Two Headed Giraffes~

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Giraffes know that two heads are better than one.

You can look in two different directions at the same time!

And one head can be used to prod the other along.

Three heads are even better than two,
but more prone to go in different directions.
Eventually they all reach accord.
But four heads?
That’s just too confusing!
Cheers to you from the elegant, intelligent giraffes~

166 thoughts on “Two Headed Giraffes~

  1. Giraffes are so wonderful animals and have the most beautiful eyes. You are so lucky to see them in their right element, the nature, and thank you so very much for sharing Cindy 😀

  2. I could watch giraffes for hours. Love their combination of elegant spotted pattern and awkward, gangly body. Cindy, thanks for all the multiple choices in head “shots.”

    1. I am in South Africa. These were taken in Kruger National Park. We are self driving and are now on the outside of the park.
      Thinking of you and your family my friend on this Memorial Day~

  3. You couldn’t possibly have chosen a better animal to feature to put a smile on my face Cindy and I love the pictures. I love elephants but there’s something special about the giraffe.
    xxx Huge Hugs xxx

  4. Giraffes are rather amazing creatures, aren’t they? Their reticulated patterns are beautiful and those eyelashes – wow! I remember being amazed at their black tongues! Great pics, Cindy!

    1. Their movements are unlike any other creature. They ungulate along in a most unusual manner, and when they run it is fascinating to watch! Recently I was looking over The Sabie River at the bush, when I spied a giraffe head poking out of the trees!!!

    1. Yes, they are simply delightful to watch, not only because of the way they move and interact as a group, but because of the way they interact with you! They are quite curious about us.

  5. OMG! The first picture😱I almost thought there were two headed giraffes on the planet. Then better sense prevailed and I counted the legs. Beautiful photography👍😇

    1. Spotting wild animals in their natural environment is probably my most favorite activity. Antarctica & Africa are the two places that I have seen that are the best for this. Cheers to you my friend & hope all is well with you~

      1. Yes, I can see why that is such a wonderful way to spend your time – and we all benefit from the photos of your endeavours!! Cheers back, and yes, all well here, thanks 🙂

  6. Ah, thanks to your efforts Cindy, these photos brought back memories of my close encounter with a giraffe. I visited a safari around Santa Rosa, CA and a giraffe waltzed right up to the vehicle we tourists were riding in and spent a good while rubbing him/herself against the car! Giraffes are a truly amazing sight, and I consider myself fortunate to see one that up close! <3 ~Lynn

  7. Elegantes animales 🙂 aunque para beber tienen que hacer auténticos ejercicios gimnásticos. Las fotos son estupendas porque nos acercan los detalles para que podamos deleitarnos en ellos.

      1. By the way, it was the lovely background on your blog that inspired me to look into how to dress up my own. I’m rather pleased with the result. You can learn a lot just by paying attention to other people’s stuff. Oooh, life lesson, or as one of my literature professors would put it, A Great Truth.

      2. Yes, I have learned so much from other bloggers. I read a lot of blogs now and they are important to me. They have replaced mass media in informing me about the world. They entertain, educate, move and relax me. It is like the blogging media network. I am fully immersed in this blogging network and I value it immensely! Glad you are a part of it~

  8. Great animals to watch… when we lived in Rhodesia a local hotel.. Tods Hotel.. had a tame giraffe. I learnt so much about this animal just watching it go about its daily doings… what a wonderful, and actually powerful animal it is… glad you’re enjoying my country…

  9. WHO – Is that really a two headed giraffe or did you just capture that in such a great angle?
    I think I see two – then I think – huh?
    Oh Cindy – you really got me here. 😀

    1. Africa does this to your eyes. I have a series of African Optical Illusions that I will post. I think it is a result of the animal’s camoflauge, which really does confuse the eye.

  10. Truly lovely photos, Cindy, and fun narrative. Love that photo with the three giraffes all facing in one direction. I’m so happy you’re having a great safari. 😀

    1. Yes. Someone just poached a rhino nearby. He was rescued, but terribly injured. It is horrible to think about, because they are grazers and let you take photos nearby. I can’t imagine violating creatures like this~

  11. Pingback: Two Headed Giraffes~ | A Photo Journal Of Special Moments

  12. So very pleased you like the giraffes my friend. They are the most fun to watch and so interactive and curious. They walk at you to see what your doing. I love em. Thank you so much Patty!

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