Tree-top Dancers~

Snowy Egrets,

in full courtship display,

dance on the top of tall thorn trees,

and sing their peculiar courtship songs.

They seem to get ignored a lot,

but their efforts must work,

judging by the hundred or so tree-top nesting females.

Egrets dance, sing, and nest, on trees with formidable thorns, to keep less talented predators away.

I found this recording on you tube of the egret’s most peculiar courtship song. It is much louder in person with many birds courting, dancing and singing, at the same time. ( Thank you Kim DeGiulio Goecke, who I do not know, who accurately recorded their songs):

Cheers to you from the dancing and singing tree-top birds~

225 thoughts on “Tree-top Dancers~

  1. A Russian ballet … but what elegance, I am totally in love, nature has its surprises in store for us
    thank you for your photos, it’s beautiful!🕊🌷

  2. Ich kenne nur den Silberreiher, der seit neuester Zeit auch bei uns in Mittteleuropa vorkommt (Klimawandel lässt grüssen!) und den ich in den Siebziger Jahren nur im Süden beobachten konnte.
    Ja, das bedeutete ja fast viel Arbeit, um die hundert Schneeweibchen zufrieden zu stellen. 😉
    Liebe Grüsse zu Dir. Ernst

    1. Wir haben auch hier den Silberreiher und sie tauchen oft an der Haustür auf! Sie sind majestätische Vögel und ausgezeichnete Jäger. Prost auf dich Ernst und hoffe dir geht es gut, mein Freund დ

  3. These photos are just incredible, and I enjoyed learning more about these birds I’ve always been drawn to. They’re even more beautiful close-up! I listened to the recording, and the birds really sound like they’re talking!

  4. Gosh, they are a gorgeous bird… love their almost comical call. 🙂 They must be very talented dancers with perfect landings to avoid those thorn daggers… they look lethal!

  5. I love their lacy feathers and plum! I bet it’s wonderful to see their mating display in person. Their mating songs sound like a babbling baby! Thanks for a delightful post and smile to start my day Cindy. 😃

  6. There is so much to know about these tree-top dancers. They have a language, a community, a way of connecting with their world where they are one with nature. You have captured a special moment – one that reminds us to find a way to give back to nature.

  7. These are magnificent photos! So remarkable and I am simply entranced…. wow, aren’t they beautiful? How amazing is it that such big birds nest in trees? I understand the thorny trees for nest protection… but can’t help wondering about getting poked! Lovely post, as always!

  8. Pingback: Tree-top Dancers~ — – Ninnys Nest

  9. I feel like I am at a Venetian masked ball! 🙂 Thank you for sharing this wonderful impression. I never had seen before. How are you? I hope you had a wonderful Easter celebrations, staying well and save. I have to apologize again! Have a beautiful weekend! Michael

  10. Their white feathers moving as they dance look like filmy wedding veils! Of course these are on the males, but still so appropriate! Thanks for such beautiful photos to brighten our days!

  11. Such gorgeous creatures, Cindy! I understand the rationale of nesting among thorny trees, but as a mom myself, I think I’d prefer surrounding my wee ones with something softer and more comfy!

    1. I hear you and they agree with you! I didn’t include photos of the nests. They pluck out their downy feathers and make these super-comfy down nests protected all around by thorns. Comfort and security conscious mamas!! 😉 დ

    1. Good question. They are preyed upon by animals like raptors, ravens, poisonous snakes, coyotes, foxes and raccoons. I would guess that nesting on the tops of very tall trees, covered in thorns, in large groups, helps protect them from many of these. These are very large birds, with lethal beaks, long talons, and a snake like neck. They are predator birds and kill to live. They can defend themselves. The nests would be vulnerable to raptors and ravens though. Once we had a wildlife rescue woman come to The Holler to rescue a Great White Heron, a bird similar to Snowy Herons, but twice the size. I had to help and was significantly intimidated by the long sharp beak which the heron uses like a dagger with the full force of it’s strong neck. I was warned that in defense, they aim for the eyes.

      1. Very interesting thank you Cindy. Actually in karate we were taught if trapped in a neck lock, twist your head if you can towards your assailant’s elbow, elbow their ribs, or go for the eyes with your thumbs or grind your heel down their shins! 👀 👍🏻👎🏻 good to know pretty birds can look after themselves 😂

          1. Ah so you’ll know the move I mean. My Dad was very keen on us all doing marshal arts especially when my brother started to get bullied at High School, so he enrolled us all, did your daughter do competitions? I used to love rolling up with my hair in bunches looking like I wouldn’t hurt a fly 👧🏼. I know the first rule though – avoid – or run away as fast as you can if you are able.

  12. These birds are beautiful. The thorns look so dangerous yet they nest on top of it. Amazing! Thank you Cindy for sharing. The song sounds like they are speaking a language.

    Par ce message positif et amical je te souhaite une bonne semaine mon ami(e). Quoi que tu vives, quoi que tu fasses, dans chaque moment il se cache une raison d’être heureux

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