
is an honor,

that is earned,
and easily broken.

The Holler Hummers have learned to trust,

and will feed readily from hand.
My husband and son volunteer occasionally for photos,
as you can see in this photo, but mostly I do it myself, which is really quite comically difficult.
I hold the camera with my right hand and the feeder with my left!
But the experience of concentrating, vibrating, hummingbirds feeding from your fingers, so close to your face and eyes, is so simply phenomonal, that’s it’s worth is above words.

It is amazing what we will do, and receive back, for unselfish love.

Cheers to you from The Holler Hummers~

328 thoughts on “Trust~

  1. Such fun, Cindy. A while back I was refilling one of our bird feeders when a flock of sparrows decided they didn’t want to wait any longer. I was so amused I went in and grabbed my camera, trying for selfies. Peggy was in Alaska visiting our kids. I had sparrows land on my head, on my shoulders, on my hands and on the camera! And I couldn’t get a decent photo. Unlike you! πŸ™‚ –Curt

    1. Well in this situation you would be laughing so hard it would make photos impossible! How wonderful and incredible! Some people have a knack with wild birds. My son does. ON several occasions I have photographed him sticking out his hand with bread and a bird will land on him and eat it. I have the photos to prove it!

      1. I think a lot of it depends on the species. Some are much more used to living in close proximity with people than others. Also, I am convinced that most wild creatures can figure out whether we mean them harm. Of course there are the few that think of us as food. πŸ™‚

  2. I always smile when I see the hummingbirds in our yard. These tiny, little creatures make me happy and I am glad they come to visit me.

    As for the pictures, I am not sure what I admire more, the trust of the hummingbird, or your steady hand. πŸ™‚

  3. Your hummingbird photos are AWESOME…I love hummingbirds…when Don was alive one of our greatest joys was spending hours watching the hummers πŸ™‚ Thank you for sharing…and thank you to your husband and son also πŸ™‚

    1. I will thank them and love to think of you and Don communing with the hummingbirds. They are magical creatures. The Mayans believed they were spiritual messengers and carved massive humminbirds into the rock that can only be seen from high elevation.

  4. Cindy, those pictures are amazing! I remember my Mom attaching a hummingbird feeder to my old tetherball post in the backyard. She would sit on the deck just above, watching them for hours some days. I can just picture her joy to be able to feed them by hand as you have done.

  5. Astonishing post Cindy! I was immediately taken by the opening photos, and the theme of trust, and the wonder of the hummingbird feeding. But then to know you took the photo too, well, this just made my day. I send you and your hummingbirds happy salutes. πŸ™‚

  6. What a marvelous idea, Cindy! You knew how to purchase, take photos and your gift of sharing these is priceless indeed. I would love to have a hummingbird come and get so close to my fingers! <3

    1. The first time, literally a few minutes. Hummngbirds do feed sporadically though, so you have to be prepared for waiting. We have been feeding the hummers at The Holler for many years now and just started the hand feeding recently, so they are familiar with us.

  7. Our hummers will not even hover that close together without a territorial dog fight breaking out, so hand feeding is but a dream. Sometimes one will feed when we’re about 3 feet from the feeder, even that is pretty cool. Great shots. πŸ™‚

    1. Interesting. The hummers here settle down substantially about an hour before dark and drink communally and respectively. I wonder what would happen if you just sat say 15 feet from the feeder for around 10 minutes at this time, and moved up closer as they got used to you.

      1. Hard to say. We only have 2-3 that come around regularly, I suspect it’s that third wheel the causes that “I’m about to be dive bombed” skittishness.

