The Golden Boys~

are back,

at The Holler!

The golden girls are too.

This guy is a Bullocks Oriole.

All the rest are Hooded Orioles.

They are amazingly fun birds to have around,

because they have such comical personalities.

They head-bob, bicker, play and people watch.

Cheers to you from the handsome Holler orioles~

168 thoughts on “The Golden Boys~

  1. The are handsome indeed! Orioles in Dutch is ‘Wielewaal” We got this song: ‘Kom mee naar buiten allemaal, dan zoeken we de Wielwaal;’, meaning: ‘Come on you all, let’s get outside and search for the Oriloles. When we find that music maker, spring is back in the land.’ 🙂

  2. We had a Bullock’s oriole here one time, so I guessed that this was some sort of oriole, but what wonderful photos you got of these brightly coloured birds. Fantastic photos, Cindy.

  3. Pingback: The Golden Boys~ — (beautiful photographs from Cindy) | Rethinking Life

  4. They are beautiful. But just a side note…is there any beautiful bird that ‘doesn’t’ go to the Holler, they are all birds of paradise. You and your camera must suffer so much Cindy 😂 🤣 ❤️ 🙏🏽 🦋

  5. Pingback: The Golden Boys~ — – Echoes in the Mist

    1. Their coloring is very similar though. I make the same mistake. They are really fun birds to live with because they are continuously bickering and bobbing and chattering at each other! დ

  6. Orioles are lovely critters, Cindy, and I thank you for showing them up close to us. For some odd reason, I don’t see too many here. Guess I should research that when I get some time.

    1. “He’d fly through the air with the greatest of ease
      A daring young man on the flying Trapeze
      His movements were graceful, all girls he could please!” 😉

  7. Cheers to you!! Thank you for bringing us these gorgeous pictures!! I have a friend who loves watching birds, and I am going to send her this post! Happy, Happy Easter Cindy! I so appreciate all the encouragement you’ve given me!

  8. Wonderful. You must have a great camera to go with your keen eye.
    We just saw a yellow and black bird in the garden, last week. To far to identify… I’ll see if it comes back…

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