Happy Feet~

Are shouting out!

Wishing you,

the Happiest New Year!

They bring you,

quiet beaches,

to relax on,


to swim in,

friendly compadres,

to hang out with,

and chicks,

to admire!

Cheers to you from the penguins & I~


311 thoughts on “Happy Feet~

  1. These photos are splendid, Cindy — they make me feel like the penguins are up close and personal!! I needed to see these gorgeous beach and ocean views, too, when our temps are still below zero … brr. Happy New Year!

  2. Look at those little honey’s !! Happy New Year Cindy! Seems to me like last year blew by. Jim and I are off to Australia soon and have booked a night tour with Penquins. I guess they march together out of the sea to their nests at night. I can’t imagine getting beautiful photo’s like yours but I’m excited to visit with them. Your trek looked a lot more secluded and personal, Bravo! Cheers my dear and here’s to adventures of the magical kind for both of us!! xo K

  3. Pingback: From: Cindy Knoke…Happy Feet~ — | Rethinking Life

  4. Dahmane Thami

    Happy New Year 🎆🎈🎊 Cindy and all
    Wishing you all the best for 2018.
    Cindy your pictures are amazing
    I love them all so much,I’m Master Gardener and like and appreciate the environment your are taking the pictures from.
    Protect the world keep working.

  5. Happy 2018, dear Cindy! Thank you for sharing your travel stories and delightful,beautiful photos throughout they year, year after year!
    Happy travel! 💖💓

  6. Cindy, your photos are fantastic! I think it is great that we are on the same cruise. Hope we can meet. If you have any free time in Buenos Aires, leave us a message in B339 and we can try to get together.

      1. We are staying at Two Hotel in Buenos Aires for a few days if you are still in town. If not, then I will just have to trust that our paths will cross again some day. Wishing you safe travels and only the best for 2018!

        1. Unbelievable! We just left BA, heading inland. I can’t believe I figured this out on our last days together. We could have done some creative sort of joint post that would have been really fun!

  7. Wishing you the happiest new year ever, Cindy. Thank you so much for these wonderful, perfect photos. I don’t know how you do it but these are incredible. So close I feel like I could touch them. I hope you get many more special photos this year.

    1. Ah, sweet friend. Thank you! These guys were photographed at Gypsy Cove in the Falkland or Malvinas Islands (depending on your point of view) and Punto Tumbo Argentina.

  8. The Penguins message to you: “Thanks for chilling out with us and taking photographs of us in our tuxedos. Waddle we do without you, Cindy. Have a ‘ice day!” (◦′ᆺ‵◦) ✧♡✧*¨*•.❥ ︵ ǝʌol

    1. If you sit still for awhile, they come up and watch you, and gently start to peck at your bottons and cuffs, almost like they are saying, “Come play with us!”

  9. This is one of the best New year wishes this season. Have a wonderful year ahead Cindy. Hugs to you 💖and all those adorables💖

    1. No, I just-now learned from you, to wish it was! There must be penguins there! Africa is my favorite continent after Antarctica, and I am fairly familiar with South Africa, but have never been to Capetown.
      Happiest New Year to you & yours!

  10. Your photos always seem to touch my heart and soul…I guess it’s because of the selfless spirit, I have come to know so very well Cindy! Beautiful…shots, love you my sister and keep them coming along with those spiritual hugs that bring smiles alive!

            1. Yep, studying abroad, and all those misc expenses, and then there’s grad school, essentially it never ends! Just to cheer you up……..And I haven’t even gotten to the grandparent phase!

  11. Tous mes vœux 2018 CINDY

    pour moi c’est la vie
    Et ne pas être dans l’oublie
    L’amitié est une passion
    Mais aussi une bonne solution
    L’amitié fait du bien
    A ceux qui en ont besoin
    Lorsque qu’elle est sincère

    Avec toute mon Amitié
    Que je viens te souhaiter
    Une merveilleuse journée ou soirée des plus agréables
    Peuplée de joie et d’amitié

    gros bisous


    1. Thank you! I had never been at sea for such and extensive time, 31 days. I really liked it, but am so glad to be back in touch and missed the lack of connectivity!

  12. Wow, they are so cuteeee! We’ve also been in Punta Tombo last year but it was the last day of the season and we saw not so many of them but it was very impressive.

        1. Yes, but the Argentinians haven’t, or all their dead.
          It seems to me that too many human beings are motivated by profit over compassion.
          It makes be sad, because compassion is what leads us to God

  13. Bonjour mon Ami ou amie CINDY

    On dis que

    les amis fidèles ne vous quittent jamais

    Les vrais amis sont ces gens rares qui demandent de nos nouvelles

    Les vrais, même s’ils sont à des kilomètres l’un de l’autre, restent toujours proches

    Je te dis que Le sourire ajoute de la valeur à ton visage

    Et que l’amour ajoute de la valeur à ton cœur

    Le respect ajoute de la valeur à ton attitude et les amis ajoutent de la valeur à ta vie

    Une des plus belles qualités d’une

    véritable amitié c’est de comprendre et d’être compris

    Un ami ou amie n’a aucune valeur

    Je réponds que ceux-ci ne s’achètent pas

    Ceux qu’on a ,on les as mérités et on pour moi une valeur inestimable

    Celle du Cœur

    Je souhaite à chacun la plus merveilleuse des semaines

    Avec de paisibles moments , qu’il fasse beau ou pas


    neige — Postimage.org


    Amitiés et gros bisous


    1. I am certain they would adapt and enjoy the telly, as long as you fed them lots of sardines and shrimps!
      Actually they tend to projectile vomit when alarmed, so I make it a firm point never to alarm a penguin! 🐧🐧🐧

  14. Bonjour ou Bonsoir CINDY la Marche de l EMPEREUR JOLI

    A ceux qui sont joyeux, je dis bonjour et bonne semaine

    continuez de vous réjouir, la vie est faite pour cela

    A ceux qui sont tristes, je dis bonjour et souriez, la vie est belle

    Le dimanche est fait pour voir la vie en rose

    se dire que la vie est un recommencement

    que tout recommence, que tout revient


    A ceux qui traversent des épreuves , je dis bonjour, tenez bon,

    espérez en des jours meilleurs

    espérez toujours, gardez le cap

    Courage, soyez fort

    Gros bisous.


  15. Beautiful penguins and scenery, Cindy! I have just today discovered that you were on the same cruise as another blogger that we apparently both follow, A Note From Abroad! What a coincidence, and I hope that you were able to meet. 🙂

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