Reflecting One World~

Buenos Aires
Yours truly reflected in Buenos Aries.

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Mid Atlantic Ocean

Cheers to you with reflections of our ONE wonderful world~
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

168 thoughts on “Reflecting One World~

    1. I love reflections in general because they give us doubts about the solidity of our perceptions. What am I actually seeing and what is just reflection? I also like how you see things in the reflections that you cannot see without the mirror effect. I like to be reminded that there is so much in this world that is there, but cannot always be directly seen.

  1. As always, you post great pictures, I especially like the first one, the reflection makes it look like you have one stairway to go up and one to go down. hehe! A.G.

    1. Oh how fascinating. I hadn’t considered that! Reflections free us up to see imaginitively because our brain has to stop for a second to process the competing images.

  2. Great photography! Your post reminded me of this quote by Jane Jacobs:
    “Cities have the capability of providing something for everybody, only because, and only when, they are created by everybody.”

      1. Do me a favor, get some garlic out of the frig and take a bite……then tell me what happens. I will wrap some garlic around my neck and get a crucifix and await your reply.

  3. Cindy, you’ve been to such interesting places, and I love the photos you’ve shared. But those last two of the Holler just might be my favorites — nothing like Home Sweet Home!!

    1. Buenos Aires is an amazing city. We have been three times and it is still not enough because there is so much to see and so many places to launch off to from there. Hope you go~

  4. BookOfBokeh

    What a delightful image. Well imagined and caught! Vancouver, huh? One of my favorite places in the world! Sigh.

    1. Really geared up for it. We are self driving in Kruger for the second time. This time we know a little bit more, but we are still newbies to Africa. You need to know all this road etiquette for water buffalos and such. Last time I studied all about what to do in case an elephant charges your car. Made Jim and my son watch videos of charges. We never had a problem. But a ranger provoked an ellie, so he charged us on one of our few arranged ranger led tours. Trust me, we we will not provoke an irritable bull ellie in must. Jim & I are currently having the same argument as last time. I want a large strong vehicle because many African animals think the vehicle size reflects strength. Jim will of course rent a compact because it is cheaper. Last time he tried to sell me on the idea that in a small car we would be harder to spot….. 😉

  5. I’d recently hit a point in my life where I’ve been tired of city living, but you managed to capture the beautiful sights and moments of peace that can be found there! Ingenious photographic choices Cindy. I look forward to seeing what you come up with in Africa! 🙂

    1. Yes, cities are places that are fun to visit, but for me not fun to live in. I like the wild things too much. Last time in Africa I never saw a leopard. Fingers crossed for this time, but not going for awhile yet~

      1. Ah yes, you summed up my sentiments about cities as well! The more sky, animal and plant life I see, the better for my mental health.

        Hope you have a leopard sighting too on your upcoming trip!

    1. Oh, how clever! I never thought of that, but I see it clearly the spiral strands, of course! And yes I take all my blog pics. Thanks for seeing this in a different way~

      1. If it’s a Rorschach, and most photos are, then your results are pretty stellar (I am a therapist afterall). You see the building blocks of life and now I see it too. You passed your rorschach in flying strands of DNA…..

  6. All of the architectural reflections are very interesting, Cindy, but I much prefer the “Holler” sunsets. They’re interesting, ….and beautiful to boot !!! 🙂

      1. Yeah, home again, but not too happy with the way Mother Nature greeted us… Winter storm, 15in of snow, 6deg, and 25-30mph winds. Oh, well…, it’s just life in the Great Lakes. Really starting to think of FL as a permanent home address !

  7. Shots one, four, and five take my breath away, Cindy. That is not to say that they are not all spectacular though. I absolutely love that first take with the spiral stair reflecting back against itself. You have a terrific eye for photography. 🙂

  8. I think I recognize the bottom two photos. Does that mean you are home again? Have the coyotes formed a coalition and taken over in your absence? I would hate to find those bad boys peeping through my windows in the moonlight. I imagine that banging pot lids together would disturb the coy-boys more than the wa.

    How awful would even a small EQ be with all that glass? Vancouver should know better. But then, YIKES!! Victoria dumps raw sewage. A modern city.,d.eXY

    Beautiful photos. Such beautiful reflections of your gorgeous inner vision, especially the sunsets. Welcome home.

    1. Ohhhhh, what heart warming thoughts my friend. People like you make blogging a priority for me. I am so grateful to have gotten a chance to know you. Gratitude and friendship are flying to you. I know you can feel it~

  9. Oh Cindy I would settle for the Holler and those glorious sunsets every time. Great to go exploring and it certainly is mind opening to see the rest of the world but it must give you an inner peace to know that lovely place will be waiting to enfold you back into it’s heart when you return…

    1. Yes which Prince Charles so dislikes. I understand and share his dislike in a beautiful old city like London, but in cities with more modern architecture, like Vancouver, I really love the reflecting effect~

      1. I think you should! I will be there in May so I would love to see before I leave. I was thinking about this as I replied to your comment. I like the modern glass buildings, even in old European Cities, if the old towns are separated from the new towns as they often are. You can visit the old city centers, where I usually choose to stay, and pass through the new modern parts, going from say 1200 to 2015! This is something we don’t really have in the US.

  10. I have found myself on several instances wanting to just stand and watch the reflection off glass buildings but never had the opportunity to enjoy the moment. Thank you for these photos, Cindy!

  11. Dazzling architectural images with incredible upward perspective and gorgeous geometrical shapes and lines!Great angles and sharpness;I also loved the sunset sceneries with the fiery illusionary skies!Cheers to you too 🙂

  12. I feel like I may have already mentioned this, but I loved the title of your post. I feel it encompasses much of what you photograph and write about, too. I also enjoyed all the reflections on the buildings and water. I took a very similar photograph up at my Mom’s in Cleveland from her balcony at her Senior Apts. of a sunset with rosy, magenta, golden and purple tones displayed. It is so unusual or interesting to think it may have been a similar sky. It was on February 6, 2015. Small world and yet, lovely that we all share it together. Thanks for your special comments on my cat poem/attempt! smiles!

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