
This post, of photos taken in and around Greece, is dedicated to you. Opa!

Creativity is one of the most personally helpful gifts a person can possess.

It gets you through all sorts of negative situations, because it pulls you out of yourself, and your individual worries and concerns.

I think the willingness of bloggers to put their creativity out in the universe, consistently, in a blog, is a huge act of individual human courage.

This individual blogging courage and creativity results in a blogsphere replete with fascinating, absorbing and intriguing blog posts, that offer an improved reading and viewing experience, that is a refreshing alternative to mass media.
(Above four photos were taken on the island of Corfu)

Being part of a worldwide community of talented and supportive bloggers broadens our horizons and perspectives, and enhances our lives.
(Stairway Hotel Bretagne Athens)

It enables bloggers to form genuine friendships with like-minded people from all over the world.

I wanted to take time to let you know how much I admire and respect you, and how grateful I am to be part of your community.

You make my life, and the lives of so many others, much richer!

So here’s to you, and to the enjoyment you provide to those who look at your blogs!
(Corfu lizard)

Cheers to you from The Holler (and Opa to you from Greece!)

362 thoughts on “Bloggers~

  1. Thank you Cindy and right back at you – reading through the many blogs from such different parts of the world can most definitely make the dullest day that much brighter! xx

    1. Thank you Joanne. Your blog showcases under-reported and wide spread animal abuse which needs to be seen and responded too, and I thank you for doing this. <3

  2. Well it would be you, Cindy, who takes the time to pay tribute to your followers! As one them, I say you have made lives of many of us fuller, more aware, more grateful – not least for the way you respond to people who comment on your luminous posts from around the world. Thank you for being a leader in the blogging community!

    1. It has really opened the controlled media world up in a truly democratic manner, giving anyone who wants a platform in which they can freely express themselves, and this has created a wonderfully unexpected virtual community! I am so happy to be a part of it and to have met you Eliza~

  3. You are just so great – reflective and supportive. And gorgeous photos throughout your posts. We are all grateful to be a part of this positive community – and you are a wonderful speaker for us all!

  4. Hi Cindy, the lovely images enhance your words beautifully. Blogging has enhanced my life and continues to create ripples all over our planet. Thank you for your appreciation and I will respond back to you in kind. I value your world view via photography and your friendship.

    love, Linda

    1. You are a colleague and a sweetheart Linda. Sending you virtual hugs and hopes for continued healing. I know you have been having a tough time medically and my thoughts are with you my friend~ <3

  5. Such a beautiful tribute to the creativity you see around you in the blogging world! The use of your photos to say thank you is a beautiful interpretation, Cindy. I agree that it’s nice to have the alternative to the mass media 🙂

  6. Opa! That is granddad in German, and also in my language, Dutch. Great pictures from a beautiful country. And I agree, communities like this broadens your sight and thus thougts. It’s wonderful to be able to communicate with folks from all over the globe. It makes The world smaller and One’s world bigger. Isn’t that a miraclulous thing. 🙂

      1. Oma is grandmother indeed 🙂 I am from Frisian descent (Friesland is a northen province in the Netherlands, where they have an own language. Interestingly Frisian and middle-English (spoken from ca 1100 till 1500) have very much in common) and over there granddad is called Pake en grandmother Beppe. But this linguistic sidestep totally, well, aside 🙂

        1. I can speak a smidgen of middle-English from my English Lit days, and am fascinated by the developmental connections between languages, so thank you for the interesting info~

  7. You have certainly enriched my life a hundred fold, Cindy! Sending that admiration and respect right back atcha! <3 (p.s. I wish my computer screen was much larger than it is so I can fully appreciate your wonderful photos)

    1. I am constantly entranced by your delightful artwork and the kind <3 behind it Teresa. Blogging is wonderful because it connects people like us with each other!

  8. Hi Cindy, thank you for your great and beautiful words. It is very true that we have come across a difficult path from waiting for the postman to arrive to be able to read from a friend who lives across the pond to be actually be reading from all of them every single day. It is amazing how we can cross the oceans, only at the tip of our own home. Isn’t that fantastic. I so much adored your pictures of Greece, it is about time for me to return. Thank you for sharing and have a happy week!

  9. I love being part of this wonderful blogging community too Cindy. I have learned so much and also enjoyed seeing other people’s talents (like yours with phorography)! 🙂

  10. Thank you for this post! So many nice comments on here as well! As you said, the world is basically at our fingertips, and we can connect with so much creativity. It is truly amazing!

      1. Thanks for the comment….I have a long way to go before hitting your level of skill behind the camera. That’s the great thing about photography, you can always learn something new and do until your body limits you.
        Take care.

  11. Opa! Grandfather? 😉 What a lovely tribute to the places you visited, Cindy! Wonderful photos as always. Welcome back home! 🙂

  12. Yes creativity with blogging takes a lot of courage as you are sticking your neck out there and you don’t know if you are good enough. It takes a bit to get going but in no time you feel at home. 🙂

  13. I always look forward to and thoroughly enjoy your posts, as I get to take a quick reprieve from reality and experience the joys of traveling the world, no matter where I am or what I’m doing at that moment. Thanks for sharing your exciting world with us all. 💗

  14. Cindy, what a wonderful commentary on this fantastic writing community that we share ! Your words strike at the heart of all that is admirable and good about it.
    The pictures that you’ve chosen are brilliant, Cuz !!! ……………………………Hugs !

  15. What wonderful things to say about creativity and the world of bloggers! You inspire us all, Cindy! Your photos are always professional and take us away to far away places and to your on holler. Wasn’t Prince Philip born on Corfu? I watched the Masterpiece series “The Durrells of Corfu” and loved the setting. Your photos make it seem even more beautiful than the series. Cheers and thanks for all the times you have visited my humble posts!

  16. Glorious photos and words so sweet to hear… I love being a part of such a great community. We are the greatest and we are changing the world. Yes x much love and gratitude x barbara x

  17. Thank you Cindy and Opa! to you too!💜 It is so lovely to meet you here and your images of Corfu bring back many happy holiday memories ☺ The creativity expressed in your blog is pure magic xxx

    1. Bloggers, like you Charles, are so deserving of appreciation! Thank you my friend, and I did see my comments finally posted on your blog, three times! There is some weird time delay going on…..

  18. Dear Cindy, These are what you have given us and much more…
    I can’t thank your enough for sharing your exquisite photos and inspiring words, enabling to enjoy your beautiful world and your wonderful travel experience. I feel lucky to be your follower and humbled for your blog friendship.
    Thank you for always finding time to visit my small blog posts. ~ Love, Amy

  19. No one could have said it better, Cindy. The creativity in the blogging community is so inspiring as are your stunning photos. I too watched the Masterpiece series “The Durrells of Corfu” and loved the setting. Your photos of the lizard is absolutely amazing! What a lovely photographic tribute to your Opa.

    1. I read The Corfu Trilogy while traveling. It is the book the series is based on, and I loved it. Amazing! You are the second person who mentioned this! Hugs to you my friend~

  20. Ravishing pictures and words, Cindy. I am forever amazed by the glorious views and creatures and visual treats you so regularly give all your followers and friends. Your eye becomes our eye through which to see our beautiful world, and it’s an antidote to other aspects of other worlds which sometimes intrude on the truth and beauty around us. Thank you…

    1. “an antidote to other aspects of other worlds which sometimes intrude on the truth and beauty around us.” You said something important here didn’t you! We need antidotes to the destructiveness of our world. Thank you Valerie. You touched my heart.

    1. My husband thinks the seventh photo is Santorini, not Corfu, and he may well be right. I used two cameras on this trip and tried to label photos clearly, but inevitably mixed some up. Hugs to you Alison. We have shared our mutual world journeys together and I have loved every minute of it.

  21. HI Cindy, I was so happy to see Corfu because I read a story about Gerald Durrell who spent some of his youth there after his father passed away.

  22. Wonderful series of images, Cindy. I especially liked the ones of Corfu (reminding me of my week there in the 1970s). Such beautiful colours and quaint cobblestoned streets. The scene from the top (?) of Santorini with the sea in the background is stunning.

  23. All of them Absolutely Stunning Cindy! The first that caught my attention right away was the buildings with the Wisteria! However, I could easily comment on ALL of them, but you would be reading all night long! 🙂 Wonderful !!

  24. Aww….Opa to you, my friend! You have mastered art of observation. I believe photography choose you for all your spectacular photographs and interesting commentaries.
    ᵗʱᵃᵑᵏઽ*♡ (꒪ั̅ᴗ꒪ั̅ )ℯ*¨*• ︵ ǝʌol♡

  25. Thanks for those outstanding photos! They are also to you, as a blogger, besides all other bloggers, for posting creativity, dreams and travel in images. Keep on with the great and inspiring work!

  26. Very well said, and well photographed as usual. I visited Santorini all too briefly ages ago. It’s a place I’d like to sit, read (blogs), and contemplate existence sometime.

  27. Just when I was feeling down I saw this post and immediately my sense of joy came flooding back – all gloom gone! Thank you so much Cindy! Gorgeous Photos and the sentiment about bloggers is awesome! Karen 🙂

  28. Reblogged this on Stories and more and commented:
    I simply had to share this brilliant post by an amazing blogger and more importantly a wonderful person – Cindy. I am a huge fan of her photographs, captions, views, thoughts, kindness, generosity…

  29. Delightful post all around, Cindy! It’s so amazing to be connected to so many wonderful, talented bloggers — and to see bits of the world through their eyes. I need to visit Greece now, ha!

  30. “This individual blogging courage and creativity results in a blogsphere replete with fascinating, absorbing and intriguing blog posts, that offer an improved alternative reading and viewing experience, that is a refreshing alternative to mass media.”- this reminds me why we are blogging at the first place.Thanks a lot!

    1. We actually perform a very important function. I understand that newspapers and magazines have falling readership problems because so many people are reading blogs. Editors and mass media writers read our blogs to get ideas for stories.

  31. This place, this electronic world, it’s like being on a big ship travelling all over with “persons of interest” in the detective story of life, unearthing all sorts of mysteries, solving the problems of stability vs adventure, education vs learning, providing for the future vs living in the moment, the passing of time vs experience preserved and then shared. It is tempting to trade the real world for this one. I’m resisting, as Wallace Stevens said about poetry and the intellect, “almost successfully.”

    These photographs are treasures, Cindy. Thank you for your very good work, including the compact explanations and insightful commentary.

  32. It’s a gorgeous truth in words that accompanies your wonderful photos you are sharing!
    Thank you for being a blogging pal of mine!

  33. I heartily concur. And the same back to you. As for the beautiful shots, thanks a lot, now there’s yet another place I have to go. (Ok, I’ve been to Corfu, but that was ages ago.)

    1. I am so sorry I missed this comment Graham. London needs no improvement, as you well know. It is a magical place, that I have visited so many times over my life. It doesn’t need color. It’s London! <3

  34. roneehenson

    What a beautiful post to wake up to !!! Will look at this many times !!!
    I’ll treasure it always !!!
    Hugs from Ronee

  35. Lovely post, Cindy! I am a big fan of the white buildings so typical for the Greek islands – and Corfu is really beautiful through your lens <3

  36. Cindy!!!!!! Are you ever at home? Or you are constantly moving is my guess. By the way you did say something about blogging being courageous, I agree….. What am I gonna say that I don’t agree and make you mad, no mam.
    Also another by the way, since through your blog I have visited pretty much every country in the world what is next? You’re gonna have to take me with you, and yes I will take the pictures no worries.

    1. You are awesome Charly and you are wonderful to travel with too! We never argue! 😉 😉 I have actually been home at The Holler for two months now. These photos are from my last trip. If all goes according to plan, we leave next to travel far up into the northern arctic on a small ice breaker looking for polar bears and other critters. We will be traveling around Iceland, Greenland and Norway.

      1. And actually that does sound quite exciting, would love to be there, in all those places you have been. But good news, I can travel through your blog. Have a great trip, and do not get to near those white polar bears.

  37. A big Ola! back to you Cindy – your blogging contribution is a wonderfully inspiring addition to this marvellous community. Cheers to you! 🙂 x

  38. What a beautiful post in every sense of the word Cindy. I agree with you so much. Blogging has totally changed my life, given me such confidence and made me a much happier person. Long may it continue. 🙂 x

    1. Isn’t it wonderful! People making deep connections across continents, countries, and all sorts of artificial divides. I love my blogging friends, like you Marje! <3

  39. Thank you for this wonderful post, Cindy. You inspire me as well, as the kindest blogger I have ‘met’, and as an incredibly talented photographer with photos that are frequently not only beautiful but touching and captivating as well. Cheers to you, my friend!

  40. Lovely shots, Cindy! And inspiring words. My feelings about our blogging community mirror yours! I am always inspired and grateful by our creative sharing of ideas, images…..

    1. Yes. It is so wonderful to see people sharing and caring, and behaving like people are supposed to, which is considerate and compassionate towards each other. I love being part of this community.

  41. What a wonderful post to honor the friendships we make here!! I am so grateful to have a connection with you and I thank you for the beauty you always show us…that comes from your heart. May the light shine on you always, Cindy <3

  42. A lovely post to start my week. I agree – blogging has opened the doors to new friends, amazing adventures, and new learning. Thank you for your generous spirit. Many hugs coming your way.

  43. Cindy, I agree: I think the willingness of bloggers to put their creativity out in the universe, consistently, in a blog, is a huge act of individual human courage.
    And we meet all sorts of people, who may be like-minded in that they value communication and respect for others, but still have very different experiences, perspectives, and talents.
    I’ve heard blogging is dying but it’s the most vibrant part of the internet for me.

    1. Yes. I agree with you entirely and no way blogging is dying, it is becoming more and more a primary source of information and online enjoyment for people, which is wonderful.

  44. I loved this Greek post with so many interesting features! I have a Greek restaurant across the street from me, the melted cheese slowly warming into a flame using the liquor to enhance the flames and flavor. They say, “Opa!” When the cheese spread is caught on fire! It is really a treat when you dip pita bread cut into triangles.
    The whole set of pictures is impressive! My favorites are the diner in the alley and the arch displaying a golden wall with decorated in color church. xo
    Cindy, have a beautiful summer, dear one! xo 🌞💮

    1. I want to eat at your restaurant! That sounds amazing Robin. Thank you for your great eye for detail and the careful way you looked at the photos. You are a wonderful friend~ <3

  45. What a warm and embracing tribute, Cindy, thank you so much. You articulate well the joys of blogging, while providing stunning photos and art to us. My heartfelt thanks to you and your many beautiful posts, always an inspiration.

  46. There’s a great incentive to get my creative head together and come up with something to post! Very inspirational 🙂 Still banging head against brick wall trying to find something to post…it’s getting a bit out of hand now lol no one can have bloggers block for this long!! I’m working on something….creative it maybe…but in the recycling bin it maybe going too!! Either way, this lovely post will shove me in the right direction 🙂

    1. Oh I sympathize. Your posts are so very creative, and detailed, and would require much creative inspiration and talent to create. Don’t push yourself. We are here when you are ready. <3

      1. My first two days off in a long time 😀 yay but the weathers not great in Glasgow, although I did go out yesterday and I’ve an afternoon party today hope the rain stays away ☔️ – you really did capture that and made me wish I was there whilst sat in the cloud ☁️ and grey

  47. I feel like a corfu lizard looking at all this beauty, reading your thoughts. I’m barely moving except for my eyes, drinking in the color. I love your flowers asking us to remember to appreciate the beauty around us, the refugee ducks in Germany, the gratitude to the blogging world. I’m so glad you stopped my blog and let me pop over and catch up on your travels. Santorini looks blinding. A rock concert for the eyes. It might be worth going blind to see it one day.

    1. You understand the watchful, quiet lizard! He is an observer who watches and sees, like you and I. This is why we connect so well my friend. We understand each other. Hugs to you and gratitude for your friendship! 🦎

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