I Hear Lake Water Lapping with Low Sounds by the Shores….


I hear it in the deep heart’s core- William Butler Yeats

(Please click to enlarge).


We are spending the holidays with our family at pristine Lake Tahoe in Northern California.


Lake Tahoe is the largest alpine lake in North America.


It is the second deepest lake in America, reaching depths of 1,645 feet.


It is known for it’s pristine clarity.


We are in a draught now in California, and although there is snow, there is not the typical 8 or so feet of it closing roads and making the lake almost inacessible.


The lake views in winter are particularly beautiful!

Perhaps the truth depends upon a walk around the lake- Wallace Stevens


Cheers to you from Lake Tahoe, the skiing/boarding is not optimal, but the lake is purely divine!

135 thoughts on “I Hear Lake Water Lapping with Low Sounds by the Shores….

  1. Reblogged this on Spirit In Action and commented:
    Thank you Cindy! You really captured the spirit of the place and of the water. Despite photos being visual only I can sense the drier air and coolness in contrast to the warm moist shore of the Bay near me.

    For those trapped indoors, in cities, maybe even at work; photos that bring thru the spirit of nature can be a wonderful tool for meditation allowing us to escape the confines of our stressed minds and limited in locations.

  2. Breathtaking! I walked in here listening to the Star of the Country Down performed by Yo-Yo Ma and it just seemed to magnify your beautiful images beyond the visual sense! I hope you are having a wonderful holiday!

  3. Alpine lake! That’s the first time I heard the term. I had no idea that lakes are also classified based on their altitudes. I only knew about volcanic lake and tectonic lake. 😀

    These photos are so beautiful. I especially love the ones with the trees mirrored on the surface of the water.

    1. Amazing, but the folks in No Cal have been far more focused on conservation for many decades than their neighbors to the south and it shows in the lakes, streams and redwoods! I wish you could come along for a hike my friend!

    1. So gorgeous in the winter, and due to the dry conditions, so accessible. We are heading into Sequoia next on roads that are usually closed for the winter. Still, I am praying for snow/rain. It is way too dry…..

  4. Your camera seems to be enjoying the trip immensly and that leads me to believe that you must be also. The pictures are fantastic, Cindy. Makes me wish I were there to see it…, but there’s just a ton of people here who just wouldn’t understand my absence right now. 🙂 Have a great holiday, Cuz !

    1. So excited about your new camera! Just start playing with it. It is so easy because, poof…..bad pics disappear, and you learn as you play. Can’t wait to see your pics!

    1. You will never believe what just happened (5 mins ago). I was looking through a tote I rarely used here in a hotel room, when I noticed the lining was ripped so I looked underneath and all this birdseed fell out. I looked at my husband puzzled and said the only time I remember buying birdseed like this was in Auz, but I bought this thing tote in Chinatown. He reminded me, “Yes, Chinatown in Australia.” It was bird seed I bought in NSW to feed the awesome birds!! And here is your comment 5 minutes later!! Synchronicity! Happy New Year in Beautiful Auz! I bet the birdseed was illegal to bring into the country!! lol~~

      1. Now I know why all the birds flock to you Cindy. That Aussie bird seed would really attract them. Good story my friend. Keep that illegal seed hidden, or better still feed it to your lovely birds over there. Happy New Year to you too.

  5. Stunning shots and interesting facts.
    So much deeper than anywhere in the UK.
    Scotland’s Loch Morar is the deepest, at just over 1,000 feet, and it is home to Nessie’s cousin Morag!
    Great blog.

  6. I read this post while in Alabama, but pix didn’t load. .. Now that I’m home and loaded (pix are loaded.. ha!) I am amazed at the similarities of our respected areas! Rocky, water and evergreens. If we placed our photos together, I think others would say we’re in the same place. Hope you had a great time! It looks beautiful there!

    1. Oh how could we do this? It sounds fascinating? How could we post pics together on the same post? One or another of us could do the post, include the pics, describe who took and where, and ask if people can pick the location. This sounds incredible to me.
      Please get back to me if you are interested. I am in Sequoia National Park now which has slow internet, but I can still receive! Happy New Year to you!

      1. Wow! Ok! Got my thinking cap on. I don’t think we could coauthor, but yes, one could post the others photos and then the other just reblogs. Or we could write a post together via email, cut/paste and bam, we could both have a post? I’m ok with either, but I think we could keep it easy and do the former. Since you thought of this =-) did you want to write and I’ll reblog? You’ve also got many more followers than me! I’ve got no issues sending you my photos.
        I’ve not seen the Sequoia’s in about 30 years. . Have they gotten any bigger? Haha!

      2. I love this idea!! Wait till I get home from traveling and let’s do it! I think the pics should go together and we can have fun with the layout and ask if people can see which is which. I will email you when I get home so we can plan it. I am open to all approaches.

  7. You know, it’s funny Cindy. When I think of California I think of Sunny beaches, congested freeways & Florida type weather! These last two posts of yours have been real eye openers for us & shown us a whole new side of California. And since it’s our dream to move to Washington State, we can truly enjoy the beauty of a state that has similar landscapes!! Truly magnificent~ 🙂

    1. Yes, some people feel there are two California’s southern and northern, the northern part of the state is what you are resonating too. The lush forests, lakes and National Parks!

  8. Oh Cindy, thank you so much for all these wonderful photos. You fill our hearts with energy and beauty. I do love lakes, and of course these serie has touched me a lot. Here is a poem to thank you – in french – hope you dont’mind, I will post it on my blog today – for you! 🙂
    Kind regards and thanks again for SHARING. FGM
    (When I need inspiration, I just have to look at your blog 🙂

    Qui sait voir les beautés du monde
    Voit la Beauté du Père
    Il envoie en ce monde
    Ceux et celles qui le pourront

    Pour mettre au coeur de tous ses enfants
    Un peu du baume qu’il nous faut
    Pour essayer d’être meilleur
    Et de venir à Lui le coeur pur et léger

    For Cindy

    1. Le poème est si exquis! Il capte si bien ma philosophie de vie. Je suis rempli de gratitude pour votre gentillesse et votre appréciation pour votre talent! Merci beaucoup pour cette gentillesse extraordinaire! Hugz a vous je vous remercie beaucoup. Votre bonté m’encourage! <3 <3 <3

      1. Chère Cindy, c’est exactement la même chose pour moi, je crois que c’est la magie, la joie et le miracle du mot “sharing”. Je suis simplement émerveillé par tous les trésors que les bloggers partagent. It is so inspiring. I think it’s because all that come from the depth of our hearts. You kindness encourages me too so much! Keep in touch 🙂 love! FGM

    2. Oui! Les amities que je fais avec les blogueurs talentueux et genereux partout dans le monde sont tres precieux pour moi! Merci pour votre bon cœur et de talent!

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