214 thoughts on “El Mundo del Flores~

    1. Oh God, Like some horrible narcisist! So sorry you saw it twice, it just wasn’t in the reader and I didn’t know what else to do. It happened with the bear post a a few posts ago too.

      1. I know how that is… It happened to me a couple of times. I especially love the waterlily! 🙂 The red passion flower is so gorgeous, Wow!!

  1. perfectly beautiful, words and pictures, and so uplifting, thank you Cindy…
    The way you play with wild life, beauty, nature, is so creative and so enjoyable… always a new perspective to give us pause…

  2. Hi Cuz… So glad you re-posted this as I missed the 1st edition. The blossoms are beautiful. As for WP…, seems like all these little problems started coming out about the same time as their “new” format. The old format was obviously working too well so they had to fix it !!!!! Hugs! 🙂

  3. I remember the Patagonia shot from an earlier post. That’s so dreamy. And the Netherlands one is so stunning. All your photos here are gorgeous of course, but those two stand out for me!

  4. We are lucky to have blooms everywhere over this planet.
    I think I mentioned that sometimes because of where they are located that my forsythia bloom in November, December and January! Not the whole bush, but enough for me to notice color in winter 😉

  5. These are spectacular, particularly the tulips in Ireland! I missed seeing those when I was there, so now I have another good “excuse” for a return visit, ha!

  6. I was busy over weekend, my Mom fell in wet grass and shattered her hip. The surgery was on Sunday, Cindy. I am not quite ready to write a post but she will heal. Seeing her looking scared, then brave, but frail made me cry. This bouquet of world wide beautiful flowers really cheered me up. Thank you for each magnificent choice, Cindy.

    1. Oh no! I am so sorry. Traumatic for both of you to see her vulnerable and scared. Poor lady. It is not fun getting old. I am sorry for you too Robin. So hard for you. Sending healing thoughts and prayers you mother’s way and yours too! <3 <3

    1. I don’t see the point. I did it for awhile and let it go. People have been really polite about crediting my photos if they use them and this is very nice, but I put them on pinterest so they are out there!

      1. Yes, it is quite a lot of work to do it consistently – I’m still quite territorial about mine… but it almost doubles the preparation and upload time. I usually reduce the size so if it gets downloaded or copied it can’t be used commercially, but maybe as you said people are generally honest about this kind of thing. Maybe I should trust my fellow humans more! 🙂

      2. Or just do what you feel comfortable doing. The thing I get more upset about is inadvertantly losing photos. I somehow lost all of my photos of Russian, Findland et.el and when I tried to download them from my posts, they were as you mention, too small! Que lastima!

  7. Ah, the beautiful colors of life – brought to us by the ever-so-talented Cindy. Your posts always brighten the day and inspires me to see life (and admire your great photos!).

    1. And you used to used to be able to do that, because I have been going to these fields forever. The former owner was casual, let me fill my trunk with ranunculus, and wander and rest in the fields. Nirvana~

  8. Thank goodness for the beauty of flowers to dampen the harshness of the world. All beautiful photo’s Cindy. I especially liked the Flamingo’s and the Freesia. My gosh they smell glorious. A bundle like that would be a kings ransom here in Edmonton. The Passion flowers are so exotic, I can’t even believe they’re real. xb

    1. Your rock your socks off and I hope you know it. You blog is a creative joy visit!
      This is the deal, I go to Canada in the summer and I simply can’t believe Canadians and their amazing flower cultivation and RESULTS! Such gorgeous flowers. I have seen this before in cold areas where flowers just burst forth saying “You can’t stop me!”
      The other other funny thing is the perception of what is exotic. I’m in Australia or Huahine going gaga over the birds, and people are telling me, these are very common birds Cindy. The same thing happened in Africa re: the crocodiles.
      Passion Flowers grow unrestrainedly all over Hollerdom. I have nothing to do with it.
      Everything that grows and lives on this planet is amazing to someone.

      1. !! first off, thank you kindly for your fab message Cindy, that was so nice. We do go a bit banana’s in the summer for our flowers 😀 It’s the long dark winter that gets us motivated I think. Great of you to travel here and notice the details too. Merci (we’re bilingual, LOL)

        I guess I never thought about it, but you’re so right. Anywhere that’s not home will seem exotic to others. That’s the fabulous thing about the world hey? We’re all unique with so much to offer in our own way. Cheers to us, birds, crocodiles and passion flowers and every other living thing that make up this great cacophony of life 😀

  9. Wow, what an abundance of beauty and color — I LOVED this post Cindy! What a wonderful world to have flowers of all kinds in our presence — and truly spectacular photos. 🙂

  10. All these pictures are great, but I especially like the one with the flamingos. It’s great to see them all standing there on one leg in a perfect row, as if unsure whether they are birds or an exotic kind of pink flower.

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