Lanky Libidinous Lizards~

The Holler always has drop in visitors. This is a quite large Southern Alligator Lizard species, scientific name, Elgaria multicarinata, who popped by to say hi!
The Holler has room for all sorts of critters, including LOADS of lizards.
This guy is around 20 inches in length.
My husband thinks he is bigger, and he may be right, because The Holler, as I may have mentioned to you before, is a very strange place. Do you notice him giving me the stink eye?
These aptly named “alligator” lizards will stand their ground and bite and latch on if threatened. I know this because they did it to me when I was a little kid. They have a hook in their upper palate that enables them to hold fast once they have bitten, errrr……something.
I have made it a practice, since I grew up, not to threaten lizards named after alligators. This guy was chillin’ in our garage. The Holler has lots and lots of different types of limber lizards who are not the least bit leery of us. These lascivious lizards are always busy making new little lizards!
Cheers to you from The Holler and it’s languorous lusty Lizards~

197 thoughts on “Lanky Libidinous Lizards~

  1. Here in South Florida we have many lizards also. We found one the other day that had a square pattern on him. Very strange. If you rub their stomach they fall asleep.

    1. Ooooooh, did you take a picture of your lizard? I would love to try and help you figure out what it was! When I was a kid, I used to catch Horny Toads, which are now critically endangered. If you gently petted their horns, they would fall asleep in your hand! Love Lizards~

    1. I have to confess that the first one I saw was out of my window while blogging. I was so intimidated by it’s size, that I didn’t go out to take a pic. I had never seen such a large lizard in this ecosystem. This one wasn’t quite as big and I was mentally prepared fot it! 😉 😉

  2. Your shots are marvelous in detail, one can see millions of years of adaptation to the climate of an arid land. Makes one wonder why it kept its legs and snakes lost theirs.
    Your childhood experience must have been terrifying! However, you clearly weren’t too traumatized if you can take photos of them!

    1. Nope not traumatizing, I do remember my parents trying to pry it off with kitchen teaspoons. Laughing……I just learned not to bother alligator lizards! Although, we did catch two of them for my kids when they were young and kept them as pets until we left on vacation and let them go.

  3. You’re brave after being bitten by one to take its photo. Your story brought back my childhood memories of my brother’s chameleon ending up on my back. My brother claimed it jumped there from his hands. As I ran screaming through the house the poor lizard I think was more frightened than I was. I have to admit I prefer my lizards in photos. Thanks for sharing. 😀

    1. Was it one of those big green African chameleons with bugged out eyes, or the little cute ones that look like green geckos? I do tend to dislike anything jumping on me without first asking permission, so I can relate to your terror! 😉

      1. “Highly evolved” … now that’s a value judgement. I’m met “snakes” with legs and they were deplorable characters! 🙂

  4. Great lizard series. The landscape is really beautiful. The alligator lizard looks snake-like than lizardy. Makes me think of a line from the Eagles “Ventura Highway”!

    1. I had to start singing it to remember the line, “Alligator lizards in the air, in the air….” There was an obsession with lizards then, remember Jim was the “Lizard King” and he could “do anything!” Laughing…..

  5. Beautiful! I love seeing lizards as we travel, as we don’t have them where we live in NW Washington. My husband will even point them out for me now if he sees them first! I love the stink eye you are getting, but that bite doesn’t sound fun at all!

  6. Wow, great photograph! I know they are in the same “reptile” family, but I am really struck by how much his skin looks and has the pattern of a snake!

  7. Great photos as always Cindy 😀
    This one looks much more like a snake, when I look at the head. We do have small lizards and dragons here, but I’m grateful for not having this one.

    1. The first one I saw definitely gave me pause until I learned what it was! I have seen hundreds of alligator lizards, but non approaching the size of these guys.

  8. If it got into your garage, can it sneak into your house at night…and you step on it on your way to the loo in the dark….😈 I did not know snakes evolved from lizards, and not the other way round. “Legs on a snake” is an expression often used to indicate the superfluous or unnecessary…terrific photos!

    1. Yes it could slither on in. We have good seals on the doors and tend to not leave them open mostly to discourage rattlesnakes. We get a fair number of scorpions, centipedes and milipedes inside though. One morning I got up and saw a squashed scorpion in the exercise room. I showed it to my son and he said, “Oh, that’s what I stepped on barefoot last night!”

