Bush Stone Curlew~

Whose hiding here?

A mama curlew and her chick, that’s who! (You can see the camouflaged chick in the first photo in the upper right if you look carefully).

Mama quickly proceeded to lead me away from her chick,

like a good protective mama bird.

Bush Stone Curlews are ground dwelling, carnivorous birds native to Australia. They can fly, but rely on concealment to evade predation.

Cheers to you from the clever, camouflaged, curlews~

248 thoughts on “Bush Stone Curlew~

  1. Mama sure looks wary … suspicious, even. She’s got some great camouflage here. Do they only have one chick at a time? I’ve never seen a birdie like this — now you’ve got me curious. I’m heading to Google to learn more!

    1. So sorry I missed this comment Terri. This happens when I rely on the reader. The eyes have it! Aren’t they arresting. I wouldn’t have spotted her expect her eyes were focused on me, the intruder.

  2. Wonderful photographs! As soon as I opened this to read I thought I recognised the bird. No, but these curlews are cousins of the Thick-knees we have in South Africa: Burhinus capensis and Burhinus vermiculatus.

    1. Yes!!! And I have photos of them in South Africa too, that I have never posted. It is because I had seen them before in South Africa that I recognized this mama and her chicks. Synchronicity დ

  3. Nature heals, including photos of nature, but especially your beautiful photos. Every single time I visit your blog I feel better, more uplifted. Thank you, Cindy. ♥.

  4. That is one heck of a great Mama! I can see it in her eyes!
    What a beauty! Thank you for these wonderful shots, Cindy!
    Hope you and yours are all well!

    1. I have photographed them once each in S. Africa and Australia, and I never heard a peep from them. I am going to have to google how they sound. Thanks for the lead დ

  5. The shots of the mama leading you away are superb, Cindy. I am reminded of how killdeer lead you away from their nests— even including the broken wing gambit. I wonder if it is common among ground dwelling birds. –Curt

  6. Just curious if there was a stream or water nearby. I’m so used to seeing relatives of these birds near beaches and marsh. And yes, those eyes were what caught me first.

    1. Which relatives? I arrived in Oz with the rains that extinguished the fires, so there was ‘water, water everywhere.’ But I have only seen curlews in arid South Africa and now Australia. Where do you see their relatives?

      1. They have quite a range. From Canada to NE California; Texas and Louisiana; South Carolina to South Florida. I’ve seen them in Delaware as well. Try Numenius americanus or long-billed curlew. It’s not quite the same, but a cousin at least.

  7. I’ve only seen these birds in the Great Aviary at Melbourne Zoo and was surprised by their size. They’re enormous and their legs so long.

    1. I missed the Great Aviary. I never stay long enough in Oz. This time covid drove me home. I photographed curlews in South Africa. No chicks though. Still, they so impressed me. What tough terrestrial birds to survive in the African bush. დ

    1. Yes, now that you mention it, the eyes are disproportionately large and you are right. She was in mama protection mode. Don’t mess with my babies you human! დ

    1. Thank you! I hope all is well with you too. We are being careful, but we can’t be careful forever and this is not going away anytime soon. Stay safe my friend დ

    1. I really was mesmerized by her eyes and her steadfast stare. This reminded me of my cat’s eyes, who also holds eye contact with me just this mama bird did. Lots of animals do this, and I experience it as impressive wordless communication დ

  8. Lovely photo documentary of a wonderful bird. A great mum indeed, a behaviour often seen by all the ground nesting birds. We don’t see the Stone-curlew so often, although we have many of the Sandpipers here in the marshes like the Curlew (Numenius Arquata) and the Curlew Sandpiper (Calidris ferrugina). Great close-ups, Cindy!

    1. I am more familiar with coastal curlews also, but I have seen the bush ones in Africa and now Australia. They are tough solitary survivors. I was quite impressed with this brave and protective mama დ

  9. Bonjour ou Bonsoir BELLE CINDY

    Rêve à des jours meilleurs , cela fait partie de notre vie

    Sourie , en pensant au bonheur

    Vie ces instants en écoutant parler ton cœur

    Ton ennuie s’effacera

    Ta vie reprendra des couleurs

    Dis toi que l’espoir ressemble à un fruit

    Si ce fruit est vert il n’a pas de saveur

    Ce fruit sera délicieux s’ il est mure , savoure le sur l’heure

    le Bonheur est à ce prix , pense à ces instants magiques

    Bonne journée ou soirée

    Bisous en toute Amitié


    Un petit bouquet de muguet qu’ il t’apporte bonheur au sein de ta demeure et partage le avec les tiens à l approche du 1 Mai


    1. Their eyes are incredible aren’t they! I found more photos of curlews which I forgot I had. In these photos the eyes are even more mesmerizing. I will publish as an addendum soon.

    1. You are kind, and so appreciated. Bush Stone Curlews stand about 22 inches tall. They have very long legs with nothing there until the legs reach the body which is pretty substantial. A very cool bird~

    1. You know I found some more photos of them that are much better. I lose track of photos some time. I need to post them. He was definitely not pleased with my arrival and led me quite clearly away! Good for him or her! დ

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