Invasion of the Robotic Wind Thieves!

Hide under your bed!
They’re coming!

They’ve invaded the desert,

and there are thousands of them.

They have endless supplies of energy,

and multiple means of transport.
They even have Boxsters!


Oh humanity, how will it end?

PS- If I were you,

I wouldn’t lose any sleep over it.

111 thoughts on “Invasion of the Robotic Wind Thieves!

  1. Cindy, they are ugly. I saw them, when visiting my family in Germany. They have them all over in the countryside and some of them are huge. I am afraid, you might be correct, that we will get them too. Veraiconica

  2. They do look as though they’re on a march of invasion, Cindy. Fabulous shots in close up. When there are just a few of them I think they’re rather majestic and beautiful, but these guys have definitely run riot! But you do have lots of desert- isn’t it a good cause? I really don’t know the answers. 🙁

    1. Neither do I. It is certainly less harmful than nuclear power. Oil exploration is more harmful. Windmill farms like this kill lots of birds and bats. They are often off, and when turned on can rotate at up to 200 mph per hour. I like how I have seen it done in parts of Europe like Germany. Individual windmills which I think the government provides some compensation to people for. Maybe a German blogger will explain it here. Good question for which I have no answers~

  3. They do look scary! Where is Don Quixote?
    “Just then they came in sight of thirty or forty windmills that rise from that plain. And no sooner did Don Quixote see them that he said to his squire, “Fortune is guiding our affairs better than we ourselves could have wished. Do you see over yonder, friend Sancho, thirty or forty hulking giants? I intend to do battle with them and slay them. With their spoils we shall begin to be rich for this is a righteous war and the removal of so foul a brood from off the face of the earth is a service God will bless.”

    “What giants?” asked Sancho Panza.

    “Those you see over there,” replied his master, “with their long arms. Some of them have arms well nigh two leagues in length.”

    1. Oh Hilarious!!!! He’d be tilting at windmills for years over here, poor man! But he’d be very rich! And who knew that he was right about this? We all assumed he was foolish. But look, the giant monsters have taken over!!
      Great comment my friend!!

    1. Yes I have seen them in Europe. It is less harmful than other forms of energy creation ie., nuclear, oil drilling, etc., even though massive farms like these in pristine desert eco-systems kill many birds and bats. They are often off and birds land on them. When they turn on they can spin at 200 mph at the tips!

  4. They ar ugly and very inefficient, but easy.

    Very sadly they are the consequence of leaving eco solutions so late. I’m sorry to say that we will probably have to put up with more ugliness in the future, for the same reason.

    In the longer term better solutions will be found. In the meantime we accept for sake of future generations. Thought of like that, it is perhaps less distressing.

    Regards to all

  5. Reblogged this on sachemspeaks and commented:
    Why do we pay so much for electricity, so over pollute the planet, smell so much smog, and eat so many poisoned plants, fish and animals? The answers lie in the answers to my friend Candy’s posting!

    1. Awww thank you Sachem! It strikes me that western man cannot seem to stop messing up the planet. Even when we pursue alternative energy, we do it in an environmentally invasive way. I grew up catching horny toads (and letting the go) on these sand dunes. Now the horny toads are close to extinction and the sand dunes are fenced off and these windmills when switched on can turn at the tips at 200 mph. Desert birds and bats haven’t a chance. Thank you my friend~

  6. I know that these things are creeping up. They are ugly but I think at the moment they are helping us to harvest energy for living people. I do not know how much they help off load other energy source. At the least, they are clean energy source than others we know of today. I hope we find better energy source as clean as these and hope that it does not look so ugly 🙂

  7. Why do we pay so much for electricity, so over pollute the planet, smell so much smog, and eat so many poisoned plants, fish and animals? The answers lie in the answers to my friend Candy’s posting!

  8. You’re such a wit. HA. Don’t knew if you got to southern Alberta while you were here, but they’ve got a whole area near ‘Cochrane’ that has miles of these. It’s always windy thru there.