  9. Leapin’ lizards, Lucille! Look at that lascivious lizard languishing lazily on the ledge. Looks like it like a real low life lummox !!!
    Wonderful pics, Cindy. The first 5th looks like a hybridized salamander with a long tail or someone glued legs on a snake just to fool you. 🙂

  10. Excellent photos of the lizards Cindy. They are quite a fascinating creature but I like to keep my distance. We have quite big ones here as you know!

  11. Oh man I would not want to running one of those big lizards face to face. They do have beautiful textures and coloring. Are they poisonous?
    Great shots and you just keep them all there in the holler.

  12. So fun Cindy, the Texas slinky lizards we find here are similar to the Great Basin Fence Lizard. I really enjoy watching them. Incredible tail on the Southern Alligator Lizard. Great photographs.

    1. The fence lizards are hilarious. They are always bobbing up and down in threat, seduction or both. Mating, fighting and eating seems the essence of their lives!

  13. We don’t have any lizards. They would die here, either that or they are just smarter than we are and don’t want to experience winter. 🙂 Your photographs are lovely and I wish you could pet them. They are so very pretty.

    1. You can pet and hold horny toads which I did all the time as a child and they would close their eyes and doze in your hand. Now they are almost extinct. I like that you like reptiles. It is not just cute critters that are interesting & important~

  14. You got some amazing images Cindy (and great one with the stink eye!), considering how quickly they can move! At least with me, lizards are a real “Now you see them, now you don’t!” phenomena. Whenever I photograph animals, I look at the photos I’ve taken, and all I see is their rear ends! I imagine lizard photography might result in a lot less for me, ha ha!

  15. Yikes that lizard/gator looks like a giant snake with legs! I would be afraid of him! That is amazing they just wander into your garage and make themselves at home! Hugz Lisa and Bear

    1. Rattlesnakes do this to with the garage which is far more pertubating especially when wearing flip flops! (I don’t wear flip flops anymore except on vacation!)

    1. Their design up close is pretty amazing isn’t it. They are designed to successfully hold and subdue that is for sure. If they were our size they would be simply terrifying predators.

  16. wow! I’ve never been fond of these creatures–even on television. But seeing them up close like this, I must admit, they are gorgeous. Those top ones remind me of color combinations I used to macrame plant hangers in the past. And I certain did see you get the ‘stink-eye’ from that one, lol! Thank you Cindy!!

    1. I agree the patterns, colors and textures of the scales on zoom were quite fascinating and even beautiful. I liked the coloration of the belly which looked so snakelike, flat and fleshy. Remarkable~

  17. Cindy, are you sure you’re not cloning prehistoric monsters as in Jurassic Park? How long is that big one? I suppose ‘holler’ is what visitors do when they see these creatures 🙂

    1. Laughing…..I remember this Dad telling his children who were visiting The Holler to talk loudly to scare away the rattlesnakes. I um, mentioned that rattlesnakes are deaf, but this was an effective strategy for grizzly bears. He asked if we ever we saw a grizzly. I told him the largest one in the US was shot here, 2,200 pounds!
      In 1866. Laughing more…..
      I explained that sadly grizzlies haven’t been seen in these here parts for sum time now…..
      I did read recently about a lone wolf crossing the border between Oregon and No Caly.
      Don’t you live in No Caly? I’d keep my eye open and camera ready for that wolf if I were you. It would make a great blog post……

    1. They are polite you know. They do drop in, but they fix their own meals, don’t require any linen, and don’t drink Jim’s wine. What more could you ask for in a guest?

  18. Twenty inches is a long lizard! You’re brave to snap these photos even though you’ve been bitten before. One of the cats brings in small lizards all summer long. I’m going to do a better job this summer keeping him out of the yard so that he leaves them alone. They have such a prehistoric feel to them, don’t you think? Great photos, as always.

