Say Hi to the World’s Heaviest Eagle!

Okay class. This is the last of your unsolicited tutorials on raptors of the world.
Meet the Stellar Sea Eagle.
Thought to be rarest raptor in the world.
It is considered by many to be the world’s most magnificent raptor, and is the heaviest eagle in the world, even larger than the Harpy. It wingspan can be over 8 feet. That’s three world records for only one birdie!
That’s kinda like being Lance Armstrong before we found out he was cheating.
Anyhoo, little is known about the Stellar Sea Eagle due to their remote habitat. They live exclusively on the North East Coast of Russia, North Korea and select coastal areas of Japan. They catch fish, mainly salmon, while flying along the surface of the water. Check out the side view of this eagle’s eye in the photo below. You can see the retina and how it swivels, giving the Stellar his incredible prey spotting capabilities, and you can see through the transparent aqueous body of the eye.
Here is an interesting factoid. The Stellar engages in a practice called “Kleptoparasitism.”
I’ve known a person or two in my life who seemed to engage in this practice as well. But I digress……
Anyhoo, the Stellar rips off other bird’s kills. I guess the other birds know enough not to object.
I don’t know about you, but I certainly wouldn’t!
“Want my salmon? Sure! Take it all….No problem. I wasn’t hungry anyway…..”
Afterall, this is one big birdie, with one very big beak!
If this eagle escaped from the zoo and flew to The Holler, I would catch a wind-draft to Arizona, along with the red-tails and every other raptor at The Holler!
Cheers to you from The Holler!

69 thoughts on “Say Hi to the World’s Heaviest Eagle!

  1. Timely post – if this eagle lives in the Kamchatka peninsula then it lives in an area of outstanding beauty. Amazing how it just comes along and takes others’ kill..

    1. Have you been? We are discussing Russia for 2014. I would be most interested to hear about your experiences. Seeing this eagle catch salmon would be a once in a lifetime experience. Your blog is stunning~

      1. And I was just thinking how my blog should be more like yours, with real and exotic information! Yes, have been – and live right next door now too. I would say a trip to the Russian Federation needs good planning, to see what you want. Also consider when you’d like to go, in the year – that’s obvious.. Kamchatka is spectacular…but it is far, very far, at least from here. The Baltic republics are great too, on the border, and where would you start in Siberia! I know Yakutia well and other places. Will find out about hawks. Certainly in Tien Chan mountains was very interesting, in Kazakhstan. Those hawks and their ‘masters’ really understand each other.

      2. Uhhhh. I think you have me trounced on exotic locations! Just reading this paragraph gets me motivated for Russia and the Baltic! I can just imagine the beauty of Kamchatka and would love to see it. Our discussion now is between Greenland and Russia/Baltic. I am sending your comments and blog to my husband for his perusal. Thank you! I need to read more of your blog to find out more about you! Fascinating!

  2. jalal michael sabbagh.

    Hi Cindy , my wife and l just came back from Alaska and we saw the wild Eagles but not like the one on your post.Thank you so much for visiting my blog.Have a wonderful week.jalal

  3. Wouldn’t it be amazing to fly with the eagles!

    “Once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward, for there you have been, and there you will always long to return.”
    ― Leonardo da Vinci

    1. LOL. Hi Jasmine! Great to hear from you! Yes I agree with you. I would love to hang around these raptors and take their photos. I have missed you! I’m heading over to your blog to see what you’ve been up to. I haven’t gotten any posts from you in my reader for a long time. This has happened with other bloggers too……

  4. Wow, he is a beautiful bird, but to be honest, I’m kinda glad he doesn’t live around here! I’d have to don a helmet every time I left the house just to feel a tiny bit more safe, lol!

    1. For some reason raptors don’t scare me at all. I like being close, even to the big ones I saw in Patagonia. Rattlesnakes? They creep me out. Got a pic of one though!!!

  5. Pingback: A Different Kind of Bird | Views from the Hill

  6. We were hiking on Massanutten Mountain (in the Blue Ridge, just east of the Appalancians) this weekend. On a series of limestone out-croppings we watched a pod of turkey vultures pearch on a nearby cliff, the launch off into the western updrafts with hardly a flap of their wings. They drifted, turned, glided back, and slowly disappeared into the forest below us. I always enjoy seeing these birds in flight from above.
    Oscar (saw Barney’s link from his blog on other kinds of birds)

    1. Yes. We have turkey vultures in great numbers here as well. They are magnificent gliders. They fly and barely move a feather. They do cluster when they detect carrion. I need to work on some photos of them. They are somewhat monochromatic, so I would need to work at it, but I think I will, thanks to your comments! Since we too are on a mountain, I have watched them fly from above. You are right they are so graceful!

    1. Its big and almost awkward looking. But I can just imagine them swooping along the coastal waters of The Kamchatka Pennisula, grasping salmon from the waters with their talons. I would so love to see this someday!

  7. Pingback: Rapture~ | From guestwriters

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