

But the Raven, sitting lonely on the placid bust, spoke only
That one word, as if his soul in that one word he did outpour.
Nothing farther then he uttered—not a feather then he fluttered—
Then the bird said “Nevermore.”


Startled at the stillness broken by reply so aptly spoken,
“Doubtless,” said I, “what it utters is its only stock and store
Caught from some unhappy master……”


Then, upon the velvet sinking, I betook myself to linking
Fancy unto fancy, thinking what this ominous bird of yore—
What this grim, ungainly, ghastly, gaunt, and ominous bird of yore
Meant in croaking “Nevermore.”


I was as puzzled as Poe.
But, unlike Poe, I found a way, to stop the raven from endlessly screeching.

Move away from his food Poe, and he’ll say thank you, instead of screaming nevermore!


This raven carried on forever until we realized we were preventing him from reaching his cache of whatever he was eating. We moved and silence reigned. Still, I developed some empathy for poor Poe!
Ravens are highly intelligent birds with intellects similar to Chimpanzees. Check out this link for 10 facts you probably didn’t know about ravens:
Cheers to you from the very smart, and finally quiet, Raven~

259 thoughts on “Nevermore~

  1. Hilarious post Cindy! Wonderful close-ups of this exquisite bird, and I really liked getting some of Poe’s words, mixed in with the discovery of how to quiet his raucous cawing. 🙂

  2. They are the most intelligent as well the most devious creatures.. I once had a different experience, though… I found a little crow.. fallen out of its nest.. and since the gangs were descending down upon any humans who passed by, raucous and combative and protective, I took this little fella home.. I called it Martin Crowe (After a NZ cricketer and cousin of Russell Crowe)..
    He was quite a fellow.. very attached and very sharp.. but unfortunately he became collateral damage in another war, in which he was not involved at all.. a mongoose attacked all the birds one night.. and Kitey Brahminy Kite died, Martin Crowe died.. and a few others.. all sleeping in a little shack, which was their home.. just because my dogs had murdered the mongoose mother’s brood a couple of days earlier..
    Gosh, I am always rambling here.. sorry, Cindy, growing senile by the day… 🙂 Sorry

    1. Mongoose are fascinating. I watched them for hours both in Africa and in the Caribbean. And yes, the corvids (crows, ravens, magpies etc) are super intelligent. They can imitate human speech and sounds like engines and computer noises. They reason up there with dolphins and chimpanzees. They remember human faces and people who do bad things to them for years. They recognize other ravens they haven’t seen for up to three years and they have empathy for each other. They are so adaptable which is why they are such good survivors. They can live in the snow, or desert, practically anywhere. In North America they are like coyotes in terms of adaptability, which is why both species prosper.

      1. True.. and I am amazed you know so much about them. Thank you.. yes, I have known them fairly well. My wife feeds them every day.. they gather over here and are quite upset if she forgets.. then they start nipping at the dogs’ tails.. or just be annoying with their cawing.. and most of all, they have this real irate look..
        I do not differentiate between one specie or the other, but these people are rather special.. super-intelligent.. shrewd, smart, cunning..
        Most of all, they are my special warning system.. whenever there is a venomous snake around, they all gather like it is some village fair and tell me where the snake is.. it is always amazing.. (there are a few other early warning system birds too, but that is just another thing.. like Robins, pheasants.. always alert)..

        Thank you for this post and for your reply.. appreciate it

      2. Yes, they will watch a dead snake for hours, before they will approach it. They are so smart, they know how snakes play dead. We have lots of ravens where I live and not too many people, so I interact with them too, but unlike you I have never had a raven for a pet. If I found a hatchling I would raise it though. I do feel wild birds watch over me, like hawks and hummingbirds and I call back and forth with ravens all the time. It sounds like we both love wild birds.

  3. Ooohhh, I just love ravens and your photos really captured this one’s majestic qualities! So expressive and clearly trying to communicate with you Cindy, wow! I hope to have an encounter with a raven at some point in my life, though I’ve heard they don’t hang out in city/residential areas as much as crows do. ~Lynn

  4. Fabulous photos as always, Cindy. I don’t know if we have ravens here but that bird looks a bit like our crows. I’ve seen them perched on a dead kangaroo taking on an approaching road train. They’re not keen on sharing their tucker either.

