ET Phone Home!

I found ET! He’s living at the San Diego Safari Park!
I know it’s shocking to think that he’s picked up a smoking habit.
But look at that stogie!
What do you expect with him homesick for his planet, and stuck all these years in Southern California? I’m surprised he’s not surfing.
Cheers to you from ET and all his extraterrestrial (Waller Gazelle) buddies at the San Diego Safari Park~
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

224 thoughts on “ET Phone Home!

  1. Yes, that is a strange looking fellow there. Shewing a long stick like that is similar to Panda. Panda shews bamboo sticks like that too but more like a person put a tooth pick in the mouth rather.

    1. Yes, I have seen pandas do this and you are right it does look like a person with a tooth pick. I am afraid ET has picked up some bad habits here in Southern California! 😉

  2. Cindy – These photos are just precious and your comments with them are priceless. Thank you for sharing them with us and for brightening up my evening…
    Hope your evening is most beautiful and your Valentine’s Day filled with wonderful moments…

      1. Ha ha, my husband hides whenever he lights up, which I think is HILARIOUS. As if a breath-mint is really going to disguise anything, it only makes it more obvious, lol! 🙂

      1. Yes. It is scary. In SoCal we are still in terrible drought. No & Central Caly have gotten tons of rain, but we have not. The last week has been in the low 80 degrees F all week. Not good~

  3. I was going to ask at first what in the world that animal was until I read the end, that´s my kind of gazelle, I can sit with her and have a smoke while we both watch the sun set. It is a beautiful creature indeed.

  4. Cindy, I used to get this kind of response to most of my posts, over 200 likes and tons of comments. Now I get a few comments and 150 likes. I know a few of my most active followers quit blogging. this is despite having 7,500 followers. I guess they are mostly AWOL. I hope my photography hasn’t gone to pieces.

    1. No, your photography is wonderful, and you are a gifted photographer. I especially love your travel photography. Maybe this is a natural progression for a blog. It will probably happen to me. Some people might get uncomfortable with all the street shots of young females in skimpy outfits. But then again, others love it. So I don’t know. You could do always do post and ask people. You might get some interesting feedback.

  5. Pingback: Sonntagsleserin Januar/Februar 2015 | buchpost

  6. Great sense of humor in this one, Cindy. Smoking, indeed! 🙂 BTW, there has been this rather fun and interesting project making its way around the blogosphere called “Behind the Scenes Blog Hop.” Some of my all-time favorite bloggers have been participating and James and Terri Vance nominated me. I have responded in my blog today. Four questions are asked about how and why we blog. I, in turn, have nominated you. You can choose to participate or not. It is totally up to you. Mainly, I wanted to encourage the folks who follow me to check out your blog. 🙂 –Curt

  7. Pingback: Blog Hopping the World… with Curt and Peggy Mekemson | Wandering through Time and Place

  8. Pingback: ET Phone Home! | penpowersong

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