Fall Fell!


The Aspens are showing their true colors.


And Banff National Park is holding it’s breath waiting for winter.
The air is bracing now with chill.

Its time for the bears to sleep, and Jim and I to head home to The Holler.

We must leave before snow blankets the park and avalanche threats make the roads a challenge.

Cheers to you from the last days of autumn!

103 thoughts on “Fall Fell!

  1. Wilderness places speak to our souls and we are so lucky to still have them and that people in the past fought to preserve them. A beautiful collection of photos Cindy to treasure for ever

    1. So eloquently stated! National Parks are so important and now our US ones are closed robbing people of fall vacations and losing needed revenues. When will we grow up?

  2. Great close-out to the season up there, Cuz. Were those aspens quaking, or just the regular garden variety? Good thing you went to a Nat’l Park up in Canada…, they’re all closed down here. Politicians…, aren’t they just about the most disgusting example of humanity??? Bet your critters back in the holler will be glad to see you. Take care

    1. Oh I am so frosted on this subject. Enraged that people have to miss fall vacations in our glorious national parks, park employees lose wages, and our struggling precious parks lose needed revenue. Grow up Washington and get responsible like the rest of us for once, why don’t you……

  3. okay..this is a stretch, but go with me on this one. To me, that penultimate photo looks like the entire Banff ranging to say goodbye, like a family embracing, and waving at your retreating car–while the final picture looks as if they are running after you, entreating you to stay…

    they must know how great you represent them…the tree spirits…;)

    (that is all!)

    1. Awwww. You are so sweet and that is just beautiful imagery! I did feel embraced by the wilderness and sorry to leave. I will keep these images you painted so beautifully in my mind
      and pull them out to enjoy. Thank you my friend for you kindness~

  4. Ooh! Isn’t Autumn looking lovely! We’ve just got our first real blast of autumn cold blowing in, looks like summer really is over but I love Autumn so will make the most of it 😉

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