      1. I should clarify what a road train is. It is a semi-trailer with a think 2 trailers on the back. At least I think that’s the definition. They’re really common over in Western Australia and probably outside major cities. I’ve seen the eagles driving on the Eyre Highway which runs through the Nullarbor Plain from Adelaide to Perth. I’ll have to dig up my old photos and write a few posts xx Ro

  5. I jumped up and was out the door
    Down to the corner store
    Spilled a bottle of bleach on the floor
    Asked if I could get some more
    The shopkeeper dolefully replied
    Great pics, Cindy ……. 🙂

  6. The Raven is a bird of death where I come from (Austria/Italy). Whenever we see a raven alone, sitting still or posing we know (or believe) that someone close to us will be dying. I never felt too comfortable looking at them, even though I am not superstitious. Our dogs bark at them, when they want to land in our trees and they get a treat afterwards…not that I am superstitious..but it’s good to be on the safe side. 🙂

    1. Yes I have heard of this widely held belief and even here they are much maligned. And yet check out Tejaswi’s comment above. He & his wife feel they protected by them.

  7. Your story cracked me up! Who knew that was the way to shut a raven up? 😀 I don’t see very many photos of calling ravens, so I especially enjoyed the ones you posted, Cindy. This is perfect for bird day, too!

    1. They are beautiful and before this they were hard to photograph, the photos just came out monochromatic. But this guy got up close and personal so I got better pics!

  8. Beautiful creatures. A bit scary looking but still beautiful with those shades of intense jewel-tone blue reflected. I like the shots you captured with their mouths closed, they look thoughtful haha! Cheers, Cindy.

  9. He was very satisfied after the eating. Fantastic photos of a likewise bird. We have a lot of crows living around our new place, they look quite simular…except of the size of course 😀 Pawkisses for a wonderful weekend 🙂 <3

  10. Beautiful closeups of the raven, such a magnificent bird.
    Do they even teach Poe in schools today? When one of my sons was in 6th grade he lost interest in reading due to some remarks a teacher made about boys and what they should or shouldn’t read (boys don’t read poetry, this or that book is too advanced for a 6th grader to read, even though he was an advanced reader, etc.). Any parent of a 6th grade boy knows they have a fascination with the macabre, so I pulled out my complete Poe and we started with ‘The Raven”, “Annabel Lee,” “The Tell-Tale Heart” and on to “The Cask of Amontillado.” He was hooked. Not only did he enjoy Poe, his love of reading reading was restored. Coincidentally, my son and Poe shared a birthday. Sorry to go off on this tangent, but thoughts of Poe always take me here.

    1. You are a smart woman to recapture his interest in this creative way. I remember ‘The Telltale Heart’ freaking me out when I was young. Heck, if I read it now, it probably still would!

      1. The first time I read Tell-Tale Heart I was in 8th grade and it was a Halloween homework assignment. It really freaked me out. I was babysitting, the little girls were in bed, and I kept calling my mom. Every creak in that house had me on edge.

  11. Great pictures and great post! 🙂

    I don’t have ravens in the neighbourhood but I do have a whole population of crows and they are certainly as fascinating! I love to listen to their chattering and sometimes it really sounds like a comedy show with the ‘public’ applauding or laughing after a lengthy solo by one of them… they almost sound human! 😀

    1. I believe it! If you watch the video on the link you will hear a crow talking and the imitation is so far superior to that of parrots because they mimic the sound, timbre, accent and cadence of a human voice so perfectly, that at first when I heard the raven talk, I was looking for the human!

      1. And I can believe that… 😀 To me they sound like talking in a language among themselves that I still have to learn, like Chinese, Japanese…

  12. This would be a great Halloween post. The raven looks so grim at the beginning. It looks capable of removing my eyes! However, I am glad you finished this witty post by pointing out how wonderful the raven really is. Silly Poe.

