I Blog Therefore I Am~


Holler Red Tail Hawk WM1 El Calafate Patagonia (Please click to enlarge photos) dsc04159 Barbary Ape Gibraltar DSC03891 Antarctica DSC03758 Banff BC DSC05114 Cinque Terre DSC00983 Holler Hummingbird DSC01489 Holler Rose
I have stopped counting, which is a very good thing, but thank you sincerely for being here. Last count there were 1,110,870 internet views and visits, 125,268 wordpress comments alone and 15,362 internet followers… Thank you & join us!

Please Note: Award Free Blog. I so appreciate awards but lack the time to properly respond. I retired early after 27 years as a psychotherapist/mental health director and moved to the outer limits of no-wheres-ville to a home I call “The Holler.”

My closest neighbors are coyotes (packs and packs of them and they are HUNGRY), rattlers (lots and lots of them and they are MEAN), and free range cows/bulls (the bulls aren’t too friendly either).
Forget cell phones. They don’t work out here. Forget GPS, it misdirects.
It’s best not to wander too much out here, the people (and their dogs) are kinda twitchy.

To reach The Holler turn right at the reeking chicken farm, proceed down a bunch of pot-holed semi-streets/dirt roads, past the abandoned refrigerators and occupied old RV’s and then things get kinda dicey.
My friends usual reaction to the trip to The Holler is, “You’ve got to be kidding!” Or, “Next time let’s meet half way.”

This is our little bit of heavenly Appalachia right here in rural California.
I like to write and if something strikes my fancy, usually something odd or unusual, you will learn about it here. And thankfully, at The Holler, almost everyday is odd and unusual. So “Holler Happenings” including photos of flowers, birds, and wild animal interactions, are included.

I travel three-four months a year so you will find my photos of locales from all over the world. The good, bad, and the better.
So put your feet up and let’s devote our attention to the best things in life,  the things we want to do.
To start here are some links:

National Geographic Your Shots page,


Pinterest page,

Goodreads page,

And “about me” before I retired and commenced this life of leisure:



Cheers & Welcome!
Cindy Knoke
(AKA-Cindy Barton LCSW)

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.  You are welcome to use photos, but please site the source. Thank you!

1,011 thoughts on “I Blog Therefore I Am~

    1. Veena-
      So are yours. I LOVE your Bengali recipes! Completely new to me and very exciting. I think I will start with the mango chutney and coninue with others. Looking forward to trying to make some of these dishes.

  1. Petre-
    I have just been looking at your blog. Excellent and informative. Important info that needs to out. you seem to have a biology/conservation background? My son is in a wildlife-bio grad program and I notice similar interests. Good stuff. Thanks for posting.

    1. Hi Cindy, thanks for your kind comments!

      I almost studied biology at university, but finally decided not to do it, because biochemistry, not my strongest point, was a big part of the study.

  2. Ah yes. That makes sense too. My soon to be son in law just finished his masters in history. Did his thesis on the Black baseball leagues and how they helped to pave the way for the civil rights movement. Brilliant paper and something I knew nothing about. Looking forward to following your blog.

    1. Teresa-
      Did I somehow neglect to personally thank you for this honor? I certainly did when I carried out the blog instrucions, but if I forgot to personally thank you for the honor of your nomination, I apologize! I was most honored by your confidence.

      1. Teresa_
        Aaargh! I did forget then. I am sorry. I did carry out the requirements of the award and gave my honest praise for your wonderful blog on my awards page! So sorry! I’m going to have to go drown my sorrows in your latest recipe for peanut butter chocolate chip bars! Yum! Thank you for all the wonderful recipes! Keep em coming!

  3. Thanks for the follow. I’ll be stopping by yours. Just have to limit the follows due to limited internet on the ship I work on so I can support my bad habit of writing. It’s great to meet fellow travelers and writers.

  4. Hej cindy, how are you?
    I found this link on utube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r6eTr4ldDYg and thought i might interest you, maybe you know it already. i have a better presentation like this one, but unfortunately its in german.
    have agreat day,
    ps: that recipe you posted earlier looks so delicious, i dont eat meat but will try to cook it with out…

    1. Franza-
      You did it again! I am sending the video to friends and family. It was very moving and fact filled at the same time. Send the German one too. I can understand a bit of German. Am now getting emails from “Playing For Change,” thanks to you!
      We are going to Berlin in 2013. One of the last places I haven’t been in Germany. I’m going to do a photo post on Germany soon. My husband is German.
      Thank you so much for sending these to me.

    1. Hi Icastel-
      I wanted you to know I just followed through on the award nomination. You can see it on the award page. Thank you so much for this kindness and confidence. I always look forward to your new posts and photos and it was fun to read a bit about you too in your award acceptance post!
      Thanks much and keep on clicking and posting. We need your stunning photos!

    1. Petre-
      Thank you so much for this honor! I hope I already thanked you but it’s hard to tell when I check through my email. I just read your posts now instead of the news. Seriously. I read Dear Kitty! Cheers.

  5. I’ve noticed you liking a few of my posts on my blog, but hadn’t come and check out yours yet, so I popped over today. You’ve got a really great blog here! I love looking at all the places you’ve been and I’m definitely going to have to give some of your recipes a try! Thanks for the follow, I’ll have to follow you back 🙂

  6. Dearest Cindy, Good morning! Today I was happily surprised to find out that I was nominated by a fellow blogger for the “Very Inspiring Blogger” Award. This involves some kind of participation (as you probably already know)! One of the things I had to do was to propose 15 bloggers for the same award. Truth is, I thought of you immediately! You’ve been so kind and helpful and encouraging! So, there you go my friend! Participate! http://goomfh.wordpress.com/2012/11/19/728/ This is a link to my page, where you will find the instructions! Thank you for being such an inspiration to me! 🙂

    1. Masadiso-
      Oh, thank you. That is so kind of you! I am VERY happy you won. You are just bursting with creativity that absolutely needed a blog for it’s expression….so many talents in one person! Happy you won & thank you for for the nom. Your friend in blogville,

    1. Petre-
      You are such a peach! Thank you. My son is here for the holiday and he asked me to thank you for all the animal conservation videos, particularly the tiger ones. You are making an important contribution! We are off to set some critter cams around the holler. Got a super close up of a coyote last night but just the back, good enough for science/census, but not scenic for the blog.
      Thank you again Kittey for the nomination and for being my source for news.

  7. Hi Cindy! You always spare your precious time to comment my posts, but I didn’t ! That apply to many other great Bloggers too, for that it makes me feel how humble and great personality you all!
    Today, I am sincerely thank you for your great afford to showcase your eyes to the whole world,Thanks my friend!

  8. Sydney thank you for these wonderful and kind comments. It is I who enjoy seeing the world through your eyes my friend. I have never been to beautiful Singapore but your posts make me feel like I am seeing a bit of it. You have a beautiful blog and everyone thinks so! Thank you!

  9. Thanks for the follow over on my blog. Nice to meet you here on WordPress. Your post yesterday caught my attention, intriguing, as did today’s with the meat loaf recipe! I have some more reading to do here, great blog.

  10. It’s so nice to meet you Cindy. Thank you very much for visiting my blog and now following, because of that I’ve been introduced to a great blogger and site. Thank you, I look forward to seeing more of your blog and follow. Thanks again! Mary

      1. I can’t thank you enough for your ever so kind compliment, as a new artist that means the world to me. Wishing the best in our new year! Mary

  11. Cindy Congratulations! I have nominated your blog for the One Lovely Blog Award – see my post at: http://www.canapesandchocolate.com

    I hope you will participate in this exciting award. The rules of the award are:
    1 Visit and thank the blogger who nominated you.
    2 Acknowledge that blogger on your blog and link back.
    3 Share 7 random things about yourself.
    4 Nominate 7 or more blogs with the award, a link to their blogs in your post, and notify them on their blogs.
    5 Copy and paste the award on your blog somewhere.

  12. Pingback: Reality Blog Award-THANK YOU | Press "M" for Menopause

  13. Thanks for stopping by my Mindful 4 (Jan) post. I’m not quite retired – though not professionally working at the moment. So far, grama to one and his visits are priceless.

    Have a wonderful New Year.

  14. Thank you for your recent visits and the likes! It’s very kind of you to take the time and interest to do so 🙂 I’m having a few problems getting updates and notifications at the moment so I maybe a bit behind but I am trying to catch up! 🙂

      1. Really? 🙂 … I am coming over all bashful-a-wolfie now lol 🙂 But I am very honoured! My best wishes to your family and I hope you are all very well and life is treating you all awesomely as you deserve 🙂

  15. Hi! Thanks for visiting my blog and for the “like” on my recent post. I’m happy you enjoyed it, and I appreciate your visit to my site.

    I’ve already gotten such a kick out of the entries on your blog. It’s so much fun. I love your witty writing style, which makes me smile quite a lot.

    Thanks again! 🙂

  16. Pingback: Breaking the Rules | theseeker

  17. Pingback: Daily Prompt: Share the Love « Mama Bear Musings

  18. Thanks so much for visiting my blog, liking my photo, and following my blog! I appreciate it very much. I’ve enjoyed my visit here and I look forward to following your posts. 😀

    1. Good point. Let me clarify. This was an angry male elephant in musk i Kruger national Park, who charged us right after this photo.It was not his fault though. The rangers who were driving the jeep got too close and intimidated him., hence he charged.

  19. Cindy, I would so love to follow you, but I can never find the place to click on for follow. It’s probably terribly obvious, but I haven’t got there yet. Can you tell me where it is please !!!!

    1. Hi Valerie,
      How nice of you! Thank you. If you look at the top of the blog post, there is the word Follow. Just click on this word and it will switch to following and I will receive notice that you are following. When I receive this notice I will let you know you were successful. If you have any difficulties with this, let me know and I will help.
      Thank you and I enjoy following your blog too!

  20. melanietoulouse

    @”I live in an isolated rural part of California…” I visited California years ago and I loved it… lucky lady! 🙂 Sunny greetings and friendly thoughts from Toulouse, France, “old Europe”! 🙂

      1. Several others and myself had a big go around with the so called techys at the WP support forum. 🙂 🙂 🙂 They kept telling us we were using too many categories and tags so we were spamming and our posts would not show up in the reader. We told them that was not true. I’ve posted some with just 1 category and no tags and they never showed up in the reader.

  21. I have no idea what led me here but here I am following life in the holler. Lovely pics and not that different than where I am…only I’m in Central America and you’re in California. Only goes to prove how small the world really is. 🙂

    1. I love it! Yes the world is amazingly small. I learn that over and over in my travels. I was just at your blog and I find it fascinating to read about your life in beautiful Central America, a region of the world I especially love. So glad you are visiting here at the holler! We love to have you~

  22. Hi Cindy. Nice to meet you. Thanks for visiting our blog and for the likes and for following. I’m delighted to return the favour. Your photography is stunning and I’m officially jealous 🙂
    I found you through Paulette – she reblogged the piece on the Roma and Sinti. Just heartbreaking what’s been done to them.
    What led you to the post on Ranthambore?
    Loved your photos of Prague – Eastern Europe is on our list for next summer.

    1. Hi Alison,
      Nice to meet you too. Paulette is one of those people that one is priveleged to know. Thank you so much for stopping by and for your very kind comments. It seems your life at this point is going in directions similar to mine which is interesting. I am interested In Ranthmbore NP, specifically the tiger reserve area and would love to visit. Your blog gave a fascinating tour of the area. Cheers to you and thanks again for stopping by!

    1. I just saw your post here, and even though I thanked you Deo, I wanted to do it again and let you know how much I appreciate your kindness. I am impressed with the scope of your talents and so happy to know you. Cheers & be well~

  23. No wonder you are such an empathetic soul–but wow! I am so surprised.It’s weird how so many artists do (did) other stuff utterly. But it looks as if you DO (do) travel reviews, too, and quite a lot!! Bully for you. (the good kind) 🙂

  24. Pingback: Fan-friggin-tabulous. | Faces and Places and Wide Open Spaces

    1. You do see of course why I blog. I get to meet people like you! I am so blessed with my blogging friends, that now, most happily, include you! Thank you for your kindness~

  25. Hi Cndy, I love your blog theme! 🙂 you are taking most amazing pictures, thanks for visiting mine. I enjoy a blog with great pictures and will lokk forward to seeing more here. Thanks! Ute

  26. Jorge Luis Oyola

    I thank you very much for taking the time to review my resume I hope you can assist me in tweaking it and please if you can pass my post around to everyone maybe that can help me.

    I thank you again and God Bless

      1. Be sure and contact your local infoline for services and programs that will help you and your daughter. They are there and you and your daughter deserve some kindness. Avail them. It is what they are there for. Best of best luck to you and your daughter!

      1. 🙂

        I’m trying a new thing to try and keep my records straight…but it is perhaps more trouble than it’s worth. Maybe if I ever got caught up it might work…

        No worries, hugs always!

  27. Thank you for visiting my blog and following. Your Santons D’art Avignon post is of great interest. I now have another ‘to do’ when in Avignon next month.

  28. Hello, Cindy. Thanks for dropping by my blog. Looks like we’ve both been bitten by the travel fever. I hope we can compare notes sometime! See you around this blogosphere!

  29. Pingback: CBBH Photo Challenge: I Spy with my Little Eye | Anotherdayinparadise2's Blog

  30. Hi Cindy !
    I am one your follower but don’t know why recently couldn’t get your posts ! I clicked your blog straightly and surprise that I’ve missed many .
    So I unfollow and follow again , hope the problem solves. 😃

    1. I hope it does. A lot of people have been telling me about problems with the WP Reader and I have had them also. The reader deletes likes, fails to put people’s blog posts I follow in my reader, and on one occasion deleted four days of people’s posts from the reader. I think the more of us that let WP know this is happening the better. I sent them an email. So sorry. Please let me know if it doesn’t get fixed and thank you for following! Initially, with me they claimed the problem was “not on their end”, with so many reports that cannot keep denying the problem! Good luck & thank your for telling me!

      1. Oh thank you so much dear Cindy I was totally fascinated by your gesture dear, I have a lots and lots of those very ancient hymns and slokas and mantras as PDF text on my blog which are extremely rare to find and most i can tell the meaning approx, like wise i have many rare texts and other literary content also

        If interested please browse through the category section carefully you will find many many beautiful things of English literature too which you might be familiar to all in PDF format

        Thank you for your interest, and originally I made this blog for that purpose only, but in September 2012 I found that people were interest only in photographs so I started posting that

        Thank you for you interest dear 🙂 🙂

        Love Ajay

  31. Please accept these 3 Awards.
    Best Moments Award
    Reader Appreciation Award
    Semper Fidelis Award

    I hope you can accept these 3 Awards, just show all 3, and give
    back to another 10 users and thank the person who gave you them


    Thank you!!

  32. Pingback: On Tributes | A Frank Angle

  33. Hello Cindy,
    I see that you came over and took a look at what sort of things are happening in Russia. Hope you enjoyed it. I read your about page here and must say “wow” 1221 followers, that’s impressive. How long have you been blogging. I’ve only been at this for about five month and have found it’s hard work bringing in followers. I’ll be back to take a deeper look soon. Cheers ;}

  34. I don’t travel at all anymore since air travel has gotten to be a pain in the rear… one day when i’m rich and can go ALL first class, maybe… anyway i’ve been cruising around with you this morning, spending WAY too much time at it but your photos are stupendous. Must say your hummers really brought a big smile. Mine are not nearly so nice to each other, even with *3* feeders… hmmm. Anyway thanks for sharing such lovely images of our world. XO

  35. Hi Cindy–I’m a huge fan of your photography and would love to share one of your shots this weekend at the new weekend words site. I’ll send you an email to the address I have for you momentarily. Love, Christy

  36. Pingback: It’s Time to Begin, Isn’t it? – Vol. 1 | Words for the Weekend

  37. Congratulations Cindy! You have been awarded:
    I’m a part of the WordPress Family Award
    I do not expect any action to be taken, or for you to generate a post (unless you wish to pass on the award nominations). Nevertheless, your blog has been awarded at: http://fae-magazine.com/2013/10/29/award-october-2013/ … Or, after one month at: http://fae-magazine.com/awards/2013-blog-awards/
    Enjoy your Award! 😀 Fae.

    P.S. Thank you for all the likes and the fun messages today. Hugs, 😀

  38. acl1967

    Hi Cindy,
    This is such a beautiful space online! I am really looking forward to following your spectacular photos and life adventures. I am inspired by your creativity! Thanks so much for the follow.

  39. Thanks for leaving a LIKE on my blog. It sounds like you have an interesting, fulfilling and adventurous life.
    If you think you would be interested in reading and reviewing my book, please let me know.
    I can send you a copy to keep you company during your travels.

  40. Dear Cindy,
    I always love seeing your face visiting my blog, but I still haven’t worked out where the follow button is on your blog. I’ve ticked the following thing at the top of your blog, but that doesn’t seem to get me to you…I will keep trying… I got into you this time by keying in your name on google!

    1. Hi Valerie. I suspect it is not your error as wp is having tons of hiccups lately. If you look at the top bar on the page, the follow button should be next to my name cindyknoke.com and you can click. Also when you make a comment below you should see a follow link. It could be that you are following and the posts are not appearing in your reader. So sorry!!

    1. All good thoughts, wishes, energies and friendship flying your way Shaun! Thank you for your kindness even though I am remiss with awards, I do so appreciate the kindness behind them! Thank you Shaun!

      1. Thank you for your kind words 🙂 And congratulations to you too! Your blog is awesome! Those red tailed hawk pictures… amazing! I don’t know how you captured those. Great job 🙂

  41. Hi Cindy. Thank you for visiting my blog. Although I am focusing on the fur trade I am interested in so many other things. Your life seems fascinating and I look forward to seeing more of it. All the best. Emy

  42. Cindy, I just wanted to thank you for reading so much of my work. Your support, especially during periods of darkness, has greatly helped me to continue moving forward.

    Your photography is so beautiful and your free spirit, inspiring. I feel blessed to have you a part of my life, even if it be through the big wide blogosphere ;0)

    Thank you for all of your encouragement this year. It has made a positive difference in my life, and I am so grateful.

    Wishing for you the best of holidays yet, and a wonderfully blessed new year ;0)

  43. Hi Cindy thanks for checking out my blog. I absolutely love your photos. I’m a travel buff as well and you’re giving me some ideas about MUST VISITS! Thanks again for supporting my blog and all the best for 2014!

  44. You seem to have come in what we call in Dutch “heaven”. Nice you now take time to share the beauty of nature and life with so many people around the world (via internet). Thanks for making available to see the beautiful pictures and bring ‘positive air’ in this world.

  45. Cindy, thanks for the follow on my own blog it is really appreciated. Welcome aboard. Your own blog is a treasure trove and I really like the sound of your place, my kinda place and The Hound would love it too. Best wishes for all your journeying. MM 🍀

  46. All your photographs are absolutely stunning !
    Thank you for constantly visiting my blog. I was on a hiatus for quite a while but now hopefully I am back for good. Looking forward to communicating with you more 🙂

    1. Awwwww. I am very honored and so appreciative. This is so very kind of you. Please know I love your blog as well and am so pleased to meet you here in blogdom! Cheers to you~

  47. Rachael Charmley

    Hi. Thanks for following me! I look forward to relaxing into your blog, and I hope you find a story or two you like on mine. 🙂

  48. My daughter and I used to see them every single time we drove up from my Mom’s house in Wasco and north towards Hanford (Steve Perry’s home town) they were all along the side of the road (43) early in the morning, always. They were adorable.

    1. One animal I have seen way too little of are owls. I have an owl box and we have Great Horner Owls at The Holler who I hear all the time, but rarely see. I would love to see what you have!!

  49. Pingback: LIGHT OF THE WORLD AWARD: Nomination from Patty | HalfEatenMind

  50. Hi Cindy,
    What a wonderful blog you have! Beautiful photos and I love the description of where you live, or rather, how to get there. 😉
    Thanks for visiting my blog. I see that you are/were a mental health professional so I’ll check out your profile right away.


    1. Very best to you and sorry I missed your comment until now. I do think getting to the holler is much of the challenge, living here is a joy! cheers to you~

  51. Hello Cindy!
    Thank you for following my blog. I think you have a wonderful blog that I am going to enjoy following. I know how many interesting blogs are out there and feel honored that you picked mine to follow. I hope my stories entertain and inform and my photos bring you joy and wonderment.
    I travel mostly local but try to always find interesting places. I have lived in several different places and dig through my archives of photos to bring glimpses into places I have been. Sometimes I post a recipe because food tells a lot about culture.
    I am not a professional photographer, so my photos are sometimes a little fuzzy and there are telephone poles and wires and other things along with what I was photographing. The older photos are 35mm, the newer are point and shoot digital and a few are Samsung Smartphone.
    I am new to blogging so if you have any advice or critique please drop me a comment.
    Thank you again for following and to quote Mark Twain: “Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness.” – Mark Twain
    Iris the Wanderer

    1. Welcome & so pleased to meet you! You and I are on the same page about travel. It is wonderful in everyway! Cheers to you and look forward to many future chats~

  52. Pingback: MAYDAY, MAYDAY: Awards from three blogs for the Mind | HalfEatenMind

  53. Hi there Cindy,
    Thank you for taking the time to stop by and check out my little corner of the blogosphere and the follow, your support is greatly appreciated. Looking forward to seeing more from you 🙂

    Have a great day,


  54. I was not expecting anyone to hit the like button on my post 271, but I was glad it was you because it finally brought me to your stunning blog. What fantastic photographs, they are a pleasure to view.
    I would like to thank you Cindy for following my blog and for your numerous likes on my poetry, each one was very much appreciated. Your home sound idyllic despite the temperamental neighbours with their fangs and sharp teeth, but I suspect holler is perfect for someone so creative……. Thank you once again for lending me your time…..Paul 🙂

  55. Wow, Cindy….I am SO GLAD you found my blog (and thank you for the follow!) so that I could find yours and see these INCREDIBLE pictures! OMG. You should’ve called your blog the eye candy blog! Wow. Am going to have a great time perusing your blog and again, thank you so much for the follow!

  56. Good heavens. I think I only scratched the surface the other day when I was on here. I really just have to stress how grateful I am you came looking for me today because I couldn’t remember how to find you!

    1. Awwww, blogging is so awesome because like minded people who otherwise never would find each other, do so here in blogdom. Thank you for your thoughtful and considerate comments. They are so motivating~

  57. Woke up today and was transported over to Canada where my eyes beheld the most beautiful wild life flora and fauna. Then I read about this lovely lady blogger whose mantra is “I blog therefore I am”
    With photography so vivid and clear that you would find it hard to believe that you weren’t standing in the exact spot at which it had been captured!
    Wow just awesome…
    Thank you for visiting and following my blog and I shall look forward in anticipation to future visits.
    I have relatives in Maple Ridge BC and adore the place. In contrast to my comment on my last blog entry…it would appear that you really are “living the dream?”
    Thank you for brightening my Wednesday my friend
    Kind regards

    1. You live in paradise my friend!! You comments are so kind and so appreciated and exemplify perfectly why I enjoy blogging so much. I get to meet people like you!! Cheers to you and thank you~

    1. So nice. Thank you. So far so good. The Holler is okay. So awful that this is happening again. So sad. Impressed though with the effective and rapid fire fighting response. So disgusted that some coward is going around lighting fires………It is only May and it is starting already. Thank you for your concern~

  58. Hi Cindy! Nice to ‘meet’ you 🙂 sounds like an awesome place you have there!! 🙂 thanks for sharing your beautiful photos with us!

  59. Cindy, thanks so much for popping over and reading a few of my archives (weird to have archives when I’m so new at this, but you know what I mean). I felt after I started this that by uploading so many on first day, no one really read a lot of them so I doubly appreciate you taking the time to check them out!

  60. hello again, Cindy.

    As you know i I was invited by a friend, Imelda, to join the virtual blog tour. Imelda’s friend went live and published her VBT last 26 May, you can find it here http://lkharris-kolp.blogspot.com/2014/05/virtual-blog-tour.html.

    Imelda posted her VBT last week, 2 June. you can view it here http://mywordwall.wordpress.com/

    Mine will be posted on the 9th, presenting you along with 2 more friends. And on the VBT, we will have the honor to feature 3 outstanding blogger friends and include a brief description of their blog or short bio of the blogger (2-3 sentences). Then, answer the questions the best we can.
    1. What am I working on?
    2. How does my work differ from others of its genre?
    3. Why do I write/create what I do?
    4. How does my writing/creating process work?

    In our posts, we will have to mention the person who invited us. In my case, it is Imelda.

    This is the schedule of the corresponding posts:

    mine – June 9
    yours – June 16
    your 3 friends’ – June 23
    their taggees’ – June 30 and so on

    many, many thanks for accepting, Cindyr. You have lots of time to prepare for your 16 June post. ;D

  61. Sounds a little similar to me and my new pursuits. Come and visit us in Spain one day. We’re a little isolated in a valley but not remote and even that seems to scare some of our friends. WIsing you well with your leisure and your creativity. A beautiful blog.

    1. You are very kind! Thank you. I love Spain and definitely will visit again. And yes isolated nature does not appeal to everyone but it certainly does to me! I would love to visit~

  62. Kris


    I’m so happy to have stumbled upon your blog. Your pictures are absolutely stunning!! Thank you for sharing your talent. It makes me want to travel the world 🙂 Would you mind if I asked what kind of camera you use?

  63. Pingback: Subcutaneous power for humanity 5 Loneliness, Virtual and real friends | Marcus' s Space

  64. Great to meet you Cindy. I envy your lifestyle out in the “hollers”…I’d much rather deal with coyotes than traffic in the city! Thanks for visiting and following my blog…yours is awesome!

        1. WP hobgooblins at work no doubt! It is wonderful to meet you and yes WP frequently erases likes which is frustrating, but now I am off to visit your blog. Cheers & thank you~

  65. Dear sister Cindy

    Thank you so much for visiting,liking my posts and also following my blog. It was such an honor for me.I really fall in love with your marvelous photos 🙂 Thank you and blessings.

  66. Cindy, I thank you for following my blog. After looking at a hand-full of items on your blog, I am truly humbled. About 10 years from now, I hope to be in the position to do the kind of blogging you are doing now. Presently, I still have five teenager daughters to get out of the house!

    Thanks again, and stop by anytime. The welcome mat is always out!

    1. Five teenagers are a tad distracting I’ll admit. It will be interesting to see if they are interested in your blog!!! Laughing! Your blog is awesome already, in ten years it will be a phenomona!!! 🙂

  67. Thank you for the “like” and follow, Cindy (my old and intimate friends call me Cindy, too). I’ve really enjoyed visiting here. I live in a rural area of Maine, though not as “elementary” as where you are…I am a homebody who loves to travel vicariously…so I will be back to see what you’re up to!

  68. I thought I have liked this page but did not to my horror discovery! I have the memory that I have read this page about two years ago. It is a very nice to read and good visualization blog! Some of the photos are just amazing =)! By the way, I have a question, you mean you live in Holler in Luxembourg? Because you speak Deutsch or probably French too. I did not visit Luxembourg during my about 10 years stay in Europe, what a pity.

    It is always nice to have you visiting my blog, and thank you so much!

    1. Hi there! I am an admirer of your beautiful poetry. I live in California in the an unpopulated, rural area. I travel a lot and post during my travels so people often think I am from the country I am posting about. Luxenbourg is lovely, but so small. You can visit the next time you go. Thanks so much for stopping by~

  69. Hello Cindy…

    I was recently ‘told off’ by a blogger (not a follower I might add), who said my style of ‘welcome’ note was very much against blogging etiquette. Hmm, well I hope not to cause offence, but as you volunteered to become a follower of Uncle Spike’s Adventures, I just wanted to catch up and say “thank you, and that I appreciate your ‘follow’ as there are so many interesting and entertaining blogs out there.

    Blogging since June 2013, my aim is to deliver an eclectic offering of posts, from my ‘point n shoot’ attempts at basic photography, to the sharing of my travel adventures over the decades, as well as day to day happenings here on our farm in Turkey. Oh, plus a few observations, opinions and lighter-hearted stuff thrown in for good measure.

    I normally keep to a couple of posts a day, maybe 3-4 at weekends if I have something special to share. But if you are at a loose end one day, maybe you’ll enjoy trawling through some of my older stuff too. I have added plenty of categories to help in said digging process. That’s not me trying to be pushy or ‘spamming’, but just want you to know what I’m all about.

    Thanks again and hope you have a great day…


    1. One of the cool things about blogging is you can do whatever the heck you want!!! 😉 Phooey on the blogger who said your intro violated etiquette. I have no knowledge of any blogging etiquette and don’t want any! I remember when I started my blog and read WP’s ‘tips for a successful blog.’ I promptly violated all of them. Never was one to like directions!!! 😎

      1. Like it, like it…. I’m happy to follow protocol in general, if there is one, and if it is predominantly sensible. But writing to folk who have just ‘volunteered’ to become a follower of your blog is hardly hard-selling / cold-calling. Anyway… I had the last chuckle; the guys blog was pretty lame, with low hits and few followers – cheered me up no end, lol

  70. Hi there Cindy, I like your quote “Civilization creates such discontent.” You have such a lovely blog filled with life, beauty and love (ɔ◔‿◔)ɔ ♥! Thanks for dropping by and following my blog. Blessings & peace, Pat (>‿◠)✌

  71. Hi,

    I just found your blog and wanted to ask if you would be interested in providing a guest post for our site, Retirement And Good Living (http://retirementandgoodliving.com) about your retirement and travels.

    Over 200 guests from around the globe contributed posts to our blog in the last year.

    Please send me an email fi interested and I will forward additional information.


    Simone Harrison

  72. Wonderful photos! My favorite places are away from the crowds. I lived in Georgia for a while and raised a few chickens and ducks and the coyotes loved my place. Also have a small farm in Thailand in the central mountains but don’t have any mammals to worry about. Your Holler sounds great.

  73. Cindy, duuno if Greenpeace inks will come through … but be forewarned, they do beg for $, not just petition signatures.

    Greenpeace http://us.greenpeace.org/site/R?i=TOJDepwvLtjV3gd-KwL8aw

    It’s crazy but true: Shell and other companies alike are now allowed to harass Pacific walruses. At least that’s what the U.S. Fish & Wildlife recently ruled — and the agency acknowledged that walruses could likely be affected adversely in crucial habitat areas like the Hanna Shoal in Alaska’s Chukchi Sea.

    This is unacceptable — nearly the entire population of Pacific walrus depends on the Chukchi Sea during the early spring and summer months. If Shell gets away with drilling in the Arctic, the walruses and their habitat will be extremely vulnerable to a large oil spill.

    Greenpeace can’t and won’t rest until Shell’s plans to drill and harm the Arctic are scrapped for good — which is why I’m calling on you today. Can you join me, and support our work to defend the Arctic and the environment against this destruction by making a donation today?

    1. Yes, I will join you. I support Greenpeace fully. Walrus are already under grave threat due to disappearance of polar ice sheets, I saw photos of them clumping in masses on the shore because there is no ice for them to be on. This development is so pathetic, sad and stupid. Thank you for letting me know~

  74. Hi Cindy, I wish to arrange a trip to see you and visit the zoo next year for a weekend. Let me know if it works for you I know you travel a Lot 🙂

    1. I would love to have you to The Holler and go to the Wild Animal Park with you! What fun!! Let me know when you are planning to visit. Send me an email re: dates as I don’t want to post my, or your, travel schedule online. Would love this!

  75. Hello, Cindy! I just wanted to say thank you for following my blog and stop by to visit yours! I love photography. You have a beautiful blog!

    I would like to be a psychologist, one day. I am currently in my second year of college. But I worked for the state of Oklahoma for five years with teenagers recovering from addiction.

    Now, I would like to do two things:

    1) Revolutionize psychiatric treatment when it comes to our children.

    2) On my own rehabilitation center for adolescents with co-occurring disorders and addictions.

    A pleasure to “e-meet” you! ❤️

    1. Welcome & good for you! I wish you much luck and encourage you to stick with your education, it will be finished faster than it seems right now, and prepare yourself for a most rewarding career! Your goals sound very interesting. Best of luck and great to meet you~

      1. Actually you can get really good clicks with your iphone. I still don’t have a expensive camera. New technologies make cheaper cameras really good. So, why not give it a whirl!!

  76. Hi Cindy, many thanks for visiting my blog and liking my latest post. I love yours and your amazing photography of the holler, nature and leisurely pursuits as you call them! Am so envious. Take care and I’ll be dropping in often 🙂

    1. You are most welcome, I will read your posts and evaluate ongoing. No-expectations from me. From what I have seen of your blog, you are a force of creative talent! Wonderful! Blogs allow us to express ourselves freely. Blogging is a democracy where we are free to express ourselves, and follow or not as we see fit. Don’t worry about my expectations, just meet your own.

  77. You deserve your retirement, no doubt! Tell you what, you jogged my memory when you mentioned packs of coyotes. I used to work on the edge of the sonoran desert when I lived in Surprise, Phoenix. while I was in Uni. They were always around as well as some rattlers and related darlings. lol I got so used to wildlife over there and coming back to England, found myself completed unconcerned about any kind of wildlife (mostly spiders and ants) here. I actually find it quite boring in that respect. 😀

    1. I know exactly what you mean! If I go somewhere that doesn’t have wildlife, I’m bored. They add a certain interest to living. It is like living with mostly polite, but very wild neighbors. Come to think of it, I have had some human neighbors like this, nix the polite part!!! 😉

  78. Cindy, I just took another tour of your place and got all caught up. It is always inspiring. So many people have no idea about the beauty in this world. Thank you for sharing what you experience.
    I think I asked before, but don’t remember an answer…what camera do you use?
    Take care and keep sharing your joy.

  79. Hi, Cindy, I’m afraid I’m a late bloomer here. I’ve been seeing your “likes” for quite a while, and I’ve finally used a brief window of opportunity to follow you back, and I’m very happy that I did. You have so many followers that I hesitate to add my belated comments,but I really like your wildlife work. I am also drawn to your reports of the revival of Clyde. We have also had wonderful experiences with rescue dogs, and I truly salute your (and you daughter’s) perseverance in his restoration to joy in life. If you haven’t seen it, please check out my post that celebrated the life of our Basset-mix rescue at https://krikitarts.wordpress.com/2013/09/23/the-leaving-of-limo/. I am following you now, too, and it’s high time that I do. Sorry it’s taken so long!

    1. Oh Limo’s sweet disposition just leaps off the page! What a sweet dog. I am so sorry for your loss.
      Thank you for your thoughtful words and I am happy to see you here! Cheers to you~

    1. Laughing, sounds like annoy. No worries. I am the queen of the typo. I once referred to a friend in a comment as a fiend, so you are in good company. Welcome & pleased to meet you!

  80. Hi Cindy,
    The breadth and scope of your images is truly uplifting. Perusing your bold image captures, I felt momentarily transported from my kitchen and the white noise of a washer and dryer – I was out there flying with the birds and swimming with the ducks – thank you for creating a most peaceful moment at the start of my day.
    Have a beautiful day, too.

    1. Welcome and what a truly lovely and thoughtful comment! So happy my photos gave you a peaceful start of your day. Makes posting so worthwhile. Thank and most pleased to meet you! <3

  81. Pingback: On the Most Beautiful Species | A Frank Angle

    1. Oh my, the most wonderful thing is hearing from you again! I was just over at your blog. So great to hear from you and thank you, most heartfelt, for your thoughtful kindness!

  82. As a fellow but very new blogger, I wanted to ask you a question in regards to the protocol for using pictures found on the web in my blog. Can I just cut and paste the image into one of my posts, or do I need to laboriously embed the image location? Or is simply citing the webpage it came from enough. Just wondering if you’d consider pictures from movies and TV shows to be treated the same way you would a quote from someone else. I’d never post another person’s words without giving them due credit, but in this case, I don’t think whoever owns the rights to the movie would mind a little free advertising. I’ve just finished updating my post reviewing the movie Hercules, and have oh so carefully embedded all the pictures. Therefore, if you click on any of the pictures, you can see the exact web address where it came from. All my other posts have been the ‘copy and paste’ method, but I’ve recently become aware that I might be doing something wrong. Here’s a link to said post. Please let me know your thoughts on the subject. Thanks!

    1. Looked at your post and no I don’t think you need to imbed the image location and I agree the Hercules movie people will be pleased with your review. Plus I enjoyed the review too! 🙂 What I would do just to ensure you never tick anyone off is to cite the image(s) source at the bottom of the post (i.e., Photo Source: Wherever you got them.) It doesn’t need to be a link, just cite the source generally and briefly. Heading over to read more of your posts and hope this was useful~

      1. This was very useful. Thank you very much for your time and input. Also I’m so glad you enjoyed my review. I really have a lot of fun writing them and am ecstatic to have found a venue for my work. You’re right, blogging is awesome.

  83. Wow! My father grew up in a “holler”. I think it was Porter Holler in the hills out of Charleston, WV. Feels friendly to hear you say that. Beautiful blog and photos. I am intrigued and will be following now. Thanks for the like on my blog today. BTW, does the Internet work out there?

    1. I can’t believe you just asked this! Are you psychic???? The wifi just went down for the first time. It is often slow. I am at the public library answering this post. I think you are psychic! I love hollerdom btb! Wouldn’t swap it for civilization for anything! 😉

    1. Awwww, well welcome and it is wonderful to meet you. I have been over admiring your blog and you have an admirer and follower in me as well! Cheers to you~

      1. Thank you for your kind comments and for peaking in! Welcome back. And thanks for dropping by my blog. I too look forward to follow you.
        Warm Greetings form Magny

  84. Wow, Cindy, I had not realized you were in California. I am in Valencia and share an interest in photography, the profession of psychology and a love of nature. I know I will look forward to reading more here. It’s a wonderful blog.

    1. Welcome and it is real pleasure to meet you! Sounds like we share some common interests. It is always good to meet like minded people. Heading over to your blog now……Thanks much & cheers!

  85. Hi Cindy, Thanks for the follow on my blog. Your site is fantastic. You such a good eye and composition in your photos. I am still a little too quick to press that button, but hope in the future I will take more time.

  86. Dear Cindy, I blog therefore I am… I just love it…it is 2 words that mean a lot!!
    How are you my sweet talented friend.
    have a great week hope to see you soon.. your blog looks different ..were are all your beautiful pictures?

  87. Pingback: Back to the Future | Missing the Muse

  88. Hi Cindy! Your photos are spectacular! Thank you for stopping by my blog, and following. (I didn’t know where else to write this, but) from the articles you liked, you might actually like my history blog better (not that I have favourites among my four “offspring” 😉 ), “History Undusted”.

  89. I can’t believe I haven’t followed you before now, Cindy! I am absolutely intrigued by your chosen “home” and am looking forward to learning more about you, your travels, and “The Holler,” and of course seeing your wonderful photos! I have a lot of catching up to do 🙂

  90. Pingback: One Lovely Blog Award #1 | Random Ramblings; Myriad Musings

  91. Cindy, I somehow deleted your latest comment on my site! I can’t believe it and have no idea how I did it. My response is there but your comment is not. UGH! I’m so upset this happened and love your comments. You are always so encouraging! Also if you have time – what do you think about keeping the lion icon? Let me know. Peace and blessings to you.

    1. The lion icon is awesome. You should definitely keep it. Sorry about the missing comment, but I will write you many more because I am a genuine fan of your awesome work! <3

    1. I was over at your blog a few minutes ago and saw that you did this. Thank you so much for your kindness. It is much appreciated & congratulations on your much deserved award! You deserve them all~

  92. Hi, Cindy! I am looking at these places of a saint beauty captured by you I’ve never seen something like this! I think there must be some places on the globe where not only the intervention but the simple presence of human being to be forbidden – doesn’t matter with guns of without, with bullets on not, by car or by foot…. Nobody to have rights of property on them – to buy or to sell, to explore, to built or to cut something… (oh silly thoughts).

  93. Hi Cindy, i don’t know what has happened but when you did a like on my post I realised I hadn’t heard from you for ages. I came for a look see and can see you have posted heaps. I think the ‘follow’ has done a runner, so I will un-follow and re-follow again and see what happens. I seem to have missed a lot 😀

    1. I have noticed a lot of similar WP hiccups. They issued the same annual report for me two years in a row. People I follow posts don’t show up in my reader. Frustrating I know. Wonderful to have you back though!

  94. Pingback: Blogging 101: The Commons,Day Three: Say Hello to the Neighbors | mukhamani

  95. Bienvenue.
    Thanks for stopping by and joining my blog. Welcome onboard.
    Your photographs are magnificent, I look forward to exploring.

  96. I love the sound of The Holler. My kind of place, a true retreat. I guess there must be internet though! 😀 Beautiful photographs and I look forward to exploring your blog further.

    1. Welcome! The Holler does have internet, very bad internet. I am always amazed when I go to Africa, or deep into the mountains somewhere and find internet speeds far better than The Holler. We have incredibly slow up-load and download speeds which is quite an annoyance. You are the first person that ever mentioned this! Quite perceptive of you. 🙂

      1. Lovely to meet you, Cindy! Regarding the internet I speak from years of experience of terrible Internet. Anywhere outside a big city in the UK has rubbish connection – a great way to learn patience though. My son used to read novels whilst waiting for YouTube videos to uploads. Slightly better nowadays since part of the route is fibre optic. We go to holdiday in Sweden in the middle of nowhere, no wifi, mobile signal, telephone, TV or computer. Pure bliss! I was wondering did you take the photos – the one of the hummingbird is stunning.

      2. I was in Tallinn Estonia on a day visit, and was downloading some photos outside from my camera to my laptop, when the laptop binged alerting me I was connected to Tallinn’s city wide available for free wifi. I tested it. It was the fastest connection I have ever seen. I got distracted, just for minute (or 3 or 5) from Tallinn’s amazing medieval beauty, by their incredibly fast, free for everyone, everywhere available wifi. I googled it there outside in Tallinn and found out it was rated one of the top 10 digital cities in the world.
        Just goes to show, smartness often resides in unexpected places.
        I am glad you like my hummingbird photos, I want everyone to love hummingbirds as much as I do because then they will protect them.
        Cheers to you~

  97. Hi Cindy. Lovely to meet you. Thank you so much for visiting my blog, Lynne’s Recipe Trails, and for following me. I look forward to visiting your blog. I must say, it really does look amazing and interesting. Have a lovely day and take care. x

  98. Hi Cindy, I found your blog through Charles French’ reblog on photos of the bald eagle. I’m so glad I stopped by and I look forward to learning more about you and seeing your remarkable photos. Have a nice weekend!! Steph

  99. I think I would like your “holler”. I grew up and lived a good portion of my life in the county–Ozark Mountains area–but have lived in a city for about 15 years now. I still miss the isolation.

    1. Yes. We call any interaction with city life, “going to civilization,” and it is not meant in a particularly endearing way. I love the space and solitude. I bet you have wonderful memories of the Ozarks. Cheers to you and thank you for stopping by~

    1. I used to be just this way, but nothing like living with them to get over it! 😉 My son and I just spent about an hour trying to free a corn snake that got caught in the garage door mechanism. He was a beautiful coral colored beneficial snake, but sadly we were unable to save him. Considering I used to feel exactly like you do about snakes, this is a considerable change for me. Thanks for stopping by & cheers too~

  100. Hello from Ukraine!
    Your blog is TOTALLY AWESOME!!!
    I think its the only true way of living – among wild nature. Photos you’ve made are choking by its frankness.
    Best regards, Denis.

  101. Thank you for following me and the storyhounds. Your photos are stunning!
    We live in a ‘what, are you kidding?’ sort of neighbourhood as well, at the end of a long, twisty dirt track full of potholes, but it’s so beautiful I wouldn’t change it for the world. Unlike you, I can’t do justice to it with my photos!

  102. I just read this and learned so much about you from doing so. I didn’t know, or didn’t remember that you were also a psychotherapist.

    Thanks for introducing me to The Holler.

  103. Just stopping by to say hey, and thanks for visiting my place! You have definitely caught my interest with your wonderful photos, and the description of the Holler! Happy to meet you, Cindy, Hope you are having a wonderful week! 🙂

  104. Hi, Cindy! I got a notice that you are now following my blog. For some reason I thought you already were. Anyway, thanks so much, and feel welcome to stop by any time!

  105. Pingback: The Eagles Have Landed~ | TINA FRISCO

  106. Pingback: Butchart Fall Fete~ | TINA FRISCO

  107. Pingback: 2016 Wildlife Photographer of the Year | From guestwriters

  108. Pingback: Sedna~ | TINA FRISCO

  109. Hi Cindy, I just saw that you are “award free” and I had included you for a nomination for the Versatile Blogger Award. Just ignore doing anything about it and I will remove your name. Just know in my heart you deserve it!🙂 I apologize I don’t know how I missed it the first time.

  110. Pingback: Nature’s Soul~ | TINA FRISCO

  111. Pingback: A 2016 suggestion for some interesting photographic sites | From guestwriters

  112. Pingback: Mountain Mahogany in Bloom~ | TINA FRISCO

  113. Hi Cindy,

    So glad to have made your acquaintance here on WP. Your photographs are absolutely stunning, and those landscapes of Utah make me yearn to climb there someday!


  114. I “happened” upon your site via someone else due to your sandpiper pics as I was just watching them on another coastline (Panama City Beach). I love taking photos, as well. I noted you were a Californian…my dad moved us from the OC to Indiana in ’74. I write about my “holler” here, too. Love your pics and look forward to your blog!

  115. I love how one blog leads to another, and then the morning is gone! I found your blog from Eliza Waters on Judy@Newengland… who came from Catherine’s Leaf and Twig. I am deeply flattered that you would follow my New Hampshire Journal. Now we are settling afresh and Long Islanders is starting to reflect my feelings about being “home again.” Blessings, Peter.

  116. Pingback: Blumen Baden~ | TINA FRISCO

  117. Pingback: Smorgasbord Blogger Daily – 8th May 2017 -Debby Gies, Cindy Knoke, John Fioravanti and Haddon Musings | Smorgasbord – Variety is the spice of life

  118. Pingback: Hummer’s Mean Home: Part I (Perching)~ | TINA FRISCO

  119. Without grandkiddies most of this past school year I was able to travel a bit in the states with my hubby while he worked. We did go out of the country for just a few days to Aruba. They have a butterfly farm. If and when I’ve gotten caught up on other blog things I’ll try email you some photos…if I remember – of the butterflies.

    Thank you for your visits and I hope you have made some wonderful memories with all of your travels. Hugs, Jules

  120. Hi Cindy! I love your blog and the way you share your experiences in such a friendly, casual way just like you’re talking. As I get time I know I’m going to enjoy exploring more of your blogposts. Thanks for visiting my blog too, for reading and liking a lot of my posts and I feel honoured that you’ve even chosen to follow! Thanks, you’ve made my day!

  121. Hello Cindy, You found the blog where I write about Photography. Thats it, only photography.
    Now that I know about you I plan on wandering your blog to view the images you post and read what you have today about them.
    Nice to be in contact.

    1. Coyotes are dingos are very similar in terms of behavior, intelligence and ruthless survival skills. They even look somewhat similar. They are even more closely related genetically that scientists used to think. We have tons of coyotes in multiple packs that hunt in a coordinated fashion at night covering lots of territory. It is not a good idea to walk out here at night alone or without protection. So best to stay in your car and meet me halfway. You wouldn’t want to get lost which everyone does out here! We are going back to Oz in March for a month. I can’t wait!

  122. Pingback: SEVEN DAYS. SEVEN BLACK AND WHITE PHOTOS DAY 6 Again | willowdot21

  123. Your photos are amazing. I love the hummingbirds. One was stuck in our garage years ago (believe it or not, he’d wedged his beak between two stacked boards and I found him hanging, limp but alive). When I rescued him, he sat on my finger for several minutes before buzzing off. I’d forgotten all about it until I saw those perfectly detailed little feet…the memory of his tiny death-grip on my finger came zipping back! 🙂

    Thanks for sharing your creativity. Sometimes I get stuck in “now” (it’s a little hard to see our way past the next five years; even when I can, it’s difficult to imagine being something other than a full-time advocate for my kiddos). Your blog is a great reminder that the future is full of new opportunities.

    p.s., I’m no pro, but am curious…do you remember what kind of camera/lens you used for the hummingbirds? I can’t get over those shots. Really beautiful. You’ve inspired me to try to catch them this summer with my Nikon.

    1. Well, this is why I can never lose sight of the fact that blogging is important, because I just got to meet you. And you basically get it. All the best to you and lovely to meet you.

  124. Pingback: Cindy Knoke JD Award – In Pics and Words

  125. omg – your photos!!! I am in awe!

    Your “little bit of heavenly Appalachia right here in rural California” sounds both fascinating and outright scary 🙂

    1. Ahhhh, so kind of you! Thank you. I had nightmares about rattlers, black widows and coyotes, for basically the first year living here. I thought I had made a serious mistake moving here. Now when I see really big rattlers, black widows, or coyotes up close, I reach for my camera quite pleased. I have fully adapted, which is what people usually do, thankfully.

  126. Dear Cindy,

    I keep following your site regularly and enjoy it very much, plus taking regularly the liberty to place some of your magnificent pictures on Pinterest.

    For the “likesl I also use some other WordPress login, depending for wich site I am writing at that moment. Please do know if you would not see a like under my personal name, I keep following you and loving yor postings.

    I was pleased to find you subscribed to another (religious) webste of mine. Thank you very much.

    1. You are very kind Marcus and I treasure you thoughtful comments and very much enjoy your blog. It is wonderful to have the opportunity to meet you here in cyberspace. Please tell me the name of your second blog, so I will recognize it. Cheers to you my friend & thank you for your kindness.

      1. Next to my personal (civil – political and economic blog) “Marcus Ampe’s Space” I have “Our World” (on blogger) and on WordPress I present my own ecclesia “Belgian Christadelphians” and the Belgian or Flemish Brethren in Christ “Broeders in Christus” (or Christadelphians) (for whom I am the responsible elder in Belgium), whilst by the (little bit different community of) “Belgian Bible Students” I offer studies on the Scriptures.
        Biblical Archaeological and historical matters are presented at “Bijbelvorsers”.
        With “From Guestwriters” I love to introduce writings and websites from others which could be interesting to read.
        More difficult subjects are tackled by “Stepping Toes” and “Unmasking anti Jehovah people”.
        For the Jewish and Messianic communities I offer the website “Jeshuaists”

        You see, next to the (very demanding) translation work for the “Jewish Orthodox Bible” and for the “Torah” or “Wetboek van God” (“The Book of the Law of God”) I keep myself busy. The religious sites demanding so much work that my own personal site is a little bit neglected. But personally I think my work for God is more important. (Though it often brings me a lot of negative reaction and lots of not such nice mails – me being a Non-Trinitarian,representing the Christadelphians and defending other Bible Students and Unitarians.)

        You are always welcome at those mentioned sites, which (I do hope) shall also bring some positiveness and peace in certain people’s mind.

        Respectfully yours,

        1. Yes. I will check your sites that I haven’t seen. I am very impressed with your scholarship and depth of knowledge, which this short vitae can only briefly summarize. I learn from every post I read, although your knowledge of scripture and theology is light years ahead of mine. My mother taught World Religions and she would be so impressed with you. Thank you for what you do, and for taking the time to explain it to me. I am sad that people would respond in a negative fashion to someone who devotes themselves so sincerely and diligently to good, as you and your students do, but we do live in very strange times. Love to all of you, and blessings too. I am very lucky to meet you here in the blogsphere.

  127. Ich bin durch Zufall auf dein Blog gestossen und es hat mit dort sehr gut gefallen . Ich möchte auch weiter deine tollen Fotos und Berichte verfolgen .Gerne habe ich deine Seite abonniert. Ich finde es schön , dass auch du meiner Seite folgst.
    Liebe Grüße aus Deutschland

    1. Es ist schön, dich kennenzulernen, Werner! Vielen Dank für Ihre freundlichen Kommentare. Ich liebe das schöne Deutschland und meine wunderbaren deutschen Freunde. Prost aus Kalifornien.

  128. Hi Cindy, as a nature-lover yourself, I was wondering if you would be interested in reading and reviewing my eBook “Encourage A Child To Watch Birds” on your blog or your social media channels? It provides 10 Non-Screen Ideas that adults can use to inspire a child to discover the natural world. I believe that putting these ideas into practice could help to develop a child’s powers of observation, improve their aural skills, teach them basic nature conservation practices – and increase their enjoyment of the natural world.
    If so, I can send you a mobi, ePub or PDF file. It’s not a large book (14k words with a reading time of 30 minutes). Thanks for your consideration.

    1. I am grateful also to know you and be a part of a community of people who care about the natural world and the creatures in it. Thank you for what you do & cheers to you!

  129. Hi Cindy,

    I have just finished commenting on your post featuring those melanistic red tail hawks.

    And here I found myself being greeted by another beautiful specimen in the first photo here. Thank you!

    May you have a lovely weekend! Moreover, I would like to wish you and your family a wonderful festive season with a special post at https://soundeagle.wordpress.com/2012/12/12/season-greetings-from-soundeagle-merry-christmas-happy-new-year-and-joyful-holiday/

    Happy New Year to all of you!

    May you realize all of your visions and achieve whatever goals you have set yourself in 2019!

      1. You are very welcome, Cindy! 🙂

        I’ll appreciate it if you could kindly give me some feedback at the comment section of my post. 🙂

        Please be informed that you might need to use a desktop or laptop computer with a large screen to view the rich multimedia contents available for heightening your multisensory enjoyment at my websites, some of which could be too powerful and feature-rich for iPad, iPhone, tablet or other portable devices to handle properly or adequately. A fast broadband connection is also helpful. 🙂

  130. Pingback: Smorgasbord Music Column – The Romantic Ballad Request Show – Part One – Becky Ross Michael, D.G. Kaye, Abbie Taylor, Cindy Knoke, Sue Vincent. | Smorgasbord Blog Magazine

  131. Dear Madam, Thank you for your visit to my latest post. Encouraged by your “👌” I have attempted a humble translation of my thoughts into English. Just in case you like to know what I wrote in my mother tongue. However, feel no obligation to read it please.🙏😊

    1. I was just at your blog and read the post about the nature of freedom with the quote by HL Mencken. I found the post fascinating and commented on it. Is this what are referring to as translated? If not, please provide me the link, as I would very much like to read further translations from you as I find them thought provoking. I am sorry I do not read Telugu, but the script is beyond beautiful in and of itself. Thank you & lovely to meet you.

  132. Hi Cindy,
    Thanks for the fabulous photographs, and for reading my post.. You are certainly made of sturdy stuff, lady!! I’ve just faced a couple of outbreaks of cockroaches and burglars in my time, although I half-expected.to meet a bear in Canada once, but just missed it. Happy travelling and snapping! xx

  133. Anonymous

    i’ve never seen this page before. And I didn’t know that you also used to be a psychotherapist!

    Your photos are always amazing but these are particularly stunning. What a gift to the world they are!

  134. Anonymous

    I keep thinking of these photos. I thought I would use the Antartica one on the front page of the newsletter. I will put the place under it but we never put credits on the first page. Is that okay? If it isn’t maybe I could fit in a note on your Sequoia page.

      1. You can do anything with my photos and you never need to ask. They are yours for the wonderful use you make of them. And I just couldn’t be happier that they aid you in the work you do which has so much soul and gravitas. I am going back to Antarctica with my husband and son. It is the most spiritual place in the world to me, the place where I see God in all the thousand year drifts of untouched snow. Love to you my friend and be well.

  135. Pingback: Smorgasbord Blogger Daily – Monday January 27th 2020 – #Writerlinks D.G. Kaye, #Funnies The Story Reading Ape, #Photography Cindy Knoke | Smorgasbord Blog Magazine

  136. Pingback: BUZZING WITH JOY: HEMNA nominated for the Bee Love Award

  137. Pingback: On Retrospect: The People – A Frank Angle

  138. Pingback: Smorgasbord Blogger Daily – Thursday February 6th 2020 – #Swearing Alison Williams, #Bread Irene Arita, #Kookaburras Cindy Knoke | Smorgasbord Blog Magazine

  139. Pingback: BLOGGER RECOGNITION AWARD: HEMNA nominated by “Myth-Facts-Journal”

  140. I’ve not seen any coyotes here. However, there are foxes, sanglier (wild boar), rabbits… If I didn’t live where I do, I might wish to be there? In a really cold winter, we are more inclined to get visitors from the Pyrennes which are not far away…

      1. Absolutely. Fortunately, I haven’t encountered one on a walk, yet. As it gets colder, the chances increase. It is 4 degrees celsius this morning… 💜

  141. He he, living in a remote place like in your description, you probably don’t appreciate too many vfistors? I get a feeling that one would be best off armed to the teeth in addition to have 10 years of army experience within ‘Special Forces’? (So you do not get many? 🙂 )
    And no, I don’t planning on visiting California any more in my lifetime, allthough I have been there quite a number of times. Remembered as a ‘Sunshine State’, – but things change!
    Now I guess it is more a ‘forrest fire stat’, but – I truely appreciated your bird shots!
    Don’t I photograph birds? Yes, indeed! But after some time ( 2-3 years) our garden was no longer a garden. More like a pig sty! So – now they have to find their food elsewhere, and I have to look for different motives to birds!
    But – if you insert the word ‘bird’ into my little text-widget and hit the ‘enter-button’, I’m pretty sure that a couple of hundred photos would appear? (If you are interested?) 🙂

    1. So smiling, Of course I am interested. It’s birds you are talking about! California does seem doomed to burn. And re: the pig sty, I relate. Birds are messy, amazing creatures. Your photos are stunning დ

  142. Quite amazing! I’m so impressed with your work. I love California, especially L.A. and Hollywood. I love nature. But I am most intrigued by urban scenes. I love NYC, of course. But, really good work, that manages to be transcendent, gets me everything time–and you’ve got that going on here.

  143. Had the same profession as you had, only I started grad. school when I was 36, so I have a shorter history, also we moved to the boonies, but no regrets, the forest is the best place next to heaven:)

  144. Dear Cindy,
    thank you very much for sharing your beautiful photo’s with the world and daring to go from the outer limits of no-wheres-ville to a home you call “The Holler” which looks like the earthly paradise.

    I am also grateful you wanted to follow several of my sites showing other aspects of the world (which is not such a paradise, but also has its good and bad sides), its evolvement and handling of politics and religions.

  145. Hola, pasaba para agradecerte tu visita a mi Bloger. Me ha encantado las fotos, la naturaleza y esos bellos ejemplares. Haces un gran trabajo impresiona la calidad de todas las fotos. Abrazos

  146. Pingback: The Power of Women in 2022 | From guestwriters

    1. Such an amazing tribute to the powerful contributions of positive women. I am humbled to be included, and so full of sorrow that WP continues to unfollow people from each other without our knowledge or consent. They acknowledge they do this, but will not change it. Still your focus on positve, intelligent women is so beautiful and so much more important. Thank you sincerely. And please keep on doing what you do დდ

  147. Quite amazing! I’m so impressed with your work. I love California, especially L.A. and Hollywood. I love nature. But I am most intrigued by urban scenes.

  148. Hey Cindy, I noticed you were on LinkedIn so I thought it would be neat to connect there as well. I sent a request to connect today. Have a good one! Bruce B.

  149. Anonymous

    Hi Cindy! This is Fae. Please don’t publish this message.
    I saw your ‘Like’ on my blog and got a notification for it too.
    I have an email address which I am not sure if it is yours.
    When you get a chance, please write me at faeinternational@yahoo.com and let’s get updated!
    I cannot remember when was the last we were in contact.
    Looking forward to hearing back form you! <3

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