Loose Moose~

If you don’t look carefully you’ll miss them. They are quietly munching all around the Tetons. Once, a long time ago, I was skiing here, and came upon a moose! Unlike a boulder it MOVED, and I had to dodge it!


You have to watch or you’ll walk right by and not even see them,
which is what happened with this mama moose!

After she finished eating, she called her calf,

and off they ran, away from us.
You gotta keep your eyes open in Teton National Park.
Beauty is everywhere.

Cheers to you from the loose moose of Jackson Hole~

235 thoughts on “Loose Moose~

  1. Breathtaking views of the Teton National Park. Love the beautiful fall colors.
    I didn’t know moose can be this quiet. 🙂 Thank you for taking us there, Cindy!

  2. I love hiking in and around the Tetons. I have pictures of moose, but none from this close! Is this Two Oceans Lake? I have several pictures of moose from that hike.

    1. I think this Eliot’s daugher and grandaughter. At least that’s what they told me. But you know Moose, they’re not always that reliable in terms of explanations.

    1. That is funny that you mention it, but I don’t ever recall smelling wild animals, although people do mention this. I can smell their waste, but never the animals. People talk about how bear smell, or elephants. It’s possible I only see them when the wind is blowing my scent and theirs away, which is why I happen on them in the first place. I don’t know….

    1. Yes, I was driving by Moose Lake in Idaho about fifteen years ago with my kids and had to slam on the brakes to narrowly avoid hitting one. I rolled my car a few years later, again with my kids, near Flathead Lake in Montana to avoid slamming into elk a couple of years later. My car was totaled and we were lucky we weren’t killed. Despite all this I still love Moose and Elk. It wasn’t their fault. I hear in Alaska they have a lottery, where income eligible people, sign up for moose that have been killed on the roads to feed their families.

      1. Hi Cindy, I’m glad you survived all those near ecounters with disaster. We have had a few close calls ourselves in Northern Ontario, Canada. They can become mesmerized by the car headlights.

    1. Yes, particularly now, as winter is coming and she needs to build up fat reserves. Same with me as a matter of fact, which is why I am eating cookies as I type this…..

      1. “hahaha”
        We just had our Canadian Thanksgiving yesterday. I must have eaten a pound of butter, a cup of salt & a box of sugar with my wine.
        LOL… building up reserves!

  3. Oh, Cindy, you bring us such amazing beauty (and often with a funny story! I’m still chuckling picturing you trying to dodge a moose while you’re skiing)! Thanks for sharing these moose and the gorgeous fall colors of the Tetons!

    1. You know it happened so fast and I’ll never forgot. It’s steep slopes in Teton Village. My brain registers, “big boulder, shouldn’t be there,” next it goes “boulders don’t move,” next “YOU BETTER MOVE FAST!”
      It wasn’t till well after I past it that my brain was going, “You almost ran into a Moose!”

  4. More stunning photos, Cindy — thank you! You know, I’ve never seen a real moose. They’re kinda cute, aren’t they? Especially the babies, ha!

    1. Did you see the you tube video of the moose that got his antlers stuck in the swing set?
      This ranger goes up to this panicked huge animal and carefully cuts him out. I was blown away by the ranger’s courage. The moose relaxed into him and seemed to know he was being helped. I know they can be cranky, but they also seem to appreciate being given space in the wild, and helped by a human for a change.
      So glad I was able to get you your moose photos! I know you were waiting for them. Be well~

  5. They look so patient and serene in your photos, Cindy. Of course, you wouldn’t want to come upon Bullwinkle on a dark country road some night, as quite a few people have experienced, here in Maine!