  8. Just wow Cindy! I don’t know if I’ll ever get to see them any closer than they are in your photos (those bottoms ones especially – love the fleck of color behind the eye), but who knows… you always surprise me! The hummers sure know who’s trustworthy! <3

  9. awwwww, Cindy, these r beyond merely “cute”–“fascinating, endearing, enchanting and spiritually humbling” might work tho…thank u soooo much for sharing…it made me smile and feel the amazing connection u have with these hummers…I love hummingbirds and these pics just lift your spirit. to experience the connection must be life altering…the hummingbird in the last pic appears to have a little pink flower on the side of his/her head…soooo damn cute I had to look several times…

    1. You truly understand hummingbirds! It is wonderful that you do. It is very hard to describe the feeling of all this dynamic energy coming inches to your face and then the feeling of them drinking from your fingers. They buzz me in groups which I need to get photos of, so you are in the center of all this dynamic energy. It is amazing, humbling, and spirtual all at the same time. Thank you for knowing this. <3

      1. I see them in our backyard sipping nectar from the bottle bushes and hollyhocks and various sundry flowers we planted from mystery flower packets we bought from Home Depot…they r filled with energy but also a certain spiritual focus that always has me agog for as long as they buzz around me…sometimes they get “up close and personal” and u feel a special curiosity, intimate trust and connection that emanates from them like a warm, friendly glow…one of my very favorite and best of mother nature’s children😻😘I haven’t been able to photo them but I’ll keep trying…πŸ‘πŸ½

  10. Pingback: Trust~ | John's Space …..

    1. What a great shot! King Parrots are rare too. I had one walking over my flip-flopped foot in Australia. I need to go back to Australia. You have them most amazing birds and so many will eat from your hand. Nirvana!! Hope all is well with you Alison!

  11. You have made my day so much brighter in the aftermath of Nice. I cannot believe that you could hold a camera and take those amazing shots. You have astonishing skills and I am in awe. Beautiful.

    1. God knows, we need positive imagery of the beauty around us to counter all the pain in the world. Thank you for your kind words Kerry and be well my friend~ <3

  12. Beautiful feathered spirits! Hummingbirds are just magical to me. When I lived in Colorado I got to see them a lot. Here in N Texas I’ve seen a couple but not nearly as much as I’d like! Thank you for sharing these!

  13. Wow. Just wow. Thank you so much for sharing these wonderful shots. Amazing trust indeed. They are so precious little creatures. This post filled my heart with such joy. <3

  14. What a thrill. I love the thrumming sound their wings make. I was painting my front door and a hummer kept cutting behind me to go feed at the bee balm at the end of the porch. When I was done painting I had stepped back to admire my work. The hummer flew in front of me and straight at the door. I was worried he was going smash into the door but when he got near he pulled up and hovered their for a moment. I think he was admiring my door too. Although I think he liked the bee balm flowers better.

      1. It’s a turquoise color. I’m still in awe as I write this of the amazing shots you took. I think hummers are harder to photograph than lightning on a sunny day.

  15. Only you, Cuz !!!!!!! How many years has it taken to earn this type of trust? This is so very special, Cindy, to be that close with these amazing creatures. Now what will you do for an encore….., rub shoulders with the red-tails ??? πŸ™‚

    1. Thank God I am retired and do all this for fun. It might stress me out to have to come up with an encore if I did this for a job, but since I do it for joy, who needs an encore! You are right, it is a pretty amazing relationship with these amazing creatures. Cheers to you cuz~ <3 <3

  16. Wow, it’s amazing that you were able to get the hummingbirds to eat of your hand – and doubly amazing that you were able to take such wonderful photographs while feeding the birds.

  17. Wonderful photos…the hummers definitely recognize, and learn to trust people at times! I’ve had the ones around my home buzz near my head when I change feeders – sometimes, they will alight on it before I hang it up – and I never have my camera handy when they do, LOL

    1. Yes, you might want to try the hand feeder at the time you change the feeder. I think they might feed from your hand if they are already getting this close to you!

  18. Last year we had a lot of hummingbirds visiting our garden. We would sit out there and they would fly so close to our heads that their hum was more like an outboard motor. Just amazing birds! Love your photos.

