Born to Be Wild~


“Like a true nature’s child,

we were born,


born to be wild.”


The wild grizzlies in these photos were photographed in The Knight Inlet in British Columbia Canada. The inlet is contained within the largest temperate rain forest on earth and has a thriving grizzly bear population.
The bears live in a remote location reachable only by float plane or small boat. We viewed bears from open air wooden platforms that are approximately 12 feet above the bears. The platforms are similar to bird hides familiar to bird watchers. Access to the platforms is carefully limited and regulated. Platform visitors are accompanied by guides. Purposely approaching wild grizzly bears without such precautions would be extremely dangerous to both humans and bears.

The bears, like this juvenile, are quite focused on consuming salmon and have devised an ingenious fishing method,

they submarine with their eyes open under water, and their ears above water, so they can listen above, as they hunt below.

They take a lot of time out from gorging to bicker and play.
Cheers to you from the stunning wild grizzlies of The Knight Inlet~
Lyrics: Steppenwolf

225 thoughts on “Born to Be Wild~

    1. Happy, peaceful, playing grizzly bears. If you google image search grizzly bears most of the images you see are snarling, furious bears. It’s good to know they are more dimensional than this.

  1. Great camera work! I’d never seen grizzlies’ submarine-like fishing technique before, so I learned something new here. No need for tools. Now that is ingenious! And that last image of them at play… so adorable! Thank you. <3

  2. Ah Cindy, another wonderful post. Fresh salmon from the waters there are hard to beat but truly a different method of fishing. Well done capturing it. I do have some fond memories of my time in Canada. Thanks for taking me along. 😀 xx

  3. Interesting to see the activities. It is amazing that they are designed to fish even they are land animal. How they spent time indicates their intelligent. Thank you for sharing where you took these shots. Some pictures appear that you were not too far above the bear. I felt that could be a dangerous approach. You were on the safe platform that was good.

    1. It is a fine line. On the one hand it would be foolhardy to to approach wild too grizzlies closely, on the other hand the popular lore about grizzlies is exaggerated, unless of course, you happen to experience bad luck, but, such is life. The best strategy is to follow safe bear viewing guidelines.

  4. I’ve fished with Alaskan Brown Bears (biologically the same as Grizzlies). We were after trout, they were gorging on Sockeye. Somehow, they knew and paid us absolutely no mind. No competition. It was very humbling to be on the ground with them all around and knowing that we were not at the top of the food chain. It is something I will never forget.

    1. Yes. I have seen a fair number of wild grizzlies and experienced all of the emotions you mention. Luckily they either moved away or looked at me and go on about their business.

  5. Can’t imagine being there watch the bears. 🙂 Well captured! I like the third especially.
    Thank you for the post, Cindy! 🙂 Btw, I’m back from my vacation, need plan for the next trip. 🙂

  6. They are so incredibly interesting, and beautiful, and especially I know to photograph as you did so well. Thanks for all the info too, (where located, etc.) and how you captured these awesome photos, Cindy.

      1. I shared your last post (of the bears) on Facebook, and also sent the link to my 3 siblings to enjoy looking at your photos and posts. I think they will enjoy it too. They are not bloggers but they love looking at photos of wildlife, birds, etc. Hope you don’t mind my sharing it. Enjoy the time in B.C. 🙂

  7. Cindy,
    Preocuparea Ta, pentru splendoarea Naturii este este un dar minunat!
    Te apreciez și te admir cu toată ființa mea!
    Felicitări din suflet.
    Opera Ta este un Sincer Omagiu, adus CREAȚIEI!
    Te îmbrățișez, emoționat!

      1. Cindy, nu am cuvinte pe măsură, prin care să-mi exprim emoția de a fi comuncat,fie și virtual, cu tine.Sincer, ar fi fost deosebit pentru mine, să ne fi cunoscut!Dar dacă puterea gândului este atotputernică, iar dorința este o formă de gând, sper să se petreacă această minune,fie și în clipe de vis!

    1. Wonderful. We picked the smaller, less expensive family operation and we very happy we did. I thought the viewing platform was better and there max 4 people on the boats, 6 on the platform, which gives you a more wildlife with less people. If I want to see people I can go to NYC!
      : )

    1. The spirit of the bears thank you Sharon for all you do for the wild ones. Sincere gratitude to you from me for your advocacy on behalf of all creatures great and small. <3 <3

  8. Cindy, what a wonderful experience to see the grizzlies in the wild, so close! Stunning photos and I really get a feel for their characters – some cute enough to want to cuddle! Not a good idea…

  9. Wonderful photos, I think grizzly bears eat lambs and kids as well as fish? I sang about a shepherdess in my Haugtussa cycle and she has to guard her flock against foxes and bears. I draw out storyboards for my songs and these photos would have been really helpful 😊. You go on some great adventures Cindy .