      1. Oh my goodness, yes. I remember seeing alligators in the swamps of New Orleans. They didn’t seem that menacing, but they were in the water. If one crawled out and made a run for it, I know which one of us would be supper. [Shiver]

      2. I saw this truly massive crocodile in swimming and getting out of the river in Panama. I was in a boat. I can’t imagine what it must be like to be walking to the market and come upon a creature like that. Crocs, especially salt water ones, make pretty much any animal seem tame by comparison~

  19. Reblogged this on Spirit In Action and commented:
    Thank you Cindy! Here we have the itsy bitsy anoles (of which our native green species is rarely seen in recent years, but the brown Cuban anoles are usually abundant when the criminal lizard-knappers of the pet trade aren’t around!) And the great big real alligator lizards (alligators). Crocodiles also make minimal appearance but so far to the south I’ve never seen one. I have heard of all sorts of interesting lizards and skinks in more rural areas in Florida but only the anoles and gators are common in my urban neighborhood. The little ones eat mosquitoes but despite much interest, no attempts to encourage the big ones to add annoying snowbirds to their diet have been successful (outside of Carl Hiassen’s hilarious novels);-)

    1. You are such a kind soul. Thank you for your thoughtfulness! Florida is a reptile haven isn’t it. I read about the pythons producing prodigiously after some nitwits set a few free. I wonder what the gators and crocs think of a full grown python? I have seen a python kill a gator on video. That sort of animal interaction would surely interfere with a retirees golf game! Laughing…….

    1. Remarkable isn’t it! They are rarely seen this long because they typically lose their tail in earlier predation escapes. Once a tail breaks off, it never regrows to full size. So the two I have seen at The Holler are unusual in that they never lost a prior tail.

    1. I think the lack of variance in diet would bore me though. Bugs, bugs and more bugs. Of course they probably think my lack of variance in errrrr mates would be even more boring…….Laughing! 😉 😉

  20. These lizards positively creep me out, Cindy! No way would I want to come anywhere close to them! Latching on? How did you manage to get free?? Yikes!

    1. Oh so sorry to creep you out. I know this is a reaction some people do have to reptiles. The lizard would not let go of my finger when I was a kid. Of course it was my fault as I caught it. My parents tried to pry it off with popsicle sticks but they broke. They finally got it off with teaspoons. Poor lizard was probably totally terrified by my bungling….

      1. I am cooking a mermaid book in the back of my mind. I have been thinking a lot about the details. If only I could finish my first novel. I keep editing, and editing. And learning. And shaking my head. And editing. Tonight for instance. *Heaving sigh*

      2. It will be worth it even though I completely empathize with your frustration. The desire to make something perfect is both wonderful and terrible. But your book will be pure wonder and I will buy it with bells on! <3

  21. What a beautiful place the Holler is! And these fellows are…interesting. I got used to cohabiting with an assortment of lizards in Africa. We have a few small ones here too but I appreciate that they don’t come to our bedroom…

    1. We are heading to Africa quite soon. I remember cohabitating with African lizards. I was in Berg en Dahl in Kruger and was awoken in the night by something. I had a flashlight and saw this huge green lizard leap up into the thatch rafters and stare at me challenging me to do anything. I was frightened but too tired to process this. I went back to sleep. We only saw him at night after he woke us and I endeavored to just sleep through it from then on! He creeped me out though, running over the kitchen counters. Why snakes and lizards want to get close and personal is beyond me. Why don’t they just leave us alone for Heavens sake. Some of the thatch have bats I hear. I don’t know if I can sleep through bats…….Hopefully I won’t have to find out!

  22. BookOfBokeh

    That alligator beast looked as if he was two mutations away from being a full fledged snake. I have never seen such tiny feet on such a big animal! Wow, you live is SUCH an interesting place! 🙂

  23. The alligator lizard is very pretty with all the stripes. It looks so innocent in the photo, but then again it isn’t showing any teeth. I don’t suppose you got close enough for it to feel threatened after your childhood experience.

    1. Nope, no cuddlle sessions between me and this guy. I had a ruler to demonstrate just how long he was, but I couldn’t get it closer than four feet to him, I was too nervous! 🙁

    1. Well thanks, but it was a good lesson that taught me not to grab lizards like this! 😉 Your lizards sound awesome. Salamanders are fascinating creatures~

  24. The fun you have with the L’s in this post made me wish there was one to reply with: I would be extremely leery of these lanky, little ‘leeches’ who cling to those they bite! ha ha!

  25. It is so funny, somehow it is saying I am making a duplicate comment, but I don’t think so. Now watch me rewrite this only for you to say, you said something similar to this before! ha ha!
    I would like to answer in a reply filled with the L you used a few times throughout your fun post here: I am extremely leery of the lanky, little lizards that ‘leech’ on to those who allow them to get their mouths upon their skin. Ouch!

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