59 thoughts on “Morning Glories & Red Tails!

    1. Thank you. I am a serious fan of your photography. So glad you liked the hawk. They are hard to photograph in the sky, but I’m working on it. Cheers to you~

      1. Thank you for that compliment, it’s making me blush really 🙂
        I’ve been seeing so many buzards and storks here lately from close distance even and can only agree , birds in action are hard to “shoot “, but you have succeeded very very well , so credit to who deserves it 🙂

  1. Majestic looking photo of the hawk, Cindy — wow! Beautiful morning glories there in the Holler — brings back memories of being at my grandparents’ house where their back porch was covered with them. Looks like you are literally surrounded with color there!

  2. Liebste Cindy ein tolles Foto vom Falken da wünscht man sich manchmal man könnte auch fliegen ,ein schönes Wochenende wünsche ich dir Klaus

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