      1. There is a thin line between brilliance and whacka-whacka-whacka-doodle-do; as you very well know. So if you will excuse me I have to paint my windows black. There are a lot of people with pitchforks in my front yard and their kids have their little snotty noses leaving streaks on my windows. 3:)

  9. In short, I’d rather see these, than the landscape all destroyed by machines digging for oil. There’s always a trade off. Humans haven’t figured out yet that Mother Nature will exact her revenge one of these days. Hopefully, I’ll be pushing up daisies by then!
    Wonderful photos!

  10. These photos are so striking in black and white. Stark objects like propellers, containers and road signs against the gradients of the sky and mountains. Very nice!

    1. Yes and these are in pristine desert habitat, home to owls, hawks, all sorts of unique birds and necessary bats. They are often off and than crank on to speeds of 150-200 mph at the propeller tips. Bird disposals~

  11. Cindy I’m not getting your posts, are you still having problems with WP, I am, post does not post on website, goes out as posted to followers, (which some tell me never get to them) but doesn’t post to the website itself. stays in draft.?? wondered if you have heard back from WP. I have not. can you contact me please at

    1. Yes there are still problems and I will email you now. This Sunday the reader, repeated the same six posts over and ove,r ad infinitum. It is quite a problem and I have had no response from WP regarding the reader missing posts. A few people from the forum told me that my post was in the reader, but no one has addressed the serious ongoing malfunctions in the reader and no “Happiness Engineer” has responded to my multiple queries. I am finding the job title ironic at this point.
      So sorry you are experiencing problems too!

      1. There is of course much worse forms of energy exploitation, I think the error here may be the over the top quantity, as if no one cares about the desert. People do though, as I know you do! Thanks my friend~

  12. LoL!! You have a great sense of humour 🙂 These are such cool photos, I enjoy anything like this, it’s unusual subject matter and just what I really enjoy…enhanced further by the humour! 😉

      1. Yes! That’s it! You have summed it all up perfectly! The bit about your post at any rate 😉 How wonderful to find someone can understand so exactly what I think and feel 🙂 I bow to your remarkable insight and expertise! And your great post that insists I come back to view again and again lol … Obi-Wan K-Wolfie!!! 😉

  13. Hi, Cindy! 🙂
    There is one thought that popped into my mind right away:
    It must be so windy over there! How many herbs, spices and preserved food I can dry almost immediately!
    Some of my pomelo peels and dried peppers had gone bad because of the wet weather. I have to remake most of them.

      1. There haven’t ben many lately, lol! It’s been a struggle dealing with the expectations of having a blog verses the reality, since discovering I don’t manage my time well enough to keep up properly with a blog. I’m learning slowly, though! You could teach a course on that very thing, Cindy — you are so good at that!

  14. Nice photo essay Cindy. And they are everywhere. We even found them on Kodiak Island this summer. I like the wind power concept. Look how well the old windmills worked. But they can be an eyesore. They also take a nasty toll on birds and bats. –Curt

  15. Cindy–this is a great compilation. The black and white is powerful, and speaks to the machines it features. I saw the MOST horrible docu about these monoliths–they are NOT the clean energy source they are touted to be, they are sonically loud, and the depth to which their bases are drilled in the bedrock pollutes the soil/grazing land by releasing toxins within it…they are horrible–disturbing birds migrations, as well.

  16. Any energy source must be judged against the alternatives. Soot filled skies are less appealing that windmill covered landscapes. However, we missed an opportunity during our last house building boom to put solar panels on all those new roofs for about the same or less cost of adding all those “bonus rooms” that noone uses. Imagine if we were now generating lots of KW on all those roofs and feeding it back into the grid. The land-foot print is already taken up by the house…

      1. Bird and bat kills, vibration noise, clearing/covering land for renewable generation sites are visible downsides of this form of energy production. Fossil fuel consumption (and, yes, we are hogs) has many other less visible, or at least more slowly accumulating problems, such as acid rain & chemical contamination (sulfur, mercury, etc.) of rivers, lakes, forests, and all habitats downstream/wind. Then there is the constant expansion of human activity with roads, housing development (rural, X-urban, etc.), and all the gadgets we fill our homes with, and all the “fulfillment centers” along those roads…. Living with a small carbon foot print, us included, takes a lot of work.

  17. People don’t want to give up the comfort and convenience to minimize the energy usage, and the standard of living is getting higher, which means much more energy consumption.

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