Las Rosas del Holler~

The Holler is rural and rustic, so when I first moved here, almost seven years ago now, I first planted roses.
It was an act of faith. Roses are civil, and I wasn’t sure this place was.
Somehow I knew from the very beginning to encase their roots in chicken wire to repel the gophers who turned out to be legion.
This first day of spring, The Holler roses are in wild, exuberant bloom!
At night I hoot in communion with the owls, in the morning I wake up to be greeted by the hawks.
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This is the most civil place I have ever lived.
Cheers to you and Happy Spring from The Holler’s Bloominng roses~

281 thoughts on “Las Rosas del Holler~

  1. Some people might turn up their noses
    And think it too rustic for roses,
    But they would be truly surprised—
    For Cindy’s a hoot,
    Every photo she shoots
    Shows the holler is quite civilized!

    1. Laughing, love it! I think I should make it into a garden sign by the bench in the midst of the roses. I think I will and cite the poet. How lovely Cynthia my soul sister!

    1. That is just because I only post photos of the pretty stuff! Laughing. Wonderful to hear from you! I will head over to your blog to see what you’re up too. I am going to be in your country very soon~

      1. I have been rather dormant blog-wise for a while because I have been a bit poorly in recent months. But on the mend now, I am pleased to say 🙂 When and where will you be visiting in the UK? Are you coming to Scotland?

        1. On the mend, is good, poorly is not. I am so sorry. You are such an awesome person, with such musical talent. I learn from you and I missed you. That is one problem with blogging, you can’t really follow up on your friends without being intrusive. I am super pleased you are on the mend now. We pop into London for a day, and then head off to self drive Africa for around 10 days. Then we return to London for a week of TLC. I have no idea how much energy we will have at this point, or where we will feel up to going. Jim might possibly just be motivated to go to the local pub. Poor guy has to do the driving. I’m pretty sure I told you my maternal grandmother was a very proud Scot. We are going to Scotland in 2016 if all goes according to plan. Where are you in Scotland?

          1. What an awesome trip that sounds – like all your adventures! And Jim is awesome too!! 🙂 We are in Edinburgh, but Scotland is a village, as they say, so if you happened to be coming anywhere near by, it would be so super to meet up if you had time – plenty of time to think about that one though!! Meanwhile, I hope to get back to music, which I have missed – thank you for your kind words. Your lovely posts have been a joy to look at even if I have not felt up to commenting 🙂 xx

      2. I am so glad we are back in touch and you are improving. Sounds like you had a rough time of it and I I send you my healing thoughts and prayers, as well as sincere empathy. I will drop you a line when we return to London if we are feeling up for the train ride to beautiful Edinburough. Take good care my friend. <3

  2. Cindy, what exuberance! Magnificent roses, you have done well! I love the ones with the different colour on the reverse of the petal especially! 🙂

  3. Yes, rural places are quite civil and peaceful for sure! And on top of their civility, I’ll bet the roses also give off a sweet scent that is divine! 🙂

  4. Beautiful flowers and it is beautiful country that you live in, I am quite sure that your personality also brightens up the landscape for those who share surroundings.

  5. Your own beautiful addition to the wildness of your special Holler…you must take good care of them for them to look this perfect! Spring is still just an occasionally less cruel wind here so thanks for sharing.

    1. So you must get an almost abrupt beginning of summer. One of the most interesting surprises about blogging to me is talking to bloggers from all over the world whose climate is so entirely different from place to place. Cultural differences are nothing compared to me trying to contemplate what a winter like you have experienced is like. People deluged in excess precipitation can’t really get their heads around year after year of drought. Never expected this and it is most interesting. People have fundamental similarities. Climate doesn’t.

  6. How beautiful! I cannot wait to see roses again. Having just had yet more snow and then freezing fog last night, I’m desperately hungry for any signs of spring or summer. Thanks for ‘gifting’ me with such a lovely photographic bouquet just when I most needed one!

    1. I cannot believe how tough the winter has been for so many. I am going to recopy my reply from above regarding climate and blogging. I hope spring comes for you very soon my friend. Winter must be getting quite tiresome. Here is the recopy:
      “So you must get an almost abrupt beginning of summer. One of the most interesting surprises about blogging to me is talking to bloggers from all over the world whose climate is so entirely different from place to place. Cultural differences are nothing compared to me trying to contemplate what a winter like you have experienced is like. People deluged in excess precipitation can’t really get their heads around year after year of drought. Never expected this and it is most interesting. People have fundamental similarities. Climate doesn’t.”

  7. Those are spectacular! We finally planted our first rose bush last year. We have a ton of ravenous deer out here and knew they’d mow the rose bushes down in no time but a nasty patch of multi-flora rosa is dying in our fenced chicken area – we kept it as a place for the chickens to hide in – so we put in a rose bush hoping we’ll have something pretty and not as invasive for chicken protection and my enjoyment. 🙂

  8. Cindy, they are a wonderful sight. Your photos, lovely as always, a true gift on such a grey day with the river filling and several more days of rain forecasted. Thank you! 🙂

      1. True Cindy, it is France and magical! However your lovely flowers are appreciated and we would happily send you some of this rain!

  9. Cindy, thank you sooo much for a real day-brightener! That lilac-hued one is spectacular (not that the others aren’t, of course, but I just happen to LOVE unusual colored roses!!). What a beautiful spot you’ve got — and I’m most impressed at your knowledge to protect the roots from gophers! I didn’t know that (of course, we don’t have the little fur-balls, ha!)

    1. I was seeing all these gopher digs around and knew the roses would be toast in no time. So I rimmed the root ball on all side with chicken wire. Now I do it with every plant. Poor gophers have to go somewhere else to dine!

  10. You have a wonderful resiliency, a joyful expectation in all that you do. Planting roses is an act of faith, of hope, of love. These are the very things that make our world beautiful and our community strong and ready to embrace their individual journeys.

  11. You did amazingly well with the roses! I love them but do not even attempt them any more. What a way to welcome spring. I have been missing your posts but always enjoy them – as do so many more! Cheers! Thank you for your recent visit to my humble blog.

    1. I love your blog and am so glad you stopped by! Roses are definitely more labor intensive when grown by the coast. So glad you enjoyed them and cheeers to you!

    1. Yes, I goof around with this, photograph the flowers outside, with no flash inside against a black background, and with flash inside against a black background. This post has a mix of the first two. Thank you for noticing!

  12. Very civil and proper roses, Cindy. But I would bet big bucks that wild roses also have a hallowed place in the Holler. But on to hooting. I think we have talked about your Dr. Doolittle tendencies before— and the fact that we share this little bit of strangeness. Lately I have been gobbling with our wild tom turkeys who stroll around in pairs. They immediately fluff up, stick their necks out, and gobble back at me in unison. It’s quite hilarious, actually. –Curt

    1. It is just plain fact that birds appreciate humanoids taking the time to learn their language and can be quite chatty in response. Sometimes I feel like the Great Horned Owls get annoyed with me when I draw a close to the duet. What can I say? I get tired. What do they think I am? A night owl?

  13. These roses are exquisite! I can “feel” their fragrance just looking at the pictures! Add the birds…definitely a civil place 🙂

    1. I see, it’s how you named it. You definitely have a green thumb! I appreciate what you’re doing to save the gophers. I’m sure they are grateful also.

  14. Cindy – I love your floral pics and this post flowed so well – but I find that I kept going back to that very first one – at least three times – the veins and the color there – it is my fav of the series for sure – 🙂 and I can see why the plants are your companions – they must love you back

    1. I think of plants are the most benign living things on this planet. They take in C02 and respire out pure oxygen, they provide food, shelter, heat, flowers and natural perfume. I love them and love taking care of them. Thank you for your thoughtful words~

      1. de nada and I like the way you describe flowers! and one of my favorite unexpected beauties was when i bought an eggplant starter ons ale – when it bloomed – oh those flowers took my breathe away 🙂 have a nice day Cindy

    1. If I am really lucky, I might get a capture of you very soon captioned, “Species humanoid, location South Africa.” Laughing……..;) 😉 Thanks my friend for the nice compliment.

  15. Ah, my favorite rose, showing off her roses. Are they all in bloom now, Cindy. They are just beautiful. Here they are still inside insulating cones, protecting them from late frosts and freeze for a few more weeks…, but the crocus are starting to bloom !!!
    Hugs, Cuz. 🙂

  16. Those are some seriously spectacular varieties of roses you have there! I wonder if the lavender-ish one with the ruffles is Angel Face. An old favorite of mine. But wow, those bicolored beauties are incredible!! 😀

  17. Holler seems to be a good place for roses, Cindi, they look wonderful. Amazing that the roses are out already, we have to wait two months. Did you choose roses with a fragrance? I can’t think of a better start in the day than to bend over the roses in the morning and inhale their sweet fragrance, each rose with a different tune to it.
    Wishing you a good start in the new week,

    1. Yes indeed. The scented have a pronounced positive effect on my psyche too. I selected roses for color and scent. When your roses do bloom, they will more than make up for the harsh winter!

    1. I had no idea about gophers either until I moved in amongst hordes of them. One actually had the temerity to come up to my boot tip to scold me for inadvertantly flooding her den. Cheeky, toothy little mama. I was totally impressed with her courage. She came to confront Goliath for placing her babies in harms way. I backed up and apologized!

      1. O-lay! (aqua sneakers just did a stomp stomp, while I clapped my hands over my head) A rose in my teeth and fire in my soul, LOL. Well, maybe just a wee tickle in my soul, kind of like butterflies. Bayer ! I’ve never heard that before, WOW !

      2. Laughing…….You are one witty, creative chica! I can see you stomping in your aqua sneakers and clapping, with (my rose) in your teeth and your tickle in your soul. Some people add good, and joy, to the world. You are one such. <3 <3 <3

      1. Well – it’s a dream.
        This summer will be two years ago that I got a patio.
        Here’s basically what my backyard looks like now:

        The yard faces east. So- I get a harsh morning sun in the summer.

      1. Cindy~

        I have always loved this rose. I remember someone long ago, telling me the name of it was “Sterling Silver.” I thought …..what a beautiful, unique name for a rose that is so beautiful and unique. I never forget the look or the name, but often wondered if there were other roses similar in color, but named differently. Thanks for clarifying. Also thank you for your consistency in encouraging my writing. I spend very little time on the WordPress reader, but your recognition of my posts does not go unnoticed. Grateful.

        Your photography is beautiful.

        MANY Blessings! ~ Gerean

      2. I love you blog and writing, and yes the Sterling Rose has been a favorite of mine for a long time too. I have never seen them grow as productively as they do at The Holler though. I love their color and their scent. Cheers to you my friend and have a great hump day~ <3

  18. Oh, how I love and adore roses! This was lovely and a bouquet of knowledge sent our ways. You informed us to protect our roses with chicken wire from the groundhogs and other critters, along with your feeling roses are part of being civilized. I had not thought of either of these before! Smiles, Robin

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