Raiatea’s Remarkable Flora & Fauna~

Raiatea has some unusual flora and fauna.
Check out the colors of these water lilies for example!
The scent of tropical flowers perfumes the air, sending you off to sleep, even in mid day!
I tried my new underwater camera for the first, and last time for awhile, because I got a nasty coral cut, that is now infected. I got it from fire coral that was not visible on our balcony’s dive ladder. No more underwater photo practice for me until it heals.
I did manage to get some decent shots on my first attempt. Can you see the camouflaged octopus here? He was quite large and stuck his tentacles simultaneously down many holes searching for prey. When he found some, he ballooned his entire body around it and killed it.
So many beautiful fish, I even saw a lion fish wish I would love to show you. Lots of giant clams too.
This guy was half in and out of water!
And this one appears to live in the thatch of our bungalow.
Raiatea is surrounded by motus, which are empty atolls, that you can sail or kayak over to, and spend your day on your own private island like Robinson Crusoe!
Cheers to you from beautiful Raiatea~
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