  19. Hummingbirds are fascinating to watch and they are not really all that timid. The will hover right next to me as I work in my garden. I think perhaps, they are thinking I should get out of the way so they can get their nectar.

  20. Reblogged this on SUSANNE LEIST and commented:
    is an honor,

    that is earned,
    and easily broken.

    The Holler Hummers have learned to trust,

    and will feed readily from hand.
    My husband and son volunteer occasionally for photos,
    as you can see in this photo, but mostly I do it myself, which is really quite comically difficult.
    I hold the camera with my right hand and the feeder with my left!
    But the experience of concentrating, vibrating, hummingbirds feeding from your fingers, so close to your face and eyes, is so simply phenomonal, that’s it’s worth is above words.

    It is amazing what we will do, and receive back, for unselfish love.

    Cheers to you from The Holler Hummers~

  21. Beautiful, stunning photos of these flying jewels! We have many more hummers here this year. Sometimes they hover in front of the windows, inspecting the cats from the safety of the screen between them.

    1. Hilarious! I would love to see this! I read that hummingbird populations are on the rise due to the extensive use of backyard feeders. People do make a difference!

  22. Cindy, I have tears in my eyes. I understand what that level of trust involves, and when it does happen, the honor is all ours. I am speechless, yet not surprised at your ability to communicate with these precious birds. Your angelic presence speaks for itself and so Nature, not so much man, knows.

    1. Nature and her creatures are wise and wonderful aren’t they! They amaze me daily. You are a sensitive soul to know this my friend and I agree with you, wild creatures are the best judge of character, people, not so much. Thank you for your lovely thoughts and be well my friend. <3 <3

  23. The experience of concentrating, vibrating, hummingbirds feeding from your fingers, so close to your face and eyes, is not only above words, it shows how man and animal can be able to trust each other and live in union with each other, when they feel that magic vibration of mutual respect, being creatures of the same Divine Creator.

  24. Extraordinary, both words and pics. I love hummers and thrilled at the chance to hold a rescue last year. We took her to a wildlife rescue and she was released in good health once mature.

    1. There is a fascinating book entitled, “Fastest Things on Wings:Rescuing Humminbirds in Hollywood,” that you might really enjoy. It is quite unexpected and covers just this topic.

  25. Our birds are a little more wild and less trusting. The other day, I walked over to the goat field to toss some vegetable scraps over the fence. I found a bluebird fledgeling pitched on the gate looking at me, somewhat bewildered on it’s first flight out from the next. Within seconds, the parents were flying directly at my head…. sort of like in Alfred Hitchcock’s movie, “The Birds”. I decided that the goats could wait a while…

    1. Laughing, yes we are getting quite a few confused fledglings too, including one that was tossed too early from the nest by the wind. He became pretty tame and his parents cared for him, until he finally flew off to our significant relief!

  26. such magical moments so wonderfully captured, Cindy! our Anna’s and Rufous hummers will not consent to be handfed, but we do make the backyard a “self serve” area with lots of hummingbird-friendly flowers and nectar feeders! πŸ˜‰

  27. Pingback: Blogbummel Juli 2017 – Teil 1 – buchpost

  28. Wow. I was thinking about doing a followup in the next newsletter to our Hummingbird article. THIS will be the followup. Beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Did I ever add you to the distribution list for our GreenFriends newsletter? If not, do you want to receive it?

    1. Just one word. THANKYOU!! WP put your, and a bunch of other bloggers comments in spam. I heard this happened to another blogger, so I went to check my spam, and there was your comment. I am so sorry I missed it and thank you for your thoughtfulness!

  29. This is such a beautiful, heartwarming post!! Amazing how you did it yourself…and with the camera too! I love how you said you could feel their vibrations. What a wonderful experience. ❀️

      1. Dear Cindy, it’s really my pleasure to have met you despite the “series of unfortunate events” wp held back for all of us… πŸ™‚
        Happy Holidays for you too! <3

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