249 thoughts on “Have Some Madeira M ‘Deah~

  1. Most beautiful pictures of a most beautiful land! When does the next ship depart?
    For many of our Founding Fathers, Madeira was the grape beverage of choice, and John Adams wrote to his wife about his consuming it when our founding documents were being written. Safe, quick travel was not possible, so they had to settle for the product of the vine.

  2. Cindy, oh what a gorgeous place to visit! I agree, it would really be hard to leave. The scenery and beauty make me visualize an alternative to Shangri-la or Brigadoon. I tend to think of Heaven on Earth, when I see places such as this. Thank you for sharing this and enjoy, my dear! <3

  3. I saw this post earlier on my phone, but I had to come back and look at it once I returned to my laptop. So gorgeous! Oh, what a treat to be able to visit there.

  4. These are the types of views that inspire great paintings. It’s paradise over there! I love the curvaceous design in the structures and landscaping (2nd from the bottom). And a lovely shot of the pair of gulls at the end! 🙂

    1. The garden did have a Japanese element to it that was striking with the contrasting red. Madeira has a decent sized populations for a small island, very European looking. Hope all is well Cynthia~ <3

      1. I can imagine because the photographs are extraordinary! By the way, I posted an update on my blog called Dear Followers, please check it out. <3

      1. Ah what a memory you have. Long story short the trip is cancelled. M’lady is recovering from rotator cuff tendon repair, nearly a 100% tear and we don’t even know how. She starts PT tomorrow but recovery will take months. No biking for her this summer.

        1. Oh no! I am so sorry. Please give her my hopes for a speedy recovery. This happened to me in Germany a few years back and it does take time to heal. So sorry!

  5. Better than a traveling magazine, Cindy. It’s look very inviting and so very different to the cold North right now. 😉

  6. Who needs wine, indeed, with all that beauty around you? Such wonderful blue sky. Perfect. Wish I was there with you, as we’re having a very grey and chilly Spring in the UK. Even when there’s a blue sky, the wind is from the North.

  7. These are all beautiful shots. I can see why people would want to live there. The top of that steep hill’s not the best place for someone who loves cycling, though. 🙂

    1. Well, to be honest, it wasn’t the fish that gossiped about you, it was the birds, and frankly, I got tired of all the laudatory commentary. Brenda this, Brenda that……Scheesch!

    1. I am weaving back and forth between Portugal & Spain. My, my, they both are spectacular. Today I was given a Spanish flag because a woman appreciated me speaking Spanish. Just so nice!

    1. Oh, that is such a shame! I have been twice and each visit makes my heart grow even fonder. I hope you are well Fae and cheers to you my friend~ <3 <3

    1. The trick would be finding a way to stay here permanently! I think the people who live on Madeira and The Azores are some of the most fortunate people on earth.

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  9. So good to hear you are enjoying Madeira. Am in Rhodes so guess you will be in Spain when I am here or back in UK. Am back in Spain about late May. Enjoy and maybe you will visit again.

    1. Well, we are certainly at different places at the same time! We will be in Rhodes next year and I have never been so look forward to hearing about your time. Be well & cheers~

  10. Is this heaven? lol This reminds me of this very nice and cozy places in Cap-Haitian, Haiti. Jacmel is also nice this time of year. It is so nice over there 🙂 Great pictures as always 🙂

  11. Cindy,your photographs have no rival! They are beautiful, vivid and perfect. I love Portugal, my favorite language is spoken there, so romantic! Thank you dear Cindy for brightening the day.

  12. So the comment went away…I have been to Madeira seven times, and love the Island. Hiking the levadas and the mountains. Now it has been six years since the last time.

    1. Time to go again! If it didn’t require such distance travel for me, I would go more often to both Madeira and The Azores. They are really unique and isolated beauties~

      1. Love them all. The Azores have a special place in my heart. I fear they are going to be too exploited now. Those lonely places in the forests with hot pools…last time we visited they were not lonely anymore .

      2. I hear you. The factor in their favor is the ferocity of winter storms which may deter people from visiting at least for part of the year. I would love to see The Azores in a storm! I hear Portugal is under-advertising The Azores due to their uniqueness and vulnerability.

      1. He may know a lot about wine but unless he has had the wines of Embres-Castlemaure, he has more tasting ahead of him… a tough job I know! 🙂 x

  13. I think I have to agree with you…if I lived anywhere near where these photos were taken, I am not sure I would or could leave. I’ve only known Madeira via the wine (which alone is a good reason not to leave too I suppose!), but never really knew or heard about its beauty. This kinda blew me away, as I would have put Porto as #1 ~ this place of Madeira is more my style 🙂

    1. And then there are The Azores. The Azores are freaking spectacular. They are these pristine, biologically unique, sparsely populated, islands. You would love them too Randall!

      1. They now go on my list, and I have not heard anything about them other than the name. What is that old saying. “so many places, so little time…” Happy to see you are not wasting any of it 🙂

  14. Reblogged this on SUSANNE LEIST and commented:
    Have Some Madeira M ‘Deah~
    To be perfectly clear, the wine is very fine,
    but Madeiraland,
    is wonderland,
    so who needs wine?
    If I lived here,
    would I ever leave?
    Cheers to you from Madeira Portugal~

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