    1. Poor Poe. I think he may have been high as a kite when he wrote The Raven. He had such a talent to paint photos with his words, even when under the influence, but the raven did get an unfairly bad rap with the poem.

  13. Aah – Nevermore – you’re bringing in the master who introduced me to human psychological suspense! Poe was the lead for such acclaimed authors as King, Carpenter, Gaiman & Barker – listen to your crows Cindy, you may have a writing prompt there.

    1. Yep I am a big admirer of all of these authors and am impressed you read Gaiman too! I still think ‘The Stand,’ was one of the best books I’ve ever read. It completely captured me.

      1. My library, which stretches from my 3-piece wall unit in the dining room into the 3-piece wall unit in the living room and out into the Florida room – all toll, close to 500 books – everything you can think of – but NO romance novels!! I have nothing against romance itself, but the books seem to be same plot but different names and places…….

  14. Yup, Cindy, love my crows..they fly in circles around me in the morning and I circle’s communication and comraderie, I’ve long considered them my spirit totem…their intelligence is amazing..great post and pics!!!

    1. You are so right. Crows know who you are, trust you if your are good to them, and distrust you if you are mean. They remember a mean act by a human for up to three years. You are wise to befriend the crows.

  15. In addition, they are intelligent, they just live long. Who knows, might be that one on your picture has seen George Washington. 🙂 There are a lot of legend related to these birds. Some of these gorgeous creatures even are treated like kings (Ravens of the Tower of London). Definitely, it is not just an ordinary bird.

    1. Oh, I forgot about the ravens at The Tower. Thank you for reminding me. Ravens are simply remarkable. I know some Native American cultures revered them and felt they were linked to the origin of the world.

  16. Amazing photos. I just watched a special on PBS on the high intelligence of crows (a close relative). I know that some people don’t like crows/ravens because they are one of the few birds more raucous than a blue jay — but the crow is my spirit bird — and I am quite at peace when they are around. I’m used to starting my day with crows flying around my backyard but today it is pouring rain (sorry I know you need some of that) so it is with great joy that I was able to share your ravens. 😀

    1. Yay!! Anyone who appreciates corvids is a friend of mine. Your crows are probably watching out for you. Animals do this and it is wonderful when they do, so I can understand your feelings of peace in the company of your crows.

  17. What glorious photos! I spent quite a while admiring the texture and colors and what I can only call the “attitude” of this beautiful bird. And to have Poe’s famous verse alongside was a special treat….ominous, pensive, metaphysical. Now I’m in the right mood for Hallowe’en!

    1. Yes, I confess to loving Poe and ravens! Obviously Poe felt some pretenatural power emanating from his raven too. I was surprised by the photos especially the textures and differential shading of the feathers. I have tried to take photos of ravens before, but since they are all black, they never looked like much. This guy got so close for so long, that we really got a chance to see his beauty. So glad you appreciate him my friend. <3

    1. Actually only a little zoom in these shots. We were in a campground and he got very, very close to us, within a few feet actually, which was suprising and delightful!

  18. Love the 10 facts, very enlightening. There is a legend that England will fall if the ravens ever leave the Tower of London. It is still taken seriously and they don’t let them all out at once.

    1. Yes, somebody just reminded me of this, and I have seen them on several occasions. I love this legend casting ravens in a saviour role. I think it is more accurate than all the River Styx associations.

  19. A los animales de color negro siempre se les ha tratado, injustamente, como malditos. Yo creo que los cuervos son bellos y tus fotos, Cindy, lo demuestran. Son muy inteligentes, como bien dices y a mí me gustan. Un abrazo y buen fin de semana, amiga. <3

  20. Ravens and crows my very favorites. I can’t tell you what a treat this was for me…to see this beautiful Raven so close up. Thank you so much. This was wonderful and I’m so happy I got to see it.

    1. Yay! Makes me so happy to hear you enjoyed him my friend! It takes a good person to see beyone the ravens bad reputation to the clever creature he really is. Thank you!

  21. The way you’ve captured the raven is amazing. I’ve never thought their coat of feathers was pretty but I have to hand it to you . . . you must have found the nicest one possible. I don’t remember them travelling in flocks or even pairs so there goes my ‘nicest one possible’ theory. I don’t think I’ve seen a raven since growing up and leaving the ranch. They used to give me the creeps.

    1. Interestingly, they travel in flocks while they are adolescents, something like age 1-3, and then they pair off and mate for life if possible, returning again and again to the same nest.

  22. LOVE ravens! We have lots of them out where I am. It’s great when there’s a flock of juveniles all hanging out together, making a racket and having a good time.

  23. Haha, I so love your post and ravens. Great photographs of this clever and beautiful bird. It is so fun how he is trying to tell you to move away from his territory. In my town there was a man who raised a raven. He must be still alive, the raven 🙂

    1. Yes, when I was a kid someone had a Raven too, but I can’t remember who. We have lots of ravens at The Holler, but I have never seen a nest. Ravens can live up to 40 years in captivity, so you can figure if he might still be alive.

  24. A fascinating post Cindy. The link to the raven facts is very interesting too. We are plagued with ravens, we used to have lots of beautiful native rosellas, lorikeets and king parrots but all gone now the ravens have moved in. The only bird that can stand up to them is the noisy minor who harass the ravens in gangs.

  25. gah! There’s a reason they’re the spooky bird of Halloween. They really must have been at the end of the ‘APPEAL’ lineup. Not only are they cursed by blackness and therefore look forboding, they have the shrillest bird song ever. Cringe worthy really. Poor guys :/

    1. Ahhh, beauty in the eye of the beholder. Up close I think they are fascinating, still you are right, they can’t hold-up looks wise to most other birds, but looks aren’t really that important, and they are smarter than most other birds. I’ve always been a sucker for intelligence over looks. Pretty without smart is oh so boring……

  26. I loved the Ravens at the Tower of London. Did you know that they are reared on the Isles of Uist in the far north west of Scotland? Wonderful photographs and very seasonal. I saw some fabulous hand towels in Target with crows on them.

      1. Well, now they aren’t! I doubt even the Queen eats them now. Although I suppose she could if she wanted to, but she doesn’t. Check this out. It is pretty hilarious. 😉
        “Though it’s generally fallen out of favor and tends to be illegal for many, people still, on some very rare occasions, eat swans. But before you try, note that in England at least, you could very well be arrested: Back in the day, the offense was called “swanage,” the killing and eating of swans by unauthorized persons; now, since wild swans are also protected under the Wildlife and Countryside Act of 1981, which prohibits the intentional killing or harming of the animals, it’s just called a felony.”
        Now you do have me confused about British law. So if the queen, who owns the swans, decided to eat one, would she be convicted for a felony, under the Wildlife and Countryside Act?

    1. Their voice would be a big cacaphonous disappointment to you, unless of course you were in the mood for some riotous screeching, which we all probably are in the mood for at one time or another! 😉

  27. I scanned th comments which are always fun and interesting, Cindy. Did not find mine so apparently I pressed like and thought I had said my 2 cents. 🙂
    I like the blue sheen on ravens black wings and bidy. Funny how sure they are and unafraid of you, telling you off!! Wekk, glad to have photos of birds which I love. I an not nearly as pushy as this one. Ha ha! Always liked the Telltale Heart,and The Raven. Poe could write mournful words. . .

    1. I love your comments. They are always so thoughtful, so thank you for taking the time to come back and post this one. The blue sheen is beautiful isn’t it! I guess it illustrates the term, “blue-black!” Happy weekend Robin. <3 <3

  28. Okay this is way tooooo cool!! Because….we have a book that we’re working on right now, that was the first book we ever wrote. New Salem Chronicles The 13 Reapers. This book is about a traveling witch (Asaria Lunella) whose companion is an enchanted Raven (Brenin). So I can’t tell you how much we enjoyed this post. We also popped over to the link you left and were freaking out over the facts about them. Awesome!! Sharing this now!! 😉 xoxo

  29. Interesting, Cindy. I wonder if crows, looking much like revens, could be taught to speak. We have plenty of crows here. They have several different calls they make. I enjoyed your pictures. 🙂 — Suzanne

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