
Wading Birds like this oystercatcher are fascinating to watch. I photographed this American Oystercatcher in South America.

This Black Oystercatcher, near The Holler, was a rare sighting.

California has about 668 species of birds. The Holler, and nearby environs alone, account for approximately 500 of them, including a variety of waders. Little Blue Herons can be found near the coast, and are seen less often, closer to The Holler.

Majestic Great Blue Herons are common.

They sometimes show up at our front door!

Sandhill Cranes stand over four feet tall and are further afield.

They winter at The Salton Sea.

Snowy Egrets are everywhere. This guy was near the coast.

His green crab lunch was a bit crabby and hard to swallow!

Cheers to you from The Holler’s wonderful waders~

199 thoughts on “Waders~

    1. Ahhhh, thank you so much. The Sandhills are tricky to photograph. They are so timid, and hard for me to get close too. I wonder why. It could be predators, or maybe some people treat them badly.

  1. Gorgeous pics and subjects. We have mNy sand hill cranes here, it’s so sweet that they form a family. You’ll always see them in threes. The Mom , Dad, and “child”. Egrets. Are plentiful here too.ovecyour series of photos.

      1. They are so seeet and totally devoted to each other. I once watched a couple searching for their baby for two dayd calling out for it. We are warned of Sandhill Crane crossings but accidents still happen. It’s heartbreaking when it does. ♥️

  2. We live in a world of beauty and enjoy the fellowship of birds and animals. Your photography catches the spirit of their freedom and individual personalities. Marvelous.

  3. Love the Little Blue Heron especially! I have to win the lottery and get myself a lake! Having around 500 species of birds is phenomenal! I have watched 25 different species out my window and thought I was doing well!!

  4. Such a beautiful spot — no wonder the waders have taken up residence there! Thank you, Cindy, for capturing them in their environ. I was wondering what that snowy egret was trying to gobble, ha!

  5. What amazingly elegant and well-dressed neighbors you have. Did you invite the Heron in when it came up to your door? I am sure it would have impeccable manners. 😀

    1. The first time it happened, we had newly moved here, and I was scared of him. I saw him through the glass panel of the door, and my instant thought was, “There is a dinosaur at my door!”
      I looked again, and saw it was a 4 1/2 foot tall bird! I used another door!
      The second time I used another door, but took photos. The third time, I opened the door with my camera and clicked! 😉

  6. Your photo of the oyster catcher is stunning. We have them here sometimes in South Wales but I can never seen them as close up as you have caught them here. I love their orange/red eyeliner!

            1. Your paintings showcase the beauty, and unfortunately southern California is far too sunny these days. I still want to visit and I hope I do, soon. It is the only region of the UK I haven’t visited.

  7. Cindy, as always, I’m just plain awed. You get such color, clarity, composition, and perfectly timed shots. The blue heron is particularly gorgeous, but the birds in flight had such surprising color contrast. Thank you for sharing your talent with us. Hugs on the wing.

  8. So many wonderful bird shots, Cindy. I especially like the cranes flying overhead and the Great Blue Heron (which looks so much like our White-faced Heron).

    The Holler must be a haven for Bird Photographers and Nature Lovers.

  9. used to have a Great Blue that came to our door in Florida, Cuz. Had to love that bird. He (we later found out that he was a she) would be there almost every evening at about 6pm begging for bread…, or whatever we had to give her. Critters can be such fun !!! :}

  10. Your Holler sounds like a bit of an estuary. Many parts of our City have kept them protected so we get many of those birds here though I never identified most. The Blue Heron is quite common to see here but I never took a photo of any of them that looked close to what you have here. It never even occurred to me then. Thanks for bringing a bit of awareness.

          1. I haven’t been to Bend but they get a lot of snow. I hear it’s lovely though. I wanted to be closer to a major airport for family to fly in for visits. We get just a little snow here on occasion. It is a very progressive state which is why my sister moved here more than 30 years ago. She feels safe here.

  11. Fantastic photographs! I’ m so glad that you take the time and have the resources (cameras, etc., but more important, skill and a love for beauty) to put these out here for us. Gratefully, Albert

  12. Lovely birds. I’ve got some herons that come when the weather is warmer. And a bunch of the little guys, some hawks and vultures too.

    The color of the birds is always fun when something stands out; like that orange beak or the blue feathers. 🙂

    It was fairly warm today that their was a guy fishing in the creek behind my house (on the easement side).

  13. Love shore birds my world is full of yours are beautiful captures as always Cindy. Enjoy the weekend of craziness leading up to Christmas and warm thoughts for you from me are also attached xo.

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