An Uncommon Fellow~

Look who’s been posing like a model,

at our local ponds lately,

Wood Ducks, which are uncommon in Southern California.

I need to go back and photograph the females,

who are not quite as show stopping as the males,

but are beautiful none the less.

Cheers to you from the uncommonly beautiful California Wood Duck~

234 thoughts on “An Uncommon Fellow~

  1. Pingback: An Uncommon Fellow~ — – Ninnys Nest

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    1. I agree with you he is uncommonly beautiful, Cindy. He is really quite spectacular, he’s like the peacock of ducks with those rich deep colours.

        1. Haha I just realised I commented under someone else’s comment. Not used to using wordpress with my phone, must had been scrolling down too fast to comment. I’ll stick to desktop! Cheers back to both of you Cindy and angelwhisper!

  3. Isn’t he magnificent? Nature is the original of great art, l am always in awe. The markings on his breast remind me a an elegantly beaded 1920’s cocktail gown! Again, such beautiful photos ❤️

    1. Yes, you see things as I do! This is a 1920’s elegant gowned bird, but he is the original and rightful owner of the feathers! He doesn’t need the accessories that women wore back in the day to enliven the feathers, HE IS the living feathers! Humans are the accessories. Good to see, isn’t it დდ

    Par ce message positif et amical je te souhaite une bonne semaine mon ami(e). Quoi que tu vives, quoi que tu fasses, dans chaque moment il se cache une raison d’être heureux ? MERCI DE TON PASSAGE pour te dire un léger mieux dans ma maladie de LIME Bisous à plu tard

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