Punto Tombo~

Punto Tumbo is a nature reserve located on Argentina’s central Patagonian coast.

It was set aside as a reserve in 1979,

and is home to the largest colony of Magellanic Penguins in the world.

It is also home to the Guanaco, the largest non-domesticated herbivore in South America.

Guanacos are members of the camel family and are undomesticated or wild llamas.

Adult Guanacos can weigh up to 310 pounds and are excellent swimmers.

They coexist happily with the penguins,

which is just a shameless lead-in to slip in a couple more penguin pics!

The final photo is from Gypsy Cove in The Falkland Islands which is an entirely different colony of Magellanic Penguins that I also couldn’t resist slipping in.

Cheers to you from the stunning wild creatures of the southern latitudes~