
(click/tap to enlarge)



in the garden.

This handsome boy,

is a Hooded Oriole,

and this is a male Bullocks Oriole.

The males are clearly striking.

But the females,

have their own more subtle beauty.

Male Hooded and Bullocks sharing the jelly!

Cheers to you from The Holler flying sunbursts~

240 thoughts on “Goldies~

  1. Vicki

    I must admit I like the subtle beauty of the females more than the bright colour of the males.
    Wonderful images as usual, Cindy.

  2. You are so lucky to have orioles nearby, Cindy. What a treasure for your photography pursuits. I have seen them here on Vancouver Island two different years, but only one pair and only for a couple of days before they moved on.

    1. Yes, I love them and all the birds here at The Holler. But, you live on one of most very favorite places on earth. Your island is ethereal. It’s time for me to visit again! დ

    1. Are yours as chatty as ours? Do they bob their heads at each other and argue like politicians? I can’t imagine having them year round. They are such joyful uproar დ

  3. This morning outside my dining room window I watched a “yellow hammer” bird hop around. It was wonderful, but very subdued yellow. And then you post these Orioles – WOW! I love my little bird, but… WOW!

  4. Anonymous

    Very good orioles. I’m still frustrated that mine don’t care about the feeder, the oranges, the jelly. The ants do though. 😉
    Be good Cindy.

  5. I love your ‘flying sunbursts!’ What a great description of them. We get the Baltimore orioles here in Ontario and they’re really gorgeous, too! Can’t wait til they arrive, any day now we start buying bags of oranges and berry jelly for them. Cheers, Susan

  6. The colors are striking Cindy, that yellow on black truly is a delight. Thank you for the share. Side issue, the last pic wouldn’t blow up, kept telling me wrong parameters. Does that mean I don’t measure up? 🤣❤️🙏

    1. Laughing….. You measure perfectly. WP does not. I wish WP wouldn’t lower the resolution. They ruin the photos. They look so much better at full resolution დ

  7. Hi Cuz
    Your goodies are bigger than my goldies. They’re just starting to arrive here in the Great Lakes. More later. Just wanted to let you know I’m still upright and breathing. 🌹

  8. Pingback: Please Enjoy This Beautiful Post From Cindy Knoke!  – charles french words reading and writing

    1. I just went over and rejoined. I am so sorry this happened to you and am very glad we are back in touch. Hopefully this time The WP gremlins will leave us alone დ

  9. I think yellow is my favourite colour in a bird. Awesome photos. We have some yellow birds here but few, tanagers I think. I remember some beautiful yellow ones in Hawaii when we were there on vacation five years ago. Thanks for sharing your photos.

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