    1. Thankfully there are no lambs or kids where these grizzly bears live. Deer and Moose would be on the menu though. Your story boards sound like they would make an interesting book. I hope you are keeping them.

  10. Ah cud hardlee tell th’ see any diffrens in them thar b’ars cuz ah wuz runnin’ so hard mah eyelids wuz flappin’ most th’ time….. Great pics, Wild Thang…, you made mah heart sang… Hahahahahha !!!!!!! 🙂 G’nite Cuz 🙂

    1. Now we are staying in rented house on north Vancouver Island and hiking trails everyday where there is fresh black bear scat every few feet. This scares me much more than the grizzly viewing. The people who live here are quite accoustomed to them though~

  11. Absolutely stunning! You have to be dedicated to do this trip, which is what makes it that much more special. What a delightful experience to be so close to the grizzlies. Fantastic photos, Cindy.

    1. It is exhausting but exhilarating. Your day starts at 6:30am and you are in the boat and field for 10 or more hours straight each day. You have to wear survival suits. It is worth it though, to see these creatures in abundance in their natural world.

  12. I’ve never head of viewing platforms. What a uniquely wonderful experience. Those bears do look sweet and cuddly but I know they could take you out with one swipe of their paw. Fantastic shots.

  13. Hello Cindy! It’s lovely to see so many grizzly bears since they are a threatened species. Thank you for showing people what we would be missing if they go extinct. Beautiful animals––beautiful pictures. <3

  14. The bears are so amazing and you can see their eyes and details like their fur so well in your photos, Cindy!
    I really liked how the bears seem to be not concerned about life nor your scent upon the wind. . .
    The Bear Necessities song came to mind from Jungke Book, as soon as I saw the first photo. 🙂
    Oops, I scanned the comments and must have not pushed post comment and waited long enough!

  15. The strength of these animals are matched by their photogenic nature ~ and your skill 🙂 It must have been a dream watching these wild grizzlies of The Knight Inlet out there showing all the fishermen and outdoorsmen how it is done.

    1. They are such incredible animals and to see so many of them and so many cubs in this wild remote setting is just thrilling. We had been here before, but only for a day. This time we stayed in a tiny cabin and it was an amazing experience, a gorgeous place, brimming with wild creatures. I got a message on my Sony the first day, “Your battery is exhausted!” Laughing……

      1. This is a trip I’ve long desired to make…and to stay in a tiny cabin surrounding by the wilderness, yes, a perfect vacation for me. A drained battery is a sign of a good day’s work 🙂

        1. When you are ready to go, let me know and I’ll tell you about the cabin. It was at the water’s edge, so when the tide was up, my sleeping side was at the waters edge. It was pretty magical….

  16. What crazy awesome photo’s and congratulations to be guided there. Sounds like a real special opportunity. My heart beats a little faster just to think of you up in that tree stand, camera and lens in hand with these ferocious creatures lunching near. Good grief you are adventurous! Much to our pleasure 😀 xK

    1. I just love seeing healthy wild animals in their natural environment. I feel fully alive around them and they never cease to thrill me. Only one bear looked at me like he might want to eat me. The others were just curious, and some seemed a bit melancholic. Maybe they were thinking of the long winter ahead with no spa days and no salmon brunches…..Poor bears~

    1. Oh I am impressed. I wish I could speak Portuguese but it is too difficult a language to pick up on a few trips. I speak Spanish & English interchangeably in Portugal. But, then, I speak English and Spanish interchangeably everywhere……Laughing!

      1. * Oi Cindy, eu também não falo inglês, estou me utilizando da ajuda do Google. Fiz isso para facilitar a comunicação com as pessoas que não sabem o português.
        Encontrei você no facebook, Estou muito feliz!
        Um abraço!

        * Hi Cindy, I do not speak English, I’m using Google help. I did it to facilitate communication with people who do not know Portuguese.
        I found you on facebook, I am very happy!
        A hug!

  17. Pingback: Wild Grizzlies~ |

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