Hooded Orioles: Pairs & Females~

Quite a curious Hooded Oriole mated pair (click/tap to enlarge).

They are avid people watchers,

and grape jelly eaters!

Orioles are migrating birds, and because it is cold in the winter at The Holler, our orioles head to warmer winter climes.

They spend spring and summer nesting at The Holler.

Female orioles are supremely talented weaver birds, and design intricate and beautiful hanging nests from palm strings. This female is loading up on string to weave her nests.

Cheers to you from the beautifully curious Holler Hooded Orioles~

130 thoughts on “Hooded Orioles: Pairs & Females~

  1. So pretty (and full of curiosity!)! 💛 Our Baltimore Orioles came for the jelly when they first arrived but once they started nest building (or maybe after they laid eggs?). The Orchard Oriole only showed up once to our disappointment.

    1. That is so different from here. Orioles, woodpeckers, scrub jays and mocking birds all are addicted to grape jelly and would eat it all summer daily if I kept it out. I wonder why yours don’t stay. We are in a rural area with no development around us and we are a food source, so that may be why დ

      1. I think if we left the jelly up, the woodpeckers and other birds (like the Gray Catbird) would eat it, too, but so would the ants and yellow jackets, so we just take the feeder down. We also live in a rural area. It’s about 50% wooded (we’re surrounded by state forests) and might offer a lot of other food sources for our birds.

  2. OK, maybe the secret is out. If we overheard these fine birds they might be saying, “look Cindy is approaching, everyone strike an attractive pose, it’s photo time!” How else are they so fond of you? Nice.

    1. I think you are on to something Neil. These birds love the paparazzi, just like movie stars who tip paparazzi off to where they are going, these birds want their cover shots!! 😉 😉

  3. Orioles have such beautiful colours. I feel it’s a real treat on the very rare occasion we get a pair coming by here for a day or two. Bullock’s orioles are what we’ve seen. But they are all so gorgeous. Your photos really do them justice. So sharp and clear. Great job, Cindy.

  4. Pennsivity

    They’re such gorgeous birds to capture Cindy, …always amazes me the amount of detail and colour you manage to get, … lovely, lovely photo’s,…✨👏✨

  5. Excellent captures of these pairs. So… do YOU put the jelly out for them? Too funny that they only like grape and won’t touch other types!

  6. Pingback: Beautiful Orioles, from Cindy… | Rethinking Life

  7. Orioles are some of my favorite birds to watch. The Baltimore orioles that we have out East have big personalities, and don’t seem to be very afraid of me, either.

  8. Lovely, I’ve three bird houses. Two had old nests, one is being used again. The gourd bird house (I lost the last one) is new… I saw a birdie investigate, but I don’t think it is being used yet.

          1. I am not sure if the birdie will make it a home but I saw a wren investigating the gourd birdhouse this morning. And there is a nest in my front forsythia bush!! 🙂

  9. You know, following up on my comment on your next post (going backwards thanks to the refresh rate on the phone throwing me around!) the tails and beaks of these Orioles are actually similar to those of the not-at-all bright or at all gold 😉Jam’ Blackbirds on inspection of these pics 🙃 The females look so soft in their gentler shades of plumage. Lovely partners to the bolder males and such lovely weaving skills! We have big black/white magpies who steal the hessian style hanging basket liners in nesting season – they sit there tugging out long strands until they have a beakful and can’t carry anymore before taking it away and then returning for more! This year there is very little hanging basket material left🤣

    1. Hilarious about the un-weaving! I love your black and magpies and have taken endless photos of them. The most recent series had them bedeviling a family of foxes for hours. Hilariously entertaining. I have actually been gifted by a magpie too. Very smart birds that carry grudges, so always be nice to magpies!! 😉 😉

      1. Yes! Definitely be nice to magpies! They are big bullies and frighten all the smaller birds 🐦 away from any food that’s available 😀 They also have a habit of stealing shiny things!

  10. WE do not have Hooded Orioles here ….. only Orchard and Baltimore Orioles yet every year they come here to mate and breed, I am beyond fascinated by them. I have their trust and they love watching me and being with me as I with them. They are beyond intelligent as we understand intelligent to be. I can say that for birds straight across the board!!! LOVED this post, Cindy. Thank you! xo

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