    1. That is soooo scary! I already almost ran into Bullwinkle’s cousin off of Bear Lake in Idaho about 15 years ago. It was a close call, and I did roll my car in Montana near Flathead Lake around five years or so after that with the kids in the car. It was elk this time. Still love ’em all! It’s not their fault we build roads through their habitat. If we drove like we drove in Africa, we would rarely hit them. But we’re Americans, we’re always in a hurry in our cars. I know I am. We did drive much more slowly this trip. I am learning as I get old! 😉

  6. Cindy, I love how you capture the beauty of every living thing you photograph! Those moose look like they’re doing very well (judging from their beautiful, shiny coats!). As a weird aside, I’ve always thought about how strange it is that the plural for “goose” is “geese” but there that the plural for “moose” isn’t “meese.” Yeah, silly me huh! 😀 ~Lynn

  7. Absolutely stunning photos, Cindy. I really liked all the moose shots, they are harder to capture than you let on, and your captures are really great. I love seeing the really wet dew laps. Beautiful Teton photos too. Enjoy that lovely place! 😀

  8. Up in New Hampshire we visited “Moose Alley.” In the early evening people parked their cars on the side of the road and before long moose were everywhere. They’re HUGE!! And a little intimidating as they run past your car. beautiful pics!

  9. My favorite national park! We saw a lot of moose when we flew around Denali – they were like these, eating grasses in wet lands but when they lifted their heads, they had cascades of greenery hanging like drapes from their antlers!

  10. How beautiful. You’ll have to use this word when you’re in the wild…we have trained our dogs with it: “Friend!” It will earn you safe passage. 🙂

  11. Es bonito este otoño canadiense que estás disfrutando: los paisajes son preciosos y, los animales que pones también. Los alces me resultan interesantes porque no se dan por aquí. Se les ve pacíficos mientras pastan por los prados. 🙂

  12. So beautiful. I remember being at a glacier in Alaska back in the 80’s. A mother and her baby suddenly appeared. She saw us from a great distance, but even from that distance her stance was clearly protective and ready. We were wise enough not to move closer, but oh what magic to see them out there.

  13. Jackson was a jumping-off place when I, and a couple of friends would fish on the Snake River. I loved the area just north of Jackson and out along the river. ….almost as much as the Three Forks area up in Montana. You’re so right about the moose, Cindy. I’ve seen more of them without really looking for them than is believable. They’re pretty big when you’re close up with them too. Great pics, Cuz. 🙂

    1. I spent some summers playing in The Snake River and have rafted down it a couple of time and rode horses across it and along it many times. I used to see otters there when I was young. I love the Snake, just as you do cuz~

  14. Very beautiful Cindy. And Peggy and I will attest to how difficult it can be to spot moose. As for scaring a cow moose with its calf, that’s scary. When I lived in Alaska, old timers worried more about moose than they did bears. –Curt

    1. They can be testy, I’ve seen videos, although I never in my life encountered anything but peacful moose, thank God! Most of the sightings we had on this trip were mom’s with calves and they were all peaceful. Of course we respect their space, just like buffalos.

      1. Yeah in winter it is a different experience, like when I almost skiied into one. They can’t run away as fast as they are hampered by the snow drifts. One has to avoid them. I’ve been to Alaska so many times, but never in winter. I know they have a lottery for families to pick up the moose kill on the roads based on familial need. Certain stretches of roads get the most killed moose, like the road from Anchorage to Girdwood, because the Alyeska ski resort draws drivers from Anchorage, and the moose panic and can’t run away from the cars fast enough in the snow, so they often try and bolt on the road. Poor moose.

  15. Beautiful landscapes and gentle creatures!!! You really live an exciting life Cindy!!! God bless and thanks for sharing your adventures with us.

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  17. Cindy, wow oh wow! I love the golden glowing vibrant trees, even better the double vision of this gorgeous landscape! My son (James Matthew) who is neither big nor slow has had a nickname that I dislike: “Moose.” He is easy going and handsome, quick and not slow moving. Seeing the beauty in your photos of moose, mother and child, made me feel much better about this label of his. 🙂

      1. I went on a crazy, busy weekend and back seeing your sweet comment, Cindy. I will tell Jamie he is named after a “regal” animal and that my friend, Cindy, says so! 🙂 Have a wonderful week. You posts always lift me up. I was sorry to notice a comment about your losing many of your posts from your blog. I was very sorry to read this, Cindy. Sending belated hugs ♡ your direction.

  18. Wow. What a treat. We don’t have moose in Australia. At least, not in the wild. I met a Canadian traveller while we were at Byron Bay and she told me about the dangers of moose on the roads and why they drive such big cars. That sounded really scary Indeed, I was considering making her an honorary Australian. Scarying people with tales of dangerous wildlife is an Australian national sport and she gave us a run for our money with her moose on the loose on the roads stories.
    By the way, being a bird lover, you’ll love this. She told me that she heard a bird here which sounded like a monkey. For about 10 minutes, I had no idea what she’d heard but then remembered the kookaburra which is also known as the “laughing jackass”. That was it. xx Rowena

    1. Love the kookaburra, but what stumped me were all the cats screaming in one bush! It sounded like 50 mating cats. Can you guess what they were?
      Black cockatoos! I stood right next to all of them while they annihilated some kind of bushy tree. In the US these birds sell for well over 50K as pets. I don’t even think you can buy them anymore. I was like, “Oh my GOD! This bush is FULL of precious birds!!” The Ozzies laughed. 😉

      1. Oh Cindy, that is priceless. I’ll have to tell my kids. We get the odd black cockatoo around here. We do get a lot of sulfur-created cockatoos, rainbow lorrikeets and ducks. Usually, the ducks congregate in parks around the waterfront but they’ve had a population explosion and so they’re in most of the nearby back streets. The drivers around here are pretty well trained by the ducks and stop to let them cross. However, in previous years, I’ve watched the trail of ducklings sadly dwindle. Every now and then, we’ve seen a trail of almost full grown ducks waddling round in a line and it was nice to see they’d made it. Hope you’re having a great weekend xx Rowena

  19. Great shots of the moose (the 3rd one I really like), and what really catches me is the scenery and landscape in which you were in ~ incredible. Beautiful Cindy, and wishing you a great weekend.

    1. Thanks Randall. Your comment cheers me up. You know what I did last night? I inadvertantly and permanently deleted 50% of my wordpress image gallery, which deleted 50% of the photos in my posts permanently. So I have been trashing posts all day. I guess it’s called downsizing! 😉 I am focusing on Zen-ing myself now, “all is impermanent….”

      1. Heartbreaking to lose 50% of your images from your gallery ~ however, you have captured the right spirit in downsizing so you can start anew. So many incredible shots made but mostly so many more to be made 🙂 Wish you well!

  20. Great shots of grreat animals. Indeed they are huge. In Sweden often the cause of severe car accidents. I have been close to crashing into them several times – always with my heart pounding and stopping the car to breathe. Majestic males, but the cows too are big.

    1. I had a near miss with a moose on the road, so I can well relate to your burst of adrenalin. It does focus one’s attention immediately doesn’t it? And afterwards it clarifies what is actually important in life! Stay safe and drive slow!

  21. Liebe Cindy das sind ja wieder atemberaubende Foto alles so schön an zu sehen ganz toll und wie die Elche dort laufen einfach so schön danke dir für diese tolle Aufnahmen wünsche dir einen guten Start in die neue Woche in Freundschaft Klaus

    1. Yes, moose are ungainly aren’t they! I can’t figure out what half the things on them are. Still they are fascinating and a big thrill to see. This trip I saw two cows with calves.

      1. I never would have anticipated when I was raising my children that I would ever be doing this one day either. Life does give you suprises and choices you can never anticipate, so never say never! If you want it. It may well happen. You have to sacrifice other stuff though, so it’s a question of what you want to do. Lots of people would not enjoy traveling as much as I do. They have other priorities.

    1. It is definitely one of my most favorite places in the world. Glacier & the Tetons, are just special. I love mama moosey and baby moosey too! They were definitely mosying off weren’t they. They had enough of me! 😉

  22. Great photographs, you got really close to that moose mama. My daughter took a picture of me with a moose in background, but not that close. As you say, he was just quietly standing there and munching his grass.

  23. I’ve never been out that way. I’ve sorta been all around it, but not in it! I’ve never seen a single moose! I would love to go up that way for a stay, Big Sky Country, Glacier National Park is on my list, but I suppose Jackson Hole isn’t TOO far from there!

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