arches & Monument Valley. If you have time you could add Canyonlands National Park. I hope you go!!

  10. So beautiful. If our politicians from my town would see this they said oh what a great place to tear down and build on! They are crazy. They are about to destroy our grand nature. This post give me strength and inspiration to keep fighting for nature. Nature is our true friend, not stupid politicians 😉

      1. Thank you so much. I think nature will help us through the climate challenges not the people who thinks it better to make money on destroying the nature. Nature is my church. I find strength there 🙂

      1. I hate parties and avoid them at all costs these days. Much prefer meeting up with a friend for lunch in a country pub (not that I drink alcohol, but the conversation and food is good). I also love quaint, old-fashioned tea rooms, where the tea is served in bone china cups. Cities are far too noisy and crowded for me. The older I get, the worse they make me feel.

  11. HI Cindy– those refections photos are stunning! and all of them are so beautiful, so colorful! You’re having an amazing trip! more please…
    Are you home for Thanksgiving?? Hope it’s a delicious, memorable day for you…

  12. The magnificent majesty of creation; the glorious tapestry of a mastermind along with your eloquent descriptions take my breath away. I love virtually traveling with you, Cindy.

    1. We are home now for quite a long spell, until March, unless we go skiing. Next you and I are going to Greece & Eastern Europe and after that Iceland and Greenland. Have a wonderful TG Patti and my travels are so much more meaningful (and fun) with you along~ <3

  13. Liebe Cindy das sind ja traumhafte Naturfotos einfach wunderschön hab einen glücklichen Sonntag mit einen guten Start in die neue Woche Klaus in Freundschaft

  14. Pingback: A 2016 suggestion for some interesting photographic sites | From guestwriters

  15. Arches National Park has always been one of my favorites in the United States for its ability to reflect light and shadow in such incredible ways. Also perhaps because it gives those of us who like to “relax in natural spaces” scope to do so. 🙂 You have captured its essence beautifully!

  16. Thanks for these (and all your other) glorious photos, Cindy. There is so much beauty, color, life, and magic in the desert. Amid my amazement, I’m a little sorry for those who exclaim “It’s all brown!” Mega hugs.

    1. Yes, I see these landscapes as you do Teagan. Perception is fascinating. People can look at the same object in remarkably different ways. Donald Trump is a good example of this~

  17. This place has a serene beauty, nature can go beyond our dreams, or at least I think I saw places like this in Utah just in my dreams. Thank you very much, Cindy. n_n

  18. Cindy, I love your photos. Are you using a digital camera? A few years ago I went to Colorado to volunteer on a dig and your photos of Arches National Park reminded me of Colorado so much I had to look the park up to find out where it was. Such beautiful countryside and you’ve captured it perfectly. I was only in Utah a few hours checking out a site people can tour but the scenery in the 4 corners states struck a chord with me. (I am a big Ansel Adams fan so that clinched it for me.) Thanks for sharing your amazing photos.

    1. Thank you for such thoughtful and kind comments. The red rock country is unique, amazing and quite spiritual. I keep going back and it sounds like you may want to also! I use a digital camera, a sony hx400. I keep waiting for the 500 but it looks like sony may stop the line which would be sad for me.

  19. Cindy, I need your help. Since we are only using photos in the newsletter and not the text, Nature’s Soul doesn’t work well. I’ve been thinking of something like The Magnificent Utah Canyonlands but I don’t know what is best. Then it occurred to me I could ask you! What would be a good title for the Utah photos?

    1. How would Land of Light and Shadow work? Or, Utah’s Canyon’s of Light and Shadow. Please feel free though to use whatever you come up with that might work better. I am just honored by your thoughtfulness and so pleased the photos are useful to you and the newsletter.

          1. Thanks so much for helping me figure it out. I was stumped on a title for that one. I just had another thought. Would “Utah: Land of Light and Shadows” be better?

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