231 thoughts on “Hipposterus,

  1. You do our wild life such justice with your amazing photos… wish you were here so I could take you with to the Kalahari Gemsbok Park on our trip next month…. it is so different to Kruger… yet so brilliant a place. .. I think you’d love it. … no fences around the camps so the lion can get close, as do all the animals that want to…. but the viewing of game is so different…. google it

    1. I was especially interested in what you would think of my photos because you are a brilliant photographer and you live in South Africa, meaning you know so much more than I. The fact that you think I do your wildlife justice is huge to me.
      I would so love to visit the Kalahari.
      I don’t know what it is, but I feel safer among South Africa’s wild animals than anywhere.
      It’s because the rules are so clear. Listen to the animals, they will tell you what to do, and they are so much more honest then many humans.
      Friendship and cheers to you my friend. Already missing Africa~

      1. Wow ….. the fact that you realised that the animals tell you when they are feeling nervous is fantastic…. wish more visitors were like you, it would save the lives of so many of our animals that are shot because people think they are impervious to an attack… you are so welcome to our animal Kingdom, we need more tourists like you… I would so love to show you the Kalahari park, so different to Kruger… you would love it

      2. I would love the Kalahari and would especially enjoy an insiders view! Have a most splendid time and I look forward with anticipation to your photos my friend!

  2. Wow impressive captures – fascinating animal, maybe not the most clever (been told their brains are smaller than smal) but they are stupid with style… 😀

    1. Well, I don’t know how intelligent they are, but I am impressed they can roll over in rivers without getting water in their ears! 😉 They are endangered because people hunt them, and that to me is the essence of stupidity! 😉

      1. Once read in the National Geography that the hippo brain was very small not much bigger than a fist – it should also be the wild animals in Africa that kills the most people, but mostly it was the man’s own sake – a very impressive animal in my eyes – when we see how relaxed they can be so it’s hard to imagine their great temperament and fearlessness in other contexts… 🙂

      2. Yes, I was always struck by the fearsome reputations many of these animals have, and the peaceful placid creatures I observed. I think the two keys are threat and food. If a wild African animal feels threatened by you, you are in trouble. Similarly, if you look like food to them and they are hungry, you may well be in trouble too. This doesn’t happen with the hippsters though because they are grazers. They can be incredibly dangerous when threatened though, so I made sure not to do this. I did observe a mother hippo get separted from her calf by a reckless safari vehicle. All I observed in both mother and calf was heartbreaking terror~

    1. Funny a hippo actually got very close to me without me knowing it while I was barbequing. This was on my first trip to Africa. He was grunting at me in the bushes and I didn’t know what sort of critter it was at first! It was on the other side of an electric fence though!

  3. Ganz herzlichen Dank für deine wunderbaren und einmaligen Bilder aus der fantastischen Natur Südafrikas. Ich stand einen Moment neben Dir und staunte über die Tierwelt, während Du fotografiert hast. Ernst

  4. Even with their tough and fearsome reputation, they are still SO cute! I just love the picture of them out sunbathing. Seeing how they spend their day makes me want to be a hippopotamus too! Thanks Cindy. <3 🙂 ~Lynn

    1. They really are fun animals to watch and listen too! They are so noisy. You can see that little baby hippo bellowing. Why was he bellowing? I think because he felt like it! 😉

    1. They are incredibly vocal! They carry on like nobody’s business all day long. I liked the photo of the baby bellowing, you could hear him clear as day from a mile away! 😉

  5. Stirring pictures, especially that crane (?) taking a free ride. They must be friends or have made a pact, methinks. 😀 😀 😀 Love all your photography. Keep up the wonderful work. <3 <3

      1. Oh, it’s a heron! I don’t know all our feathered friends. My comment was tongue in cheek and yes, I’ve seen these twosomes before and assumed they had to have some kind of understanding. A hippo back laden with bugs sounds a good exchange. 😀 😀 😀

  6. Still I’m amazed that such cute animals can be so ferocious, when kid I’d love to be on one like the bird in the last photograph, lol, now I know that the end wouldn’t be so happy.

    1. They are so protective of their young and you are right. It would be awesome to be a bird because when something or someone bothers you, you can just fly away! 😉

  7. Great pictures! I have so many memories, mostly funny, of hippos. Like meeting one walking on the path back to our lodge on New Years Eve after midnight…he looked pink 😉 But I took care never to swim in same waters with them. I bet you left part of your heart out there in the wilderness….

    1. I totally did leave a chunk of my heart with the wild ones. I don’t care how wild the wild things are,
      “And the wild things roared their terrible roars and gnashed their terrible teeth and rolled their terrible eyes and showed their terrible claws.” They are still nicer than some humans! 😉 😉

      1. I saw herons staying on the hippos as they swam gently, but if they made abrupt moves, they flew off……They were on hippos who were sleeping and awake, sometimes two herons per hippo!

  8. Amazingly benign-looking for such dangerous beasts. I loved the picture of the doped-up hippo which had escaped from the zoo in Tblisi during a flood, walking along sedately and calmly with the men who rounded it up! Wonderful photos!

    1. Ohhhh, I must google this photo. I remember the video of the ranger being chased down the street by a ticked off hippo. Never did find out the denouement of this debacle!

    1. I was usually on a bridge looking down on a river, or in a bird hide, by a lake. We were closer at the lakes in the hides, but they are safe observation platforms. The closest I got to a hippo was on our first trip, when one was grunting right at the fence next to me while I barbequed! The fence was electrified however and I was perfectly safe. Oh, and I forgot, we went on three ranger driven game drives, and the ranger got the vehicle inadvertantly in the middle of a mother hippo and her calf at night. They feed on land at night. Both animals were in an absolute panic, I think a lion was involved. We were very close to both, but again in a National Park vehicle and perfectly safe. I felt terrible for both of them, especially when the ranger explained that “lions take advantage of situations like this.”

    1. Only one significant predator, humans. They are classified as endangered. Lions and crocs will pick off babies if the mother is distracted, but the principal predator of hippos are humans.

  9. Absolutely beautiful creatures, your pictures do them credit Cindy, it is so beautiful to see them in their natural environment, as opposed to the stark portrayal in Zoos.

    1. There is such an incredible difference in the eyes of animals that are free compared to those in zoos isn’t there! Hippos in a concrete pool just aren’t the same.

  10. Holy cow–or hippo as the case may be. Those are–again–some spectacular photos, Cindy. What a treat to see these fellows (and of course your handiwork in capturing them on film!)

    1. Cheers to you and now that you mention it, they do sort of remind me of The Holler’s cows, even the bellowing, but the hippos are definitely better swimmers and they can spin underwater without getting water in their ears! This is a talent I would like to have.

  11. BookOfBokeh

    I was surprised to find when I lived in Africa that hippos are the deadliest animal (except perhaps mosquitoes) on the continent. The only place I would swim there was Lake Kivu, a lake high in the mountains where the water was warmed by thermal vents and so hippos and bilharzia could not live there. Great, great photos!

    1. Yes, they do have a fearsome reputation for good reason, but t they are endangered and their principal predators are humans. This might contribute to this ferocity. They may not like us all that much. You must have had such incredible experiences living in Africa. That lake sounds divine. Did you take some photos of it??? Hint, hint~ 😉

  12. You are “hip”, Cuz, just without the “potomus” . All of your Africa pics so far have been brilliant. Love ’em all. Looks like you’ve found a private corner of heaven. Keep on enjoying it !!! 🙂

    1. Well, I am Holler bond now, but still have some more pics of African critters. You can probably tell I kinda like ’em! Hope you are doing well. I pop over to your blog regularly to make sure I’m not missing anything!

      1. You haven’t missed much lately, Cindy. Been busy with family events and home projects to do much else lately and by the time evening rolls around I’m just too tired to think. Got a lot done in the past month though and I think summer will be much easier now. Travel safely. 🙂

    1. Fascinating and I can see why they came up with this moniker. Interestingly, the term hippopotamus came from the Greeks and means sea horse. Seems people were on similar tracks regarding seekoeis (I wish I could pronouce this) albeit separated by time and distance!

  13. I’ve found you at last – again , and what treasures i’ve scrolled through.. think I’ve at last mastered how to follow you and will be chagrined if it doesn’t work this time…

    1. I hope it works and I was just over catching up on your blog! You blog is packed full of interesting posts my friend. Thanks for stopping by and cheers to you!

  14. Cindy, wonderful shots of those hippos, taken at a wise distance, I see! Hippos are rather good at trampling African villages underfoot, probably not maliciously but just because they’re focused upon getting from A to B, without bothering about what stands in their path.

  15. The happy hippo ~ your 4th photo is just the epitome of siesta time. Give me inspiration on how to spend my afternoon. Wishing you safe travels!

  16. Pingback: Hipposterus, | penpowersong

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