Move Over Lady~

We geese are climbing stairs and it ain’t easy for us!
What do you entitled human think?
That stairs are made for you?
Not hardly! We geese have places to go and ducks to see.
What? Now you’re feeding ducks?
What about us?
Silly human, don’t you know?
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Treats are for geese~
Cheers to you from the confident geese, handsome ducks, and cluelessly entitled human.

218 thoughts on “Move Over Lady~

  1. Nice series. Geese are silly. They don’t need to climb steps, they can fly up them. They are just showing off. We used to have ducks and geese and various farm animals. Back a long, long time ago, we had this mean old gander that liked to sneak up on people and pinch them. One day, Laurie’s sister was bending over trying to see a raccoon hiding under a stump, and that old goose snuck up on her and gave her a good goosing. We laughed and laughed, and I don’t think Laurie’s sister has ever forgiven us for not telling her that old goose was sneaking up on her.

    1. Geese have ‘tudes big time! My kids were repeatedly chased by a highly agitated goose in Colorado. They called her Hissy as in, let’s go watch Hissy have a fit! 😉

  2. This was so sweet, Cindy. I can just imagine the attitude the ducks and geese give you. The special way you cherish all creatures comes across in all you photograph and write about, too. The one i liked the best was with blue details, how unusual!

  3. Totally charming, Cindy….you’re right about goose attitude. We have Canada geese who like to gang up for a procession crossing a busy street so all the tired people trying to get to or from work have to stop…traffic stops, backs up and the geese take their sweet time crossing. A good Zen moment, actually…slow down, breathe, watch geese meander across the road……

      1. I am no expert but one of the smallest in North America may be the Ross’s goose, and one of the largest, the Emden male goose. One male weighed in at 28 pounds! They are a tad aggressive too, so that is one big goose with a ‘tude!

  4. Ha, never get in the way of a goose!
    Beautiful birds, I esp. love the duck with the blue feet – such an exotic! Do you know what type it was? Your photos are so great in detail – I never noticed before that their feet close up when stepping.

  5. Yep, as your photos and others’ stories here describe, geese sure have a strong presence! Been surrounded by them near a pond before when they came up to us while we were enjoying some snacks. You *know* what they want, ha ha!

    They’re a delight to watch of course. I watched a group of them passively allow fast river currents to propel them towards a small waterfall, and they harnessed the river’s force into an easy take-off at the edge before the fall… It was clear that this was a playful activity for them!

    1. Oh wow, that must have been amazing to see! I am fascinated watching birds aerodynamic play. They have so much fun harnessing wind drafts and here you saw them harnessing water currents as well. Wonderful!

  6. Nice pics… our geese down at the lake are used to plenty people and are very relaxed, when it comes to people 🙂
    The swans are a different cattle of fish – grin

  7. Awesome and humorous post! I love that you can see the water droplets on their chest feathers! It’s so cool they aren’t afraid to come up so close to you! Beautiful pics! Hugz and Happy Friday! Lisa and Bear

      1. I miss my friend Imogen. She and I used to go with her mum to feed the ducks on the local pond. She was about 18 months old at the time. She was still my friend. Even now I sign off emails to her mum, ‘Quack quack.’

      2. My husband says quack so much that I gave him a t-shirt with a duck on it, that says, “Shut the Duck Up.” Needless to say, he pays me back by wearing it. It’s a good shirt for sorting through people though. Some people look appalled and away (phooey on them) and others look amused and add commentary, “What duck?” Where’s the duck?” etc…….

    1. Considering I am no expert, I am tentatively identifying these guys as white faced whistling ducks, bar headed goose, swan goose, and female comb duck. If I am wrong someone will hopefully help us out with my guesses……

      1. Thanks. I took out my bird book yesterday and was unable to identify a few of the ducks I saw so I totally understand not always being able to put a name to them. They are beautiful no matter what we call them.

  8. Cute geese. I think they do an easier job of it (going up stairs) than this human with one bad knee, one artificial knee and arthritis. 🙂

  9. They’re so beautiful, Cindy — especially the one with BLUE feet!! I so admire your ability to get up close and personal with critters like these!!

  10. It’s always so hard being fair when feeding waterfowl. Whenever I’ve some homemade bread left over (lucky birds), I go to feed the ducks and moorhens in the local park. Usually, I make sure the bread is in crumbs, rather than in chunks, otherwise the seagulls come swooping down and steal it all. They don’t seem to bother with crumbs. My dog enjoys the fallout and is more interested in this than chasing the birds.

    1. One thing I love seeing when I travel is all the people who feed the birds. In Brugge there was a couple who went round to all the restaurants at close of day on bicycle and collected left over bread. They peddled over to the canals and fed the swans. They did this every night I was there. God Bless the bird feeders everywhere!

  11. This is a cosy post and they all look very cute <3 I can almost feel how they bobbing over the doorstep. Thanks for the greeting 🙂 🙂

  12. Adorable post, Cindy!

    I love when I go down to the lake, and the seagulls are swimming in with the geese and ducks, pretending “I’m a duck, I’m a goose!”
    Then when the first morsel of food hits the water, it’s pandemonium and the seagull shows its true feathers, gets the bit and takes off.
    2 mins later… “I’m a duck, I’m a goose”! is back.

    1. Seagulls are hilarious, rapacious and quite intelligent. There is a fancy hotel near where I grew up. Silver napkin rings went missing for decades from the al fresco tables. The old hotel bell tower was rennovated recently and they found a huge stash of napkin rings in it. Pilfered by the seagulls because, well, only the seagulls know. Revenge possibly!

  13. Glorious post, Cindy. Do the geese get feisty? I usually avoid geese as a rule because they are aggressive. Love feeding ducks, though. All of your birds are gorgeous.

  14. Liebe Cindy deine Fotos sind wieder einmalig schön ganz toll einen schönen glücklichen Samstag wünsche ich dir und sei ganz lieb in Freundschaft gegrüßt Klaus

  15. Not sure about hand feeding the ducks… don’t think I would want to come into such close contact with that duck bill… looks like it could snap off a finger! Really great photos.

    1. Laughing… wonder there are so many nursery rhymes about them. They have such distinct personalities. Don’t you love the way their feet collapse as they step up the stairs!

      1. Laughing— I watch nature everyday, as you do Cindy. Someone is always trying to determine who has the right-of-way. BTW, this isn’t relevant to the conversation but it is neat. The neighborhood dogs howl in unison every morning. It’s quite striking. Recently they have been joined by the wild turkeys that live on our property. Woof, woof, woo, gobble, gobble, gobble. 🙂 –Curt

  16. Hmmm … that looks like kitty kibble! Anyway, birds don’t mind what it is. The robins that visit our front porch have kitty kibble too (including chicken and turkey flavors).

    1. Ducks and geese are omnivores. They eat bugs and worms in addition to plants and grains. Robins I imagine eat grains and worms/bugs? Duck and geese pellets are probably somewhat similar to kitty pellets albeit with more grains, but I am no expert and am just guessing here…..

    1. Ich bin so froh, dass Sie die Ganse genossen mein Freund! Ich liebe sie , weil sie uns Menschen in unserem richtigen Stelle und lassen Sie uns nicht das Gefuhl zu sich selbst wichtig! Glucklich Sonntag Ernst~

    1. Yes it is a white faced whistling duck! Quite a name I know. We saw boobies recently in Channel Islands National Park, two species, one not supposed to be there. Channel Islands reminds me a bit of the Galapagos although I haven’t been to the Galapagos. I hope you go and post your photos of the famous blue footed ones!

  17. Incredible photographs, Cindy. I wowed the entire way through. The clarity is unbelievable! And I agree with Ann that the first goose looks like he is about to step right on my kitchen table. Great post!!! Love, Amy

  18. Oh dear! You have got Wolfie slavering and drooling! Great big fat confident geese….big healthy and handsome ducks… fill the Wolfie belly for many weeks to come! lol 😉 The excitement is overwhelming and self control is proving very elusive all of a sudden! HoooOOOOOooooOOOWWWWWWWWWWwwwwwwwwwWWWWWWLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL!!!! Ohhh the call to the hunt! lol 😉

  19. Clearly you don’t know the password, that always gets ducks to give way. I’ll tell you for next time, so you can stand up for the whole human race of entitled duck overlords. “Foie Gras.” LOL

  20. I don’t think I am really able to differentiate geese from ducks.

    Here in Indonesia, we only have swan goose, which is very obviously different from ducks.

    When I see other types of goose on TV, I usually get confused and say: “wait a minute, that’s a goose? not a duck?”

    1. Laughing. They can be hard to tell apart, although their personalities are fairly distinct, goose being more assertive. Swan goose are beautiful. Heading over to your blog now Hari to see what you’ve been up too~

  21. Geese are nice until they poop in your yard,
    Tis the season for us.
    This year we’re going to try a semi-permanent border between our house & the retention pond behind us in hopes that the geese stay out of our yard. We’re not allowed to have fenced in property. So- will see how our low border gets by.

    1. Kids see more than adults because they haven’t had to filter impressions yet. I love seeing the world through the eyes of a child! Tell your son I am happy he noticed this! He has an excellent eye for detail~

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