
You may remember Herbert, the feral kitten we adopted about seven months ago from the wonderful organization, “Love Your Feral Felines.”

 Here he is all ‘growed’ up, and definitely a most important member of the family! 

If it weren’t for ‘Love Your Feral Felines,’ Herbert would have been euthanized. He is such an amazing, social and loving cat, and he always looks you straight in the eye! We are very grateful to have him.

Herbert enjoys being my secretary cat, but has difficulty following directions. (This reminds me of all my report cards from elementary school, and I still, proudly, have this problem).

Herbert goes through kleenex like nobody’s business. (Now my husband will know why he is buying me so many boxes of kleenex. He thought it was my allergies.) You can’t keep secrets when you blog…….

Here he is being “King of the Fountain,” in his own private courtyard!

Cheers to you from ever vigilant Herbert, the no longer feral cat~

367 thoughts on “Herbert!

    1. Awww, I know how much you love and care for kitties Linda and I love you for it. Herbert is truly a gift to be grateful for. He is so much a part of our lives and our family. <3 😼

    1. He runs to meet you when you come in just like a dog. He’s a great cat. I loved your smashing ornaments game! It is so satisfying to smash ornaments, after treating them so gently for so long! I feel like just like Herbert around the tree and want to go back and play more…

  1. I’m in love! No, not with you, with Herbert!
    Lol! What a beauty he is, Cindy. Cats like that don’t grow on trees! I’m so happy you rescued him. He looks amazing healthy, and what a fantastic life he will have in the Holler.

    1. Herbert has to be indoors at The Holler due to all the wild ones outside. Today we followed fresh cougar tracks! But he does have his interior courtyard where he can chase frogs and lizards and bugs. 🐈

  2. Oh, how lovely to see Herbert, all grown up and so very handsome. He certainly knows how to keep tabs on your correspondence. And I am guessing that with the tissues he is just trying to give you a helping hand.

    1. Awwww, thank you and absolutely, he is a highly helpful cat!!! You should see him assisting with the wrapped Christmas presents!!!! 🐈 When I first met him, I rang the doorbell at the foster mom’s, and Herbert ran to greet me at the door, before the dog and the toddlers. I looked at him and said, “He’s adopted.” It was love at first sight and it is still that way.

  3. Namaste Cindy 🙂

    I had to come by, how could I resist,
    Herbert the Handsome couldn’t be missed,
    No longer a pirate or feral fluff-ball,
    Herbie the feline now standing tall.
    I adored him then as I do now:
    That shy little kitten with whispered meow,
    Who once tried to hide, to secret away,
    Has claimed his throne in every way.
    I can’t stop falling into sorcerous eyes,
    Nor avert my gaze from one so wise: but yet I know,
    He plays with me as if I were string,
    Pawing my heart with gentle Loving.
    No doubting that, he’s King amongst cats,
    Wearing robes of thick pelted fur,
    With swagger and sway he’s true felidae:
    Elegant with a commanding purr.

    I’m so delighted to see him again – he’s a beautiful cat who has flourished in your great care – and even though he’s not mine, I’ve missed him more than I can say. Let him know I stopped-by and give him a hug from Dewin <3

    Thanks so much for posting. Have a great weekend.

    Namaste 🙂


    1. I think he may well know you stopped by! Cats are smart like that. He is amazing. This feral kitten, who had such a rough start. His whiskers on half his face were cut off. He had some digestive health issues when he came here, due to stress I think. He had been in a animal control facility and two foster homes with wonderful foster parents, but he was so plucky and he rebounded after the first week or so and grew into the King of the Cats you see today. You are amazing Dewin. Your poem touched all of our human <3 's here at The Holler. So beautiful, and so you! Happiest everything to you Dewin. 🐈🐈

      1. He has a strong heart Cindy and a huge love of life: attributes that’ll see him right for many long and happy years to come ruling the roost at The Holler! He’s so full of Love and gratitude it is almost palpable – even from here he reaches out with affection – ’tis little wonder he’s loved so dearly by all who cross his path 😉 The more I read about him the more kingly he becomes…without doubt the King of Cats.

        I know from time-to-time you’ll keep everyone updated on his progress – I for one can’t wait for the next instalment.

        Thank you for kind thoughts on the poem…I had a little help from Herbert 😀

        Wishing you a wonderful Sunday and a great week ahead. Take care y’all,

        Namaste 🙂


          1. That is a most wonderfully kind sentiment Cindy, thank you. Herbert moves me in mysterious ways: he’ll always find a warm space in a special place in my heart whenever he visits. I <3 him deeply.

            I'm so pleased he has a loving home with you all in The Holler where he is cherished in all ways always.

            Thank you. Namaste 🙂


    1. When he was a kitten they paid him no mind despite the fact that he chomped his teeth together while looking at them! Now they clear out the feeders and baths, the second they see him in the window. He is big now. They come back when he leaves though. Funnily enough he seems to have no killer instinct. He plays with bugs and lizards in the courtyard, but doesn’t hurt them. He carried a frog into the house in his mouth from the courtyard. didn’t hurt it. just sort of batted it gently around until I liberated poor froggy.

  4. Stunning images of a gorgeous cat.

    Your bird and animal photos are always outstanding, but I think you’ve outdone yourself with Herbert’s photo shoot. He looks extremely healthy too, especially his eyes……so lovely in that last image 🙂

  5. he is beautiful Herbert.
    you feel all the love you have for Herbert and that it is an integral part of your life.
    I lost EOS not long ago, in cruel circumstances for her with a veterinarian who mistreated her during her euthanasia.
    EOS who always trusted me, was very kind but with character, the last moments of his life knew only cruelty. I stay with these pictures.
    I will always love cats.

    1. Oh, I am so terribly sorry. I can feel how these memories haunt you, and just your description bothers me. So very sorry. He will remember your love though, and that will be the most important thing he will take from his life. Hugs to you & empathy too <3 <3

  6. Herman

    Hello there, Herbert! What a beautiful cat! Thank goodness you saved him and adopted the lovely furry friend. I’m sure he must be very happy in his home…

    1. “Cats are always “most important”, that’s the way they think of themselves.”
      Exactly! And in their case, who can disagree with their priorities!!! Laughing…..

      1. I wish full healing would be that soon Cindy! Realistically, my surgeon said at least 2 months to recover. Alot was done down there and mt body us trying to adapt to all the trauma.

          1. Thanks Cindy. I need all the prayers I can get. Very miserable right now. See my surgeon for followup on Thurs. Did manage to go out to an event last evening with a group i belong to on a large Christmas parade boat. Paid in advance and we did alot of prior planning. When I do a post about it, don’t be deceived by my smiles. Lot of padding and pain meds taken to hold up. Didn’t want to be a Debbie Downer for the others. Everthing else I had planned last week, I cancelled. Just too much pain to enjoy.

  7. I’m not particularly a feline-lover, Cindy, but even I have to admit Herbert is a handsome dude! He seems way more fascinated by your camera than Dallas does, which makes for lots prettier photos!

    1. He wouldn’t even try to hurt your lizard. He appears to have no killer instinct. He brought a frog into the house in his mouth so gently he didn’t hurt it, and then proceeded to watch it. I rescued it. He won’t even kill bugs, but he will chase them 😽

      1. Really? Aww. I believe animals have souls, so many would disagree. That’s okay. Herbert may have a live and let live take on things, rather than succumbing to instinctual urges. He is deeper than that : ) He is such a sweet heart!

  8. I’m going to catch up soon but so glad I caught this one. Herbert is quite the photogenic gentleman! He talks to you with his eyes. He’s absolutely adorable and I understand how he makes you all very happy. Curious too. 🙂 Hugs and Merry Christmas and Happy New Year,

  9. Bonjour ou bonsoir CINDY

    Mignon le petit chat meilleurs vœux 2019
    Je suis ton ami qui est présent partout dans le temps
    Toi mon ami ou mon amie
    Je te considère comme une étoile
    En toi je vois cette âme qui scintille et tu me redonnes du sourire et l’envie de vivre
    Moi en échange je t’offre mon honnêté , ma sincérité , ma bonté
    Passe de merveilleux moments avec les tiens et tes amies pour cette année 2019
    Bonne journée ou belle soirée
    Bisous Bernard

  10. Love that Herbert the Cat! I am a life long cat lover but I cannot have one as my wife is allergic. Now I saw that a friend had two Sphinx cats and being as how they are hairless, I think allergies will not be a problem. But your cat is quite lovely!

    1. Thank you Francisco. He is a most important member of the family and has such a unique personality probably due to being feral for the first six weeks of his life. We love him completely.

  11. Raymond Ritter

    Doing what a true cat does. Emptying the Kleenex box and chewing your mail. He’s a beauty and he knows he’s the boss.

    1. Raymond!! Herbert is the one and only King in this castle. Jim is deposed, but has accepted his submission. I hear you are flying your plane down and we are meeting in Borrego. Want to go see the birds at The Salton Sea? There is an amazing collection of them in the winter. Happy Holidays my friend and great to hear from you!

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