228 thoughts on “Free Flight~

    1. I know they are so smart. There is fancy a hotel by the beach where I grew up that kept getting silver napkin rings stolen off the outside tables. Many decades later, they were rennovating the hotel’s bell tower and found a pile of hundreds of napkin rings that gulls had been secreting there over the years. Revenge is sweet,” sayeth the gulls! 😉

      1. I saw a video a while back. I believe it was a gull. Waited for the electronic doors to open and would walk in behind a customer at a store and walk back out with a bag of chips. They are smart indeed. The last shot is amazing.

  1. Beautiful images, that first one is breathtaking in its detail and clarity. I think perhaps folks resent gulls because they mirror us in our less loving examples, i.e., selfish greed, get what we want at all costs, hectoring, pestering, etc. 😉

    1. They are so smart. I grew up with them and have lots of stories. We celebrated Easter at the beach when my son was three. A seagull swooped down and stole his wind up baby duckling.
      My son said, He’ll bring it back.”
      Hours later, as we were packing up to go, the gull swooped down over us on the beach and dropped the mechanical duckling. The motor inside had been methodically pecked out, but the fuzzy duckling was intact.
      My son ran over, got the duck and said, “I told you so!”
      This is a true story!

  2. Seagulls are all part of the allure of a trip to the beach for me. The sight of them flying as a flock is awesome – their flight patterns and the way they dive for food. Seeing lone gulls appear in my more inland region is always a pleasant surprise too! They’re quite the adventurous explorers aren’t they? Cindy, have you seen this recent news about a gull who took a dive into a vat of curry? Here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sbJt8X9G09U

    1. Amazing Lynn, we are psychically connected. I don’t have to click on the link. I saw and was amazed by this. Wild animals, including birds, seem to know so clearly, when people help them. It is wonderful to see!

    1. Yes, they are translucent in the right light and appear fragile but so well designed. Remarkable, especially considering how they can skim above the surface of the sea and dive and catch fish!

  3. I’m fascinated by gulls (partly because I can’t tell a lot of the species apart and that drives me nuts…LOL!) and love their eyes, too! Your in-flight photos are marvelous…I just adore the way the wings are outstretched and their feet dangling. <3 🙂

    1. It’s very cool isn’t it. They can adapt to all these aerial conditions including me throwing bread vertically up over the back of a boat! Laughing……

  4. I am a big fan of seagulls. They seem to soar and be so beautiful far away. Granted they do sometimes scrabble or scrap, when close up! The book, “Jonathan Livingston Seagull” used to be on my coffee table. Raised on Lake Erie, I also enjoy egrets and heron’s. Smiles and hugs sent your way, Cindy. <3

  5. We have black-backed gulls nesting on the roof just opposite us – it is lovely to look at the newly-born chicks and see how they are developing. They are really small and cute at the moment, but will soon be soaring magnificently on the thermals…! 🙂

  6. Those who want to fly free in our societies are often disliked, they are not main stream or streamlined.
    We arent jealous as a species but ranther fearful of the unknown, it might be dangerous.
    I like your birds, they are free and beautifully presented in your fotos, Cindy.

    1. Yes. I think you are on to something. Most humans really are enslaved, to money and the need to make it in order to survive or amass wealth. Wild animals of all sorts are actully far more free than us since they survive on their own in what’s left of the wild. I think we may be both fearful and jealous of this and this could explain part of why some people get pleasure out of killing wild creatures.

  7. Have never been a fan of seagulls since being attacked whilst eating a bag of chips whilst on holiday in Torquay.This year, we have seen plenty in the marina, and one was witnessed lifting a moorhen chick out of the water. They are huge birds and so graceful in flight, but oh so noisy!

    1. I remember rescuing a baby bird from a very intent seagull when I was a kid. I also remember seeing boys throw rocks at roosting gulls and the whole flock flying over them and letting loose with oodles of seagull pooh. I was cheering for the seagulls, but they can be quite intimidating, so I hear you.

  8. We love our gulls! They truly are so intelligent, and determined. Yes, their aggression can have horrible consequences, but they are fabulous parents and, round here, our constant neighbours. Pip

  9. Fantastic close ups. Yes, these birds ARE smart. Not only do they fly free, they let fly.
    A place we once lived, we had hundreds of gulls. On a wonderful summer day, my mother hung out newly laundered, white sheets and pillow cases, but not for long. After the gulls passed over, she had to rinse them down with the water hose and wash them all over again. 😀 😀 😀

    1. Seagull poo is up there on the list of most unpleasant things. I remember eating lunch in elementary school where segull poo in some kid’s hair was an almost daily occurance. I thought it was the worst until I encountered penguins! 😉

  10. It almost looks like they are wearing lipstick. Years ago (many years) I went on a boat trip through the Finland fjords. I spend hours and hours feeding the seagulls until I was nearly frozen.

    1. It is the most wonderful feeling isn’t it, especially in the far north or south. I did the same in Finland. For awhile, while you are watching and feeding them in the frozen solitude, you feel one with them. It is a special thing.

  11. What a Beautiful Bird
    Wonderful Capture
    Yes we are Jealous
    Its Free
    We have no Flight
    As always in Plight
    For you Might
    Visit My Site
    And say what
    Through your thought
    My Salutations

    1. Beautiful Shiva. Wild creatures represent to us, what we are not, which is free. Thank you my friend for understanding and I will visit you blog my friend~ <3

      1. Maam! Cindy!
        Like how YOU capture by your camera.
        I am sure YOU shall capture my thoughts.
        I told my daughter what you said last time that I am liked by many in the Blog world. She reacted expressing, Wow!


  12. “I must go down to the seas again, to the vagrant gypsy life, To the gull’s way and he whale’s way where the wind’s like a whetted knife, And all I ask is a merry yarn from a laughing fellow-rover, And a quiet sleep and a sweet dream when the long trick’s over.” John Masefield

  13. I really had to look closely at these photos, Cindy — the detail is outstanding! So much so that at first I thought they must be statues, ha!

    1. I was amazed at how delicate they are. I knew their feathers were hollow, but it amazes me that such precision and power can come from such fragile feathers. Thank you Debbie and cheers to you my friend~ <3

  14. Oh, my !!!!! Jonathan Livingston Seagull ! I wondered where he’d gone.

    Wise guys
    with golden eyes
    ply the summer’s azure skies
    and ride the vaults on silvered wings
    to sing of joy and other things……

    Happy day, Cuz ! 🙂

  15. Bonjour CINDY très beau
    Mon passage sur ton joli blog
    Ce sont mes 2 mains sur mon clavier
    Sur un profil une belle image
    Qui derrière cet écran se trouve une personne de gentille
    La ou je retrouve une de mes meilleurs amies ou amis
    Je te fais un énorme sourire même si tu ne vois pas
    Dans le fond de mon cœur je te l’offre
    Passe une agréable journée
    Surtout ensoleillé ,chez moi le temps pas extra
    Bise amicale Bernard


  16. My parents had a seagull that came knocking on their sliding glass door one day. They gave it some bread and it kept coming back. Eventually the bread turned into catfood sandwiches and the seagull came around for about 20 years – kind of frail towards the end. They always knew it was the same one because it had a hole in one foot.

  17. Son of a gun! When you first open your page and that beak and yellow eye greet you, it’s a little startling, LOL We live very close to the river and the gulls make good use of a sandbar there. Squawking and carrying on. They seem to have a lot to say. I’m often glad they’re not closer because they drown out the robins, buzzing bee’s and other things I like about summer. Like listening to the breeze in the flittering green leaves or the sound of the fountain, x b

    1. This is synchronistic. I saw your name in comments. So I immediately went to your blog to tell you how much you remind me of the talented aspects of author Mary Kay Andrews who I am reading a lot of now. You are different though, you are not hamstrung by the American south.
      I never saw this comment, but I am more than pleased we were apparently thinking about each other at the same time.
      “Like listening to the breeze in the flittering green leaves or the sound of the fountain.”
      Brilliant writing.
      Be well my friend~ <3 <3

      1. Birds of a feather…pun intended, ha! I’ve Googled Ms Andrews so I might get some insight on the writer who’s using my schtick (LOL). Her books look like fun reads with silly dilemma’s going on, that really does sound familiar. I swear my life is one big ‘oopsy’ after another. This week I twapped my forehead on a tree branch while doing some landscaping. So now I must travel round London and Paris with a rather obvious pink scratch across my noggin’ LOL. Very Chic…not! We leave on Monday evening. So for this month, I’m following your lead and seeing the world. Cheers! x B

      2. Oh good for you! Not for the knock on the noggin, but for the travel. I look forward to hearing about your esperiences and hope your scratch heals with nary a trace. Have fun my friend~

  18. Such amazingly sharp photos I can see into that gull’s soul Cindy. I think it is their raucous squawk and greedy habits that make them unloved, but they are certainly survivors.

  19. Lol….actually I saw an article today regarding a greedy seas gull that dive bombed an innocent beach goer eating fish and chips…With a view to pinching them lol end result – man has lip torn open by a gull and was covered in blood😲 Oopsy!!

    1. I remember in Patagonia gulls were killing whales methodically and rather terribly. Still they can’t even begin to emulate the destruction we humans wreck upon our fellow creatures, including of course, each other.

  20. Gee whizz, Cindy, I was feeling proud of my latest bird shots and then I looked at this! Fantastic!! I remember trying to sleep in a hotel in Aberdeen but the herring gulls were clomping about on the roof endlessly and screeching, too… I rescued a juvenile with a broken wing once (and they are really big birds)!

    1. They are really big birds! I spent some time among the Albatross though and Coleridge was right, those are really BIG sea birdies! So cool you rescued a gull with a broken wing! I have never rescued or cared for a gull but I have heard they become quite tame~

      1. I should have said that I rescued it until the animal officer came and they repaired the wing… 🙂 It was right in the middle of the main street of Aberdeen, in danger of being run over so I fed it bread until he arrived.

  21. ¡Qué bellas fotos! Los primeros planos de las blancas gaviotas, con su penetrante mirada, me han encantado. Un abrazo y buen fin de semana, Cindy <3

    1. Yes! We are going to Mono Lake soon where most of the California Gulls nest, the only larger nesting area I know of in the western US is Salt Lake. I would love to see this!

  22. Okay, how many hundreds of blurred and blank digital images did you delete while getting thes fabulous in-flight moments! Well, I would be sending lots to the digital trash bin.

    1. Laughing, I actually had a limited amount of time with these gulls. I was at the back of the boat, throwing bread at them, waiting to be told to stop. I probably took around 50-60 pics, so you can do the math! The digital trash can is my friend! 😉

  23. A gull tried to pull my sandwich right out of my hands once. Came in from behind me, giving me only a split second warning. Being a New Yorker at the time, I didn’t let go. I didn’t resent him, though. It was a good sandwich. LOL

  24. Beautiful shots, Cindy! Actually, I think many fear them. (I’ve been working nights for days now…just exhausted, but going home in early July!)

  25. Pingback: Free Flight~ | SUSANNE